This is why i do not buy german stuff - even if i wasnt third generation (not genetically).
I want a bug convertible
anyone got any ideas around that?
I live in Germany, I'm not anti-semmetic, You wanna cut my income because of what stupid Children think... I bet you these kiddies that this research is bassed on. Can't even point out Israel or Germany on a atlas .
Besides, It's not these idiotic kids that make the rules. It's sensible adults.
I go by the general public and not individuals. so is the geniral public evil or not?
Well have you ever been to Germany, All your evidence is based on propaganda, It makes me sick when you call all Germans nazis, I am not Ethically German. I'm British! But you know what happened in 1933-1945. What terrible brain washing propaganda the Nazi government published. And jewish people have a right to be pissed of. But not all germans are nazis. In fact Germany is one of the only countries where having a picture of hitler on your mobile phone you could get arrested. The NPD has allot of FBI agaents in it. Bigamy was legalized for Religious groups. If a German says anything against a turkish minority, he's a nazi.... FULL STOP.
It's because of the holacaust people in Germany have no back bone. There are no choices here. It's Hitler or Dahli Lahma....
There are still many Germans who are nazis! Not all, but many many are nazis, and it is same with Hungary as not all Hungarians are nazis, but Hungary has many nazis like Germany has. NPD has 8% and that is very much.
Few months ago German nazis were in Budapest with the NPD and they were demonstrated and remembered for the Gayffen SS. 
The NPD doens't get 8% It gets less than 5%. If it did get 8% the German government would ban it, It would be a threat to the German constitution.
There are also Nazis in Israel, Russia, Ukrain, Any where on the Earth. And most will say Sieg Heil in German. Because that's where to Nazi party came from.
"non-whites, Jews, and Muslims living in Germany"
See, They hate every one! If they got ellected, I would get kicked out aswell.
"The NPD planned to march through Leipzig on 21 June 2006, as the 2006 World Cup was going on. The party wanted to show its support for the Iranian national football team, which was playing in Leipzig, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "
Oh wait, They're con artist. They have no idea who they really hate?