Author Topic: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman  (Read 1535 times)

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JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« on: April 02, 2009, 08:12:34 PM »
These suicidal, left wing, wimpy, appeasing Jews in name only, whose raison d'etre is getting tiny Israel to commit suicide are all in a snit over Lieberman rejecting the Anapolis process, which calls for a two state solution.  Here is a copy of the email these traitors sent to JTF member Mikey Chua:


Appeasement --

Now it's official: Avidgor Lieberman is Israel's new Foreign Minister and the country's face to the world.

This is the same Lieberman who ran a racist and incendiary campaign targeting Israel's Arab citizens, and promoted a loyalty oath and other ideas that threaten the foundations of Israeli democracy. [1] Within hours of taking office, he's already tangled with the Obama Administration over his commitment to the two-state framework to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [2]

Some American Jewish leaders want to sugarcoat the choice, calling Lieberman "moderate" and his proposals "legitimate."

But we - American Jews and other friends of Israel - won't stand for any whitewashing of Avigdor Lieberman's platform or rhetoric. Join us in an open letter to Jewish community leaders right now asking them to stand up for our community's values and against Avigdor Lieberman's rhetoric and platform.
Click here to watch our short video and ask Jewish community leaders to join us in speaking out forcefully against Avigdor Lieberman's demagoguery.

Of course, Israel has the right to elect whatever leadership it chooses. And we offered the new Israeli government our best wishes and congratulations on Monday - pledging to help Benjamin Netanyahu's government where possible, and push when necessary, to achieve the goal of real peace and security for Israel, the Palestinians, and the whole Middle East. [3]

But that doesn't mean we have to hit the mute button if their views run counter to our values and interests.
Lieberman's views and proposals fly in the face of our community's deepest beliefs and strongly held values. On his first day as Foreign Minister, Lieberman rejected the Annapolis process that committed Israel to a two-state deal with the Palestinians. The Obama Administration responded, saying they look forward to "frank conversations" with the new government. [4]

Lieberman needs to hear us loudly and clearly and know that America's Jews are strong supporters of peace, justice, and democracy - for all.

As a friend and supporter of Israel, I am concerned that Lieberman's proposals, if they gain further traction in Israeli politics, could threaten the foundations of Israeli democracy and, if unchallenged, could strain relations between the United States and Israel.

We - American Jews and other friends of Israel - can't stand for any whitewashing of Avigdor Lieberman's platform or rhetoric.

That's why we must speak out right now - reaffirming our commitment to core Jewish and democratic values and rejecting Avigdor Lieberman's demagoguery. Join us in standing up for justice, equality and democracy by clicking the link below.

Click here to watch the video and then sign our open letter from American Jews and others who care about Israel's future as a Jewish, democratic homeland.

Once you've watched the video and taken action, I hope you'll forward this message to your friends and family and encourage them to watch our video, too.

Feel free to personalize your message. If you say it's ok, we'll also share what you write with the media and other J Street members in order to amplify our campaign.

- Isaac
Isaac Luria
Campaigns Director
J Street
[1] "A Hard-Line Gains Ground in Israeli Race," by Ethan Bronner. The New York Times, February 8, 2009.
[2] "Lieberman: Israel not bound by Annapolis," by Reuters. Haaretz, April 1, 2009.
[3] "A New Government." J Street, March 30, 2009.
[4] "US sees frank discussions with new Israeli government." Reuters, April 1, 2009.


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To ensure that J Street messages reach your inbox, please add [email protected] to your address book.

To contact J Street, just reply to this email. You can also write to us at [email protected].

Here's what Mikey Chua wrote back to them:

FINALLY! A Jew with balls to replace you pathetic whining, suicidal appeasers. I must go out and celebrate. Now Israel will have a chance to survive. As for you, why don't you jump off the nearest roof and get it over with. Please take your Muslim "peace partners" with you. 


Now I think it's time that we at JTF let JStreet have it.  Let's either email them at [email protected].  Also, I thought you guys might get a kick out of the staff bios.  All of them are Democrat lefttards:

Another thing I noticed is that these animals have no phone number or physical address listed on their website.  So I went on and did a Who is lookup of their domain name.  Apparently these guys don't want ANYONE knowing where they're located.  All it shows is that is their registrar.  No doubt, these wimps are petrified that good people will beat the snot out of them if they ever find them. 

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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 08:13:34 PM »
Check out what I just wrote to them:

Dear Mr. Luria:

I am a right wing Jewish woman who is disgusted by left wing, appeasing Jews such as yourself.  I checked out your organization's website.  From what I can tell, JStreet's raison d'etre is to get tiny Israel to commit suicide by giving up her land to those blood thirsty Arab fakestinians.  I also notice that your so-called organization consists of nothing but left wing Democratic operatives, and that you have not listed any physical address or phone number.  I also did a Who Is lookup of your organization on  All that showed was that you appeasing wimps registered your domain name through

That just goes to show that you guys are terrified of anyone actually locating you.  No doubt, you people would soil yourselves at the prospect of good people protesting your shenanigans.

