How many percent of the Albanians are muslims? I know some, they are anti-muslims and they are Ortodox Christians.

Shalom brother
ProudZionist and brother
The Albanian Muslim population is well over
70% - soon approaching
80% because of the sheer number of offspring the Albanian Muslims produce.
Also, listen to the last couple of
Ask JTF shows in the archives and see what Chaim had to say about the Albanian Christians support or otherwise for a so-called "independent [terrorist] Kosovo". Read what brother
JTFFan had to say about Albanian so-called Christian attitudes to the KLA Muslim Nazi theft of the religious heart and soul of Serbia - the Serbs' Jerusalem: Kosovo and
Metohija!!! [Metohija in Serbian means:
"Land of the Monasteries"]
I guarantee you that the overwhelming majority of the Albanian Christians - while otherwise very good and decent people - support the
KLA Muslim Nazi-dominated terrorist theft of Kosovo which has led to the horrific genocide and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Albanian Muslim Nazis against 350,000 Serbs, Jews and Roma in "Kristallnacht" Nazi style pogroms.Go ahead and ask your Albanian Christian friend his opinion on that. I want to hear you tell me that your Albanian Christian friend will say something similar to what Chaim has always said in JTF videos:
"Kosovo belongs to the Heroic Serbs!! Kosovo always was Serb land and always will be!!"