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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2009, 11:50:05 AM »
There is no such nation as Amalek today. The descendants of Amalek are dispersed among all nations, including the Jews themselves.
According to one halachic opinion. The Religious Nationalist camp of rebbes would disagree.

But deliberate killing of so-called "Palestinians", no matter what age,  JUST BECAUSE THEY BELONG TO THAT NATION is absolutely forbidden by Torah Law.
First of all there is no Palestinian "nation", but even if there was you would be wrong. This statement almost opposes Zionism himself. What did G-d command the Israelites to do to the Muslim Nazis of ancient times (Canaanites, Amalekites, Midianites, etc.), the Nazi beasts whose satanic moon-worship religion directly spawned Islam?

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2009, 01:15:22 PM »
These T-shirts should be banned. We must not let our fight against the muslim beasts turn us into insensitive brutes.

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2009, 01:19:08 PM »
So where can I order one of these T-shirts?

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2009, 01:27:06 PM »
There is no such nation as Amalek today. The descendants of Amalek are dispersed among all nations, including the Jews themselves.
According to one halachic opinion. The Religious Nationalist camp of rebbes would disagree.

So you want to state that according to other halachic opinions "Palestinians" considered to be Amalek? Please quote them. I think you'll find it hard because such halachic decrees do not exist.

But deliberate killing of so-called "Palestinians", no matter what age,  JUST BECAUSE THEY BELONG TO THAT NATION is absolutely forbidden by Torah Law.
First of all there is no Palestinian "nation", but even if there was you would be wrong. This statement almost opposes Zionism himself. What did G-d command the Israelites to do to the Muslim Nazis of ancient times (Canaanites, Amalekites, Midianites, etc.), the Nazi beasts whose satanic moon-worship religion directly spawned Islam?

1. I know there is no Palestinian nation. This term is forged by Arab propaganda to oppose Zionism and the right of the Jews to the Land of Israel. That is why I write it using "" just to avoid long description like "Arabs currently living in the Land of Israel".
(I have to admit it is a very powerful term to appeal to the Christians because for many Christians it is a synonim for "Holy Land", "the land where Jesus was born", etc. so when Arabs are fighting for "Palestine" against the Jews they imply that it is in Christians' interests too).

2. G-d indeed commanded to exterminate (or let peacefully go if they choose to) ancient Cannanites and other sinners but it has nothing to do with our times and with Islam. You do not have any halachic basis to link between two these things. Judaism is law, not poetry and parables.

The fact that G-d commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac does not mean that every Jew or righteous gentile should do that. It was one-time commandment to the specific man. The fact that Pinchas killed Zimri and his Moavite girlfriend while they were committing adultery does not mean that every Jew or righteous gentile should do that.

Each person and generation have their own challenges.

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2009, 01:27:52 PM »
These T-shirts should be banned. We must not let our fight against the muslim beasts turn us into insensitive brutes.

Very true.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2009, 02:44:40 PM »
Any nation that makes war against the Jewish people is Amalek.

No. In times of Moshe and the exodus from Egypt, there were many other nations than Amalek who made wars against the Jews.

And today, while leaders and masterminds of enemy nations may indeed (not necessarily) descend from Amalek, it does not mean that ALL individuals from that nations are Amalekites. That is why we are not allowed to exterminate them. To kill a civilian that does not have a means and intention to kill you is a murder.

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2009, 03:11:00 PM »
I'll have to post an audio where Chaim talks about the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Kook, and Rabbi Kahane all saying that all nations that make war against the Jewish people count as Amalek nowadays.  With regard to the civilians, Joshua killed civilians during the conquest of Canaan.  It is the only way to wipe out evil people to keep your own people safe.  Being kind to the cruel is being cruel to the kind.  As you know, this is a love site.  But we're supposed to be loving Jews, not their enemies who want Jews destroyed.

As I have already said what Joshua has done during the conquest of Canaan was the specific commandent for the certain time against the certain peoples. It has nothing to do with the situation today.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not kind to our cruel enemies. We should destroy terrorist organizations, infrastructure and hateful propaganda. But to achieve this goal, it is absolutely unnecessary [and criminal] to kill ALL Arabs in the Land of Israel.

