Welcome to the forum, Idan.
Chaim has recommended that people start their own You Tube channels and post videos of our members, or past videos that Chaim made. Put in your profile that you're from Israel. That way your video will stand out more. And also, flag all the anti-Israel videos. It couldn't hurt.
You Tube is owned by Google, whose CEO is a big Obama supporter.
Thanks all for the warm welcome

Good to be part of this forum and this JTF group. you are great.
btw.. I've seen awhile back a pretty good video that I pretty sure was uploaded by one of you here on youtube..
The title was "pisslam exposed" and it was really good done video that really expose the sick death cult of islam best.
it's groos though and has some parts where you see how those satanists beheads people and in the end of it you also see a kid like 15yo cutting off the head to somone.
of course this video took down after few days.. but I feel like people really should see it and understand what sick cult this islam is..
it was uploaded there by user named pisslamexposed. please anyone know who's this user or if I can get this video anywhere to upoloaded it again?
Thanks for helpers.