The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims

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I meant got hell to the Muslims, not to any of our fellow forum members.

El Cabong!:

--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 04:07:07 PM ---At the same time, let us remember those poor joung men who were indoctrinated and tricked into beleiving that attacking the world trade centre would earn them a place in heaven when they died doing it. I mourn for each of them as muchh as I mourn for the other they killed.

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Dude, I hate to say it, but you are one naive, misguided candy @ss. They chose to kill. It doesn't matter if they were indoctrinated or not. They had the opportunity to ask for political asylum in this country but chose to kill and destroy. Stop making excuses for murderers. I really have lost respect for you, for you are over the top with your bleeding heart liberal bullshiite. This country would cease to exist if everyone here was like you. You are willing to fight for what you believe is right? You couldn't fight you way out of a paper bag, you have no backbone.

 I don't usually go on the attack like this but your posting hippie love bullshiite is really sickening. No one on this forum likes to hear that kind of idiotic rhetoric. You sound a lot like barbara fleischer. What a stupid belief that you actually take away responsibility from grown men and exonerate them from killing the innocent. Everyone in this world has the chance and intelligence to reject murder but only a few choose to kill. And for you to defend them as it isn't their fault is the epitome of pussyfication. You really have no idea how moronic your statements are.

And on a day such as today, 9/11, you actually post such garbage. It is really an unequivocal insult and and slap in the face to all who have died at the hands of terrorists.

rhuan is wrong but let us avoid personal insults.

Rhuan, look at it this way Hashem is not sad when evil people die, on the contrary we know from Gemara Erukhin that Hashem will rejoices when evil is destroyed. These people were evil and they chose to do what they did, they have no more excuses then the German people during WWII. When they chose to do evil they became evil. Dont have pity on the cruel for in the end you will have no pity for the good.

I am trying to suggest to many Orthodox Christians currently, ever since the many crises we have had in recent years with islamic morons and nutjobs, to have a memorial service (panakhida in Russian) for all the Orthodox Christians who have been martyred both in the past in Islamic rule during both the Ottoman periods and the various Caliphates in the Middle East. This might sound a little uncanonical but I believe it is worth it.

Orthodox Christians have had it in the neck from Islam since the day Islam came into power as a religion. Even till present, they still attack Orthodox Christians in Serbia (Kosova), Bosnia, Jordan, Palestine and in other places.

We need once again the rise of another Dimitri Dunstov or Czar Lazar (Serbia) and possibly even another Ivan Nevsky who will have enough courage to take down the Islamic scumbags until they stop.


--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 11, 2006, 05:40:39 PM ---I will always mourn the deaths of the poor people who are indoctrinated from birth and are left truly believing that carrying out mass murder at the cost of their lives is good.

When a suicide bomber kills 15, I mourn the death of all 16 victims.

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I don't buy that argument much, and even less when the terrorist are adults. When you hear speech's from Bin Ladden all the talking goat says after each statement is G_d is great G_d is good. How does G_d and massmurder go together. The only way that can be is if the whole belief system in the Muslim religion is completely off. If this wasn't the case why doesn't the Muslim religion put a stop to statements like that in connection with murder. The suicide bomber isn't brainwashed they are trained to do and evil job. How can killing innocent people be anything else. And I will say it again what form of low ignorant animal would send their bomb ladend child to certain death in the process of killing innocent people.


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