But yes, post the audio. I want to listen what exactly it says.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2009, 04:26:42 PM »
The Jew haters and muslims across the globe are determined to wipe Israel out. Now about the t see when it comes to dirty evil propanganda, the muslims excell at that and those t shirts are nothing in comparison to the hate propanganda against the Jews.
Muslims wear all kinds of nazi clothing, hold nazi posters, they have posters and t shirts calling Jews nazis and they turn the truth around completely.
If I were in charge of the Israeli soldiers, I would order them to execute every palestinian. Palestinians were born to MURDER!!! If the Palestinians love death, DAMMIT.........GIVE IT TO THEM! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I have no compassion for our enemy, our enemy is supposed to be killed and killed soon.
Israel has 2 choices....give up or kill her enemy. There is nothing inbetween.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2009, 04:41:13 PM »
The Jew haters and muslims across the globe are determined to wipe Israel out. Now about the t see when it comes to dirty evil propanganda, the muslims excell at that and those t shirts are nothing in comparison to the hate propanganda against the Jews.
Muslims wear all kinds of nazi clothing, hold nazi posters, they have posters and t shirts calling Jews nazis and they turn the truth around completely.
If I were in charge of the Israeli soldiers, I would order them to execute every palestinian. Palestinians were born to MURDER!!! If the Palestinians love death, DAMMIT.........GIVE IT TO THEM! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I have no compassion for our enemy, our enemy is supposed to be killed and killed soon.
Israel has 2 choices....give up or kill her enemy. There is nothing inbetween.

Even if your opinion is that certain groups of people are so evil and so dabgerous that they should be destroyed, you shouldn't take this decision lightly. Actually and Especially because that is your opinion you should not make it into a joke.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2009, 05:28:01 PM »
The Jew haters and muslims across the globe are determined to wipe Israel out. Now about the t see when it comes to dirty evil propanganda, the muslims excell at that and those t shirts are nothing in comparison to the hate propanganda against the Jews.
Muslims wear all kinds of nazi clothing, hold nazi posters, they have posters and t shirts calling Jews nazis and they turn the truth around completely.
If I were in charge of the Israeli soldiers, I would order them to execute every palestinian. Palestinians were born to MURDER!!! If the Palestinians love death, DAMMIT.........GIVE IT TO THEM! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I have no compassion for our enemy, our enemy is supposed to be killed and killed soon.
Israel has 2 choices....give up or kill her enemy. There is nothing inbetween.

Even if your opinion is that certain groups of people are so evil and so dabgerous that they should be destroyed, you shouldn't take this decision lightly. Actually and Especially because that is your opinion you should not make it into a joke.

Zelhar, I am not joking. My opinion about how to deal with them is based purely on common sense ( that part of our brain that helps us survive. )
If the Israelis do not remove the palestinians, Israel will cease to exist in 30 or 40 years from now.  So what is left?
You obviously cannot negoiate with terrorists, you have to kill terrorists...which is what the palestinians are.

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2009, 05:46:13 PM »
I have to come down on the side of the shirts being tasteless. While defeating ones enemies and protecting your Loved ones property etc should be a cause for rejoicing, the death of children and other innocents is never a good thing.

I am not saying that the Arab population in Gaza is Innocent. In Fact, they should be condeemed and removed from Israel for their actions. But to promote the killing of a child crosses a line.
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2009, 06:25:54 PM »
the death of children and other innocents
Are you freakin' kidding me? "Innocents"? The only Arabs that are "innocent" are just-fertilized Arab zygotes. Please. These are the ghouls that dance in the streets and pass out candy when a Jew is blown to bits, and have parties in the town squares of Iraq when dying U.S./British soldiers are dragged through the streets, tied to poles, and burned alive.

I am being a moderate when I say these devil-spawn should be shot. If it were up to me they'd die a lot more painfully, while their parents watch.

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2009, 06:33:00 PM »
Hasn't anyone heard the phrase "kill your enemy before they kill you" ?

The original Jewish phrase is "The one who rose up to kill you, kill him first". ("Ha-kam lehargecha, hashkem lehargo" in Hebrew).

It means that if there you see someone who wants to kill you now and has a means to do it (weapon, for example), you are allowed and obliged to kill him in order to save your life. It implies direct and immediate danger to your life.