I agree with my friend Mike's suggestion that you go jump off the nearest roof, along with your beloved fakestinians.  However, I think a more dramatic course of action for you would be for you to stand in the middle of Ramallah at rush hour with a giant sign saying "Israel has the right to exist."  But before you do so, just let me know where I should send the flowers to.


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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2009, 08:19:30 PM »
Obviously, Lieberman is a fraud.  He talks out of both sides of his mouth.  However, the reason I wrote to JStreet was not to defend Lieberman. It was to criticize them for being the left wing, appeasing, self hating Jews they truly are. 

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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2009, 08:33:21 PM »
Obviously, Lieberman is a fraud.  He talks out of both sides of his mouth.  However, the reason I wrote to JStreet was not to defend Lieberman. It was to criticize them for being the left wing, appeasing, self hating Jews they truly are. 

You are exactly right Lisa. We should be so lucky that what the kappos say about Lieberman turns out to be true. Only in our dreams will he be truly against "peace" and actually protect jews.
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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 02:33:43 AM »
   This JStreet organization is beyond hideous.    I can't even think of a word that describes JStreet.     Abomination isn't even strong enough.    W/o saying,   they likely campaigned heavily for Barack Hussein Obama.       

   I attempted to post comments on their Zootube video but they apparently rejected it.    However,   my comments on their Channel page currently appear.     Possibly because it's a mild version of what I wrote on their A. Lieberman video:

   "Anyone who supports giving up even one inch of Israeli land is making a GRAVE mistake. Judea and Samaria were promised to the Jewish people by G-d. According to the Torah,  Greater Israel extends from the Nile to the Euphrates ".

"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2009, 06:01:36 AM »
Lisa your message was perfectly phrased. I can only imagine what the look Mr Luria had on his face when he read it. 

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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2009, 07:00:57 AM »
Obviously, Lieberman is a fraud.  He talks out of both sides of his mouth.  However, the reason I wrote to JStreet was not to defend Lieberman. It was to criticize them for being the left wing, appeasing, self hating Jews they truly are. 

Lisa, I post there all the time, those people are scared to death of me. They let it go through and then delte my comments. I dont get these crazed moonbats
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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2009, 07:33:01 AM »

Accessed May 2008: [3]

