Well, I was raised in a very modern and open family. Where everyone respects everyone else.
I know I am intolerant with muslims but this is because they are life threatening to me. Homosexuals aren't! I have nothing against it. It is everybody's own problem to do or not do what he wants. And I am not in a position to blame others for their sins since I am not a saint either. Sometimes I eat non kosher food, I have worked on Sabbaths in order to keep my job.
And I know several gays from my former school and even my own uncle. So what? They never did me any harm? So why should I hate them, reject them or treat them bad. If I did that I would think I was superior and the Lord created all humans equal, didn't He?
Why this concern with only 5% of the population if there is a bunch of 1.4 billion ready to end up with everything that really matters: The entire Judaism, the State of Israel, Europe, US and Christianity! And being medievally intolerant to others will only generate more intolerance as well. That goes to the Jewish, Catholic and Pentecostal Christians who put the moral above everything and forget to care of their own lives an defend it against real threats! 
This is a lame excuse Hyades... The Torah is eternal and so is its moral code. Every sin is a sin and to justify it because you sin is just as bad as being gay yourself.
A Jew must be able to control himself... This is why we eat Kosher, this is why we keep Shabbat. We are not animals, we are above them. If you are comfortable being an animal, woe unto you.
You really need to find a nice Rabbi who will teach you what it means to be a Mensch. I am glad you are not a member of my minyan...
PS: Where is Torah does it say that all men are created equal? This is a mistake you have made. Actually we are not all equal... Judaism establishes Levis and Cohens which have special priveleges. So too men and women are not equal in physical nor in spiritual terms. Everyone has a special gift given to them by Hashem, but we all have different gifts. WE are not equal. Some people are smarter than I, some much dumber, some richer, and some poorer. I am ok with this..
Torah says that Man is created in the image of G-d... What this means is that we have the ability to CREATE. Creation is the way man becomes like G-d. I am a creative person and I learn that through my stopping creation on Shabbat that Hashem is the master of the world, and I am not. All humanity has the potential to be like Hashem, but gays have given up the ability to create the next generation. This is a sin, a grave one, and the reasons gay sex will never be acceptable to the L-rd.
I also know some nice gays... That doesn't make me condone that lifestyle of sin... I also know drug dealers and gangsters and I don't condone that activity. I hope to raise up those in sin.
Also who here has suggested being unkind or evil towards gays? I for one have not. I am very kind to gay people and I try to get them to understand the error of their ways. Judaism doesn't condone tormenting someone for their sexual problems. It does suggest rebuking them for their sin.