Oba hn short Qles and appearance on Jay Leno are be i, are Los Ange him., are all part of his deter, deny, and distract tactics.
He is so caught up in "being the first black president" a his ", should b on top of,eso-called legacy", that the real issues that he as a President are trivial to him.
Obama, actually believes he is a "rockstar".
But, even as a "rockstar", he falls flat.
When you've got it you've got it, and I'm sorry, but Obama hasn't got it.
And this is something that is becoming more evident everytime he opens his mouth and tries to be cool.
Now, what will be interesting, is to see as the economic problems of the U.S. get worse and it starts to directly affect his supporters inclusive of their own bank accounts and they become more critical of him and his administration; like Maxine Waters, what will be his tactic to appease those supporters.
I do believe that the hero worship of Obama, is going to slowly and steadily dwindle down.