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Ugly left-wing Jewesses

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Well if hideous skanks deserve a retirement pension just because they munch on carpet, then don't we JTF members deserve full pensions for choosing all wood and stone floors?      :o

I WANT MY MONEY!!!     >:(

They all look like female versions of Yasser Arafat.

Male Jews who support Land for Peace, like Dan Meridor, who was once a good looking fellow, also become more & more uglier as they pursue their folly!

What Meridor means is your land for peace -- not his.

He'll be among the first ones fleeing Eretz Yisrael by chartered jet when Hamas overruns the entire country.

Ari Ben-Canaan:

I used to think Sarah Silverman was pretty [especially for a 40 year old, I had thought she was much younger] when I first saw her.  Later I found out what her political views are...  oy vey, she is meshugana.

Ben Shapiro nails it:

--- Quote ---"Sarah Silverman, Not a real Jew -- So shut up!"

Potty-mouthed comedienne (yes, I still use gender specific terms, because that's what we do when we speak proper non-PC English) Sarah Silverman recently appeared on CNN for what was supposed to be a hip, cool segment exploring her demented mind.

During the course of that segment, she said she was appalled by the institution of marriage because it doesn't incorporate the union of two men or two women:

"I'm starting to get appalled by anybody who would get married in this day and age ... I mean, it’s like, if you say, if you joined a club, a country club, you know, in the 60s that, where no blacks or Jews were allowed. Why would you want to join that country club? ... I find marriage has a very ugly mark on it right now, and I would not want to be a part of it."

Fortunately (and unsurprisingly) for Sarah, no one is asking her to be a part of it.  But the part of her little montage that stuck with me was her focus on her religious status:

I’m not Jewish by religion. I don’t, I’m not religious. I mean, the only times I’m religious are when I’m very, very sick, and, like, on the bathroom floor, like in sweat, I will definitely find G-d, or in incredible amounts of turbulence. I don’t think I’m an atheist. I’m not an atheist. I just, I’m just agnostic. I don’t know the answers. But, ethnically, in the ways that I cannot control, I’m Jewish. It comes out of my pores. It’s beyond my control.

So she's not a religious Jew.  We knew that.  But what sticks out is the fact that she continues to behave as though the Jewishness "coming out of her pores" grants her special status to speak for Jews, even though she's rejected their religion.  For example, she created "The Great Schlep," in which she encouraged young Jews to travel to Florida to bully their grandparents into voting for Obama.  In the course of that obnoxious and crass video, she said:

If Barack Obama doesn't become the next president of the United States, I'm going to blame the Jews.  I am.  ... Here are some fun facts: Barack Obama’s foreign policy is much more stabilizing than John Mccain’s…and much better for Israel. ... His brisket is beyond. It’s beyond. He’s circum-supersized. You don’t have to use facts…Use threats. There’s nobody more important or influential over your grandparents than their grandkids…you. If they vote for Barack Obama, they’re gonna get another visit this year. If not, let’s just hope they stay healthy until next year.

It is pathetic and ridiculous when cultural Jews like Silverman (born Jewish, reject Judaism) play the Jewish card.  She has no business lecturing any Jews on anything political as a Jew.  How much money does Silverman give to Israel each year?  Let's see her tax return.

Until then, Sarah, shut up.  You have no authority, no legitimacy, and nothing of interest to say on Judaism (or marriage for that matter, but I'll leave that for another time).  Just because you talk frequently about your genitals does not make you an expert on the Torah, the mitzvot, or anything except nose jobs.  Stick to your gross out humor and leave Judaism and Israel to the real Jews -- the ones who actually care about Judaism rather than bagels.
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