Therefore, an Arab who lives quietly in his village and breeds his donkeys does not fall into this category. Yes, he may be used by Hamas and he does not like Jews at all, but it is insufficient to kill him. To kill him is to commit murder.

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2009, 06:35:40 PM »
I'll have to post an audio where Chaim talks about the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Kook, and Rabbi Kahane all saying that all nations that make war against the Jewish people count as Amalek nowadays.  With regard to the civilians, Joshua killed civilians during the conquest of Canaan.  It is the only way to wipe out evil people to keep your own people safe.  Being kind to the cruel is being cruel to the kind.  As you know, this is a love site.  But we're supposed to be loving Jews, not their enemies who want Jews destroyed.

I do not believe that they said this. Every nation which rises against the Jews is not Amalek. I have heard several Rabbis explicitly say that today we don't know who Amalek is. Although it certainly seems like the arabs are the inheritors of the role of Amalek it is difficult to prove this to be so. The last known Amalekite was Haman who was of Persian descent.
Fabian wrote:

    Dear Rabbi,

    Who is Amalek?

Dear Fabian,

Amalek was the illegitimate son of Elifaz, and the grandson of Esav. (Amalek’s mother was the illegitimate daughter of Amalek’s father).

The progeny of Amalek are the archetypal enemy of the Jewish People. Their very existence is diametrically opposed to the Torah. The Sages describe the people of Amalek as being the essence of all the evil in the world.

Today, we don’t know who is descended from Amalek. Around the year 600 B.C.E., the Assyrian conqueror Sancheriv exiled most of the world’s inhabitants from their homelands and scattered them around the world. Since then, the true national identity of any people (except for the Jews) has become obscure.

The concept of "Amalek" goes a long way in helping us understand the baffling phenomenon of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism has no sociological parallel. Even the word is unique: "Anti-Semitism" is the only English word describing hate towards a distinct group of people. There’s no English word for French-hatred, Irish-hatred, or German hatred, even though England fought bitter wars against all these nations.

We are the only people in the world towards whom there exists a unique, distinct hatred. This bears out the Torah’s prediction that until the Mashiach’s days, there will exist a nation, Amalek, with an unexplainable, inborn hatred towards us.

On the issue of the T-Shirts I think those who wore them should be reprimanded. In a war like this where public opinion will obviously be against Israel and the Jews it is best to do the job without saying anything inciteful. Publicly wearing a shirt which has a picture of a baby or child in the cross-hairs is obviously not very smart. Jews are required to be thoughtful of these kinds of issues.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:41:48 PM by muman613 »
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2009, 06:50:00 PM »
Sounds like we have some holocaust mentality liberals amongst us on the forums. Wake up people, Palestine and PALESTINIANS are the enemy!

Hasn't anyone heard the phrase "kill your enemy before they kill you" ?

Anyways, which one do you guys like better?

Are we into making fashion statements or protecting the state of Israel. Israel should do exactly whats needed to eliminate the muslim threat it faces even if it indirectly kills the children of terrorist if need be. What they should never do is advertise the fact that children are put in the cross hairs as a primary target something I am very sure Israel tries greatly to prevent. The shirts are counter productive to the well being of Israel. The levels of stupidity in some of the threads like this sometimes becomes a bit much.  Grow up and stop to think what Israels detractors think when they see a shirt like that. No moral society targets children more so starting with Israel as the title of the posts clearly states. The world will not put up with the direct targeting of children even if they are the spawn of the devil and that shirt puts the child murder idea in peoples head.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2009, 06:50:05 PM »
If it were up to me they'd die a lot more painfully, while their parents watch.

We are not German or Muslim Nazis, Ustashe or some other beasts. We are the Jews, the People of G-d. Therefore we will not do so.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #41 on: March 24, 2009, 06:59:22 PM »
Are we into making fashion statements or protecting the state of Israel. Israel should do exactly whats needed to eliminate the muslim threat it faces even if it indirectly kills the children of terrorist if need be. What they should never do is advertise the fact that children are put in the cross hairs as a primary target something I am very sure Israel tries greatly to prevent. The shirts are counter productive to the well being of Israel. The levels of stupidity in some of the threads like this sometimes becomes a bit much.  Grow up and stop to think what Israels detractors think when they see a shirt like that. No moral society targets children more so starting with Israel as the title of the posts clearly states. The world will not put up with the direct targeting of children even if they are the spawn of the devil and that shirt puts the child murder idea in peoples head.

