I just finished watching the video.........very good and straight to the point, but just like Spectator, I just couldn't finish watching the beheading at the end....these people are truly sick to the extreme when they are teaching twelve year old children to cut a person's head off.....
I just wished that someone can somehow get this video to have as much exposure as possible so that an average non-muslim can see what will happen if we keep ignoring this problem.........
..another way is to convince registered voters throughout the world to stop buying muslim oil so that they cannot continue doing things like this...
I have always been against "ANY" kind of collaboration, whether social, military or political, with any country where Sharia or something close to it rules....
Killing them is not the answer, but rather isolate them to the point where they themselves start figuring out that today's civilized society will no longer accept the "we are muslim and are not given our full democratic rights" excuse...please let that day come soon.
solution formula: isolation of muslims + no petrodollars + limit of 2 muslim children/family = PEACE IN THE WORLD.
Some have said to me that I am somewhat soft on isolating muslims instead of killing them. Why? Because I want to show these Satan followers of Islam that Judeo-Christian values are better and teach us to tolerate other religions and beliefs.
btw, the pictures of the beheaded serbs were actually found when the Serbs from Bosnia captured those who took the pictures....I don't even want to know how those muslims' lives ended. The muslim that is showing proudly his Serbian prize is definitely from Saudi Arabia, a US ally (what is wrong with us?) which funds more new mosque buildings and terrorist acts than all other muslim countries (if they can be called countries) combined.