It shouldn't be shut down.
It shouldn't be "club gitmo" anymore either. No more special treatment, no "prayer" rugs, special handling of the koran with gloves by "infidel" Americans, no korans PERIOD, no more deluxe food, etc. The terrorist freaks gain tens of pounds in Guantanamo, thanks to the luxurious treatment and delicious food they receive at US taxpayer expense.
Conditions should definitely be worse than the worst American jail, and preferably should mirror the prison conditions of the country from whence the detainee came.
Actually, I'd support moving the whole operation to Ted Kennedy's backyard. Boston weather is not as pleasant as the Cuban climate. The only heat they should get over the New England winter is whatever heat emanates from John Kerry's blowhard speeches.
The Boston libtards will be tickled to be in the presence of their terrorist hero-comrades. It's a win-win situation.