The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Remember 9-11 Victims Who Were Killed By Muslims

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--- Quote from: cjd on September 12, 2006, 05:38:41 AM ---...what form of low ignorant animal would send their bomb ladend child to certain death in the process of killing innocent people.
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It's how theses animals keep their false arrogance... "I'm better than you because I'm willing to kill myself and my children for islam".

Since they can't feel good about anything they've done (since they don't do anything good), it's all they've got to hold on to...

The majority of muslims beleive that Islam is the truth, not due to encounters with God, or any logical understanding, but because they are told that it is, and are told not to argue, in many muslims states you can be beaten for questioning Islam. In western countries it is still the case that they are convinced by other people that it is the truth. Then they are told that all non-muslims need to become muslims or die, and that this is the truth, and that they must no question it. They are tricked and or forced into beleiving a fake religion, they are then told that terrorism as it's often called is their duty, and their ticket to paradise. They are told that it is good. They are left with almost no choose. It is not their fault, I struggle even to blame the people that indoctrinate them, as they too were in turn indoctrinated, in the end, it can be traced back, the only people ultiamtely at fault could be said to be muhammed and his close followers, however, I would personally not beleive that it was really their  fault either, my personal belief is that they were either tricked or fully controlled by satan.

You can say all you like about choice, but to them there isn't really a choice, it's laid out to them as what they must do. They follow it blindly as they are taught to, I feel great pity for them, and sorrow, if there was anything I personally could do to end Islam, short of killing all muslims, I would do it, even if it cost me my own life. Islam is evil. I will fight evil with everything I have. I will not go around killing the poor slaves of evil who do not understand the truth, who have had the truth hidden from them.

sure, dont kill anyone righteous and only "FORMAL" muslims. go, kill, deal as much as you can with those who want YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR PEOPLE dead! they are "PRACTICAL" muslims, not only formal.

how they have been raised and educated- it's not my business. you must fight the PEOPLES, not onle people as individuals, but PEOPLES who's ideology is to kill you, and fight their organisations and their nations and so on.

if, during this fight, there's a chance you will accidently kill a righteous innocent man, who is a "muslim" only formally, but himself doesnt belive in kurans brutality, a man who helps good people- things like that, you still must fight, or be killed by the other non-righteous men of his people.

the opposite example is Israel, which doesnt bomb terrorists and rockets if there are cevilians around them, thus in turn allowing them to kill Jews or fire these rockets at us.

Re-read what I've written, you've completely misunderstood me.


--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 12, 2006, 03:13:48 PM ---Re-read what I've written, you've completely misunderstood me.

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hehe, i scratch me head trying to see where i got you wrong, and just cant figure it out  :)
please, help me find out..


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