Israel > Save Israel

Ugly left-wing Jewesses

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--- Quote from: wonga66 on June 08, 2010, 02:14:04 PM ---That that traitoress Tali Fahima has apostasised to Islam,7340,L-3902175,00.html
watch her go even more ugly!

A nomin al Jew who actually apostasises to another religion is viewed in the Kaballah as a goyishe soul that was 'misplaced' in a Jewish body, just like a ger tzedek is considered to have been a Yiddishe neshomo that got 'lost' in a gentile guf!

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I hope her parents sat shiva for this abomination

You know, others have noticed this too. My son often comments to me that leftist Jews are very ugly; he thinks they are erev rav, and that Hashem marks them as such by their ugliness.

I have also noticed that I have seen many non-frum Yidden who are unattractive, but I have never seen an ugly Chabad woman. Interesting.

Although they are not Miss Worlds, the inner hadar of even non-Kahanist older rebbetzens comes through, as can be seen in these clips

I knew a Rebbetzin many years ago, who I would go to when I had problems. Once, a boyfriend and I broke up, and like a typical teenager I was distraught over it (even though my mom would say, "There are many fish in the sea")...anyway, this Rebbetzin as so sweet, and so kind, and she took my face into her hands and said, "Child, do you believe in Hashem? Because if you do, you know that He sees the future, and He knows what is best for each of us.".

I forget what else she said at the time, but I remember her as being so angelic, so kind....truthfully I have never known non-religious Jews who were like that, only the frum Yidden. And the more frummy they were, the more they were like that!


--- Quote from: galileerat on July 15, 2009, 10:09:54 AM ---A coven of left wing activist Lesbian Jewesses in the news,7340,L-3746952,00.html

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The last one looks like Kruschev with hair.


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