Shalom dear friends,
After much hard work, I am very proud to announce that JTF's very own
"Fitnah" film entitled
"Islam: Cult of Death" [which really is effectively
a JTF TRIBUTE to Geert Wilders] - now has 2 completely new and Updated Versions available for download from
If you have a Zootube-Youtube, LiveLeak or other video-hosting account, then PLEASE do as Chaim has advised previously and upload this to as many video-hosting sites as you can.There are 2 brand new versions available for download:
[Brand NEW Uncensored version with the horrific beheading scene at the end - completely updated with additional photos and text]
[Brand NEW Uncensored version with the horrific beheading scene at the end - completely updated with additional photos and text]
[Another Brand New version with very rare footage of the Madrid train bombings - the muslim Nazi terrorist attacks in Spain in March, 2004 - but completely updated with additional photos and text - minus the beheading scene]If you have attempted to upload the previous versions without success, rest assured that these 2 new versions will definitely be able to be uploaded.
Even if they stay up for only a few hours and only a few hundred people see them for each upload THAT WILL AMOUNT TO MANY THOUSANDS OF TOTAL VIEWS FOR JTF, thereby we will have gotten our great message out to many thousands of Good, Righteous people who probably would have NEVER EVEN PREVIOUSLY HEARD OF JTF otherwise in their entire life: that is why I strongly urge you to upload these 2 videos to as many sites as you can.THANK YOU AND G-D BLESS YOU DEAR JTF'ers FOR YOUR WONDERFUL, CONTINUAL SUPPORT IN SPREADING OUR MESSAGE IN THE CAUSE OF THIS LIFE & DEATH STRUGGLE TO SAVE ISRAEL & WESTERN CIVILIZATION FROM THE SCOURGE OF ISLAMONAZISM!!!!