Flagged! I have been flagging at least 20 or more videos a day, trying to get the muzzie videos taken off.........they gave some great instructions for flagging them, I will post here, if some of you don't know about this. I didn't, and am glad I found this:
Well! First you click on the featured harabist garbage video. Then...
If you have not already done so, log in to YouTube.
If you see "Confirm Birth Date," click on it. It's your agreement that you are 18 or over.
When the video appears, STOP or PAUSE it a few seconds after it has launched if you don't want to watch. If you choose to watch, we can tell you that you need a strong stomach. These videos are offensive, graphic, and very upsetting to some.
Just below and to the right of the video, click on "Flag". This opens another view that gives you the option to "Select a Reason" as to why you are flagging this video.
Choose "Hateful or Abusive Content"
Next choose "Promotes Hatred or Violence."
Where it says - "Please indicate the group attacked" choose - "ethnic origin" "national origin" "religion" or "veterans status". You can use the additional information section below to voice your outrage, or disgust, or even simple comments such as - "It is unlawful to host terrorist videos on US Servers!" or "I can't believe that you stream these videos for terrorist recruiters."
When you're done, go back up to the middle of the box and click "Flag This Video".
A green (currently) box pops up and says - "Thank you for sharing your concerns" or some other message indicating you are done. You can then arrow back to this site or exit.
Hope this helps some of you as much as it's helped me. Forgive me if someone has already posted "flagging" info already.