Exactly right, cjd! The enemies of Israel who see such threads are just rejoicing. "Now", they say, "we have the proof that the right-wing Jews plan the genocide of innoncent children!" Maybe Haaretz waited namely for such threads for their new article about Kahane movement.

But after all, this is not the main reason why we should not think so. The main reason is that this is against G-d's will and severe desecration of His Holy Name.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #42 on: March 24, 2009, 07:34:31 PM »
If it were up to me they'd die a lot more painfully, while their parents watch.

We are not German or Muslim Nazis, Ustashe or some other beasts. We are the Jews, the People of G-d. Therefore we will not do so.

And God commanded the Israelites to wipe out the Canaanites, look at what happens when survivors are left. Palestine must be eliminated.

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2009, 07:42:55 PM »
If it were up to me they'd die a lot more painfully, while their parents watch.

We are not German or Muslim Nazis, Ustashe or some other beasts. We are the Jews, the People of G-d. Therefore we will not do so.

And G-d commanded the Israelites to wipe out the Canaanites, look at what happens when survivors are left. Palestine must be eliminated.

As I have already said what Joshua has done during the conquest of Canaan was the specific commandent for the certain time against the certain peoples. It has nothing to do with the situation today.

We do not learn Halacha (practical law) directly from Tanach. We learn it from Shulhan Aruch and, more specifically, from the halachic decrees of the present-day rabbis. This is real Judaism.

There is no halachic decree that orders to kill all the Arabs of the Land of Israel.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2009, 07:54:06 PM »
I'm pretty sure that it would apply to today the same way as it did back then, because the Jews are currently in possession of the Land of Israel.  If it did not apply to today, then the halacha that Jews shouldn't give up Jewish land would also not apply to today.

It was applicable only to those 7 Canaanite peoples.

Not to give up Jewish land does not mean to KILL ALL Arabs.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2009, 07:55:08 PM »
If it were up to me they'd die a lot more painfully, while their parents watch.

We are not German or Muslim Nazis, Ustashe or some other beasts. We are the Jews, the People of G-d. Therefore we will not do so.

And G-d commanded the Israelites to wipe out the Canaanites, look at what happens when survivors are left. Palestine must be eliminated.

As I have already said what Joshua has done during the conquest of Canaan was the specific commandent for the certain time against the certain peoples. It has nothing to do with the situation today.

We do not learn Halacha (practical law) directly from Tanach. We learn it from Shulhan Aruch and, more specifically, from the halachic decrees of the present-day rabbis. This is real Judaism.

There is no halachic decree that orders to kill all the Arabs of the Land of Israel.

Are you an Arab?

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2009, 07:57:44 PM »
Are you an Arab?

No, I am a Jew  :)

BTW Jew=Israelite. There is nothing derogatory in this word (I have an impression you avoid using the word "Jew").
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2009, 08:01:11 PM »
If it were up to me they'd die a lot more painfully, while their parents watch.

We are not German or Muslim Nazis, Ustashe or some other beasts. We are the Jews, the People of G-d. Therefore we will not do so.

And G-d commanded the Israelites to wipe out the Canaanites, look at what happens when survivors are left. Palestine must be eliminated.
Arabs must be removed from the State of  Israel however you are not going to do it with a tee shirt. Moreover their is no such thing as a Palestinian or modern day Palestine.
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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2009, 08:02:33 PM »
Are you an Arab?

No, I am a Jew  :)

BTW Jew=Israelite. There is nothing derogatory in this word (I have an impression you avoid using the word "Jew").

No I do not, just that a good chunk of Jews forget that they are Israelites after they assimilate into other "cultures".

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Re: Israel military condemns anti-Palestinian T-shirts
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2009, 08:03:34 PM »
Well guys, it's a bit late in Jerusalem.

To those who still doubt that it is forbidden to kill Arabs JUST BECAUSE they are Arabs, I recommend to read my posts again.

Blind hatred is harmful.

Long live the indivisible Land of Israel and Jerusalem, the eternal indivisible capital of the Jewish people!

Good night.

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