    * Marc Abrams - The Titan Capital Group
    * Eric Alterman - City University of New York Distinguished Professor of English and Journalism
    * David Avital - MTP Investments
    * Diana Aviv - President and CEO, Independent Sector; Former Vice President for Public Policy, United Jewish Communities
    * Rabbi Andy Bachman - Congregation Beth Hashem, Brooklyn, New York
    * Judith Barnett - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Middle East and Africa
    * Rabbi Leonard Beerman - Founding Rabbi, Leo Baeck Temple
    * Jeremy Ben-Ami - Former Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy
    * Rabbi Don Berlin - Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Oheb Shalom, Baltimore
    * David Birenbaum - Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. for U.N. Management Reform
    * Kenneth Bob - President, Ameinu
    * Ernest Bogen - Board Member, Harry S. Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University
    * Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein - Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, New York City
    * Rabbi Sharon Brous - IKAR-LA
    * Martin Bunzl
    * Daniel G. Cedarbaum - Immediate Past President, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
    * Lincoln Chafee - Former United States Senator
    * Michael Chabon - Pulitzer Prize-winning author
    * David Cohen - Co-Founder, Advocacy Institute, President, Global Integrity and former President, Common Cause
    * Rabbi Hillel Cohn - Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Emanu El, San Bernardino, CA
    * Beth Shir Sholom
    * Rabbi Rachel Cowan - Executive Director, Institute for Jewish Spirituality
    * Lynn Cutler - Former Deputy Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs
    * Debra DeLee - President/CEO, Americans for Peace Now
    * Rabbi Elliot Dorff - Rector, American Jewish University
    * Thomas J. Downey - Former Member of Congress, New York
    * Albert J. Dwoskin - President/CEO, A.J. Dwoskin & Associates, Inc.
    * Maria Echaveste - Former Deputy White House Chief of Staff
    * Peter Edelman - Board Chair, New Israel Fund
    * Sara Ehrman - Former Political Education Director, AIPAC
    * Leonard Fein - Writer
    * Chai Feldblum - Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center
    * Rabbi Tirzah Firestone - Board Member, Rabbis for Human Rights
    * Franklin Fisher - Board Chair, Americans for Peace Now
    * Marcia Freedman - Founding President, Brit Tzedek v’Shalom
    * Gail Furman - Board Member, Democracy Alliance
    * Larry Garber - Chief Executive Officer, New Israel Fund
    * Lila Garrett - Emmy-Award Winning Writer and Director and Host, public radio's Connect the Dots
    * Jim Gerstein - Former Executive Director, Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation
    * Davidi Gilo
    * Michelle Goldberg - Author, Kingdom Coming
    * Richard C. Goodwin - Chair, Middle East Peace Dialogue Network
    * Rabbi Leonard Gordon - Chair, Rabbinical Assembly Social Action Committee
    * Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater - Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center
    * Rabbi Arthur Green - Rector, Hebrew College Rabbinical School
    * Mark Green - Former New York City Public Advocate
    * Robert Greenwald - Brave New Films
    * David Gross - Nobel Laureate, Physics; Director, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara
    * Morton H. Halperin - Former Director of Policy Planning, Department of State
    * Arnold Hiatt - Former Chairman, The Stride Rite Corporation
    * Elaine Hoffman - Former Finance Director, Democratic National Committee
    * Stanley Hoffman - Professor of Government and Social Studies, Harvard University
    * Fred Howard
    * Rabbi Steven B. Jacobs - Founder, Progressive Faith Foundation
    * Jonathan Jacoby
    * Robert Jervis - Professor of International Politics, Columbia University
    * Robert H. Kapp - Founder and Co-President, International Senior Lawyers Project
    * Markos Kounalakis - President and Publisher, The Washington Monthly
    * Victor Kovner - Former Corporation Counsel of the City of New York
    * Rabbi Douglas E. Krantz - Congregation B’nai Yisrael
    * Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff - Past President, Central Conference of American Rabbis
    * Luis Lainer
    * J. Shawn Landres - CEO & Director of Research, Jumpstart
    * Leon Lederman - Nobel Laureate, Physics; Director Emeritus, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
    * Lawrence I. Lerner - President, MeretzUSA
    * Daniel Levy - Former Advisor, Israeli Prime Minister’s office
    * Lawrence S. Lewin - Former President and CEO, The Lewin Group
    * Geoffrey Lewis - Prince, Lobel, Glovsky & Tye
    * Samuel W. Lewis - Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel
    * Rob Malley - Former Special Assistant to the President for Arab-Israeli Affairs
    * Yaffa Maritz
    * Eric Maskin - Nobel Laureate, Economics; Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
    * Steve Masters - President, Brit Tzedek v’Shalom
    * Rabbi Rolando Matalon - Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, New York City
    * Avi Meyerstein - Founder, Alliance for Middle East Peace
    * Herbert S. Okun - Former Ambassador to the German Democratic Republic and to the United Nations - Professorial Lecturer, Schoolof Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
    * Eli Pariser - Executive Director, Political Action
    * Robert Pastor - Former Senior Director, National Security Council
    * Ricken Patel - Co-founder and Executive Director, Avaaz
    * Kathleen Peratis - Partner, Outten & Golden, LLP
    * David Politzer - Nobel Laureate, Physics; Professor of Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology
    * Kevin F.F. Quigley - President, National Peace Corps Association
    * Jeri Rice
    * Fran Rodgers
    * Norman Rosenberg - Former Chief Executive Officer, New Israel Fund
    * Hannah Rosenthal - Former Executive Director, The Jewish Council on Public Affairs
    * Barnett R. Rubin - Director of Studies, Center on International Cooperation, New York University
    * Alan Sagner - Organizer/First Chairman, Young Leadership Cabinet of National UJA
    * Deborah Sagner - Board Member, Democracy Alliance
    * Mark Schneider - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights
    * Stanley Sheinbaum - Publisher, New Perspective Quarterly
    * Michael Shtender-Auerbach - Founder, Social Risks LLC
    * Henry Siegman - President, U.S./Middle East Project
    * Scott Sklar - President, The Stella Group, Ltd.
    * Daniel Sokatch - Executive Director, Progressive Jewish Alliance
    * Daniel Solomon
    * Alan D. Solomont - Former National Finance Chair, Democratic National Committee
    * Robert Solow - Nobel Laureate, Economics; Professor Emeritus of Economics, MIT
    * Rabbi Toba Spitzer - President, Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
    * Mary Ann Stein
    * Rabbi Jack Stern - Past President, Central Conference of American Rabbis
    * Paula Stern - Former Chairwoman, United States International Trade Commission
    * Matt Stoller -
    * Rabbi Alvin Sugarman - Rabbi Emeritus, The Temple-Hebrew Benevolent Congregation
    * Joshua B. Tenenbaum - Associate Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    * J. Marty Tenenbaum - Chairman and Founder, CommerceNet
    * Rabbi David A. Teutsch - Past President, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
    * Sidney Topol - Former Chairman/CEO, Scientific Atlanta, Inc.
    * Joshua Tzuker - Former Legislative Director, Office of Congressman John Dingell
    * Rabbi Burton L. Visotzky - Professor, Jewish Theological Seminary
    * Al Vorspan - Director Emeritus, Commission on Social Action, Union of American Hebrew Congregations
    * Ayelet Waldman - Author, Love and Other Impossible Pursuits
    * Michael Walzer - Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
    * Edward Witten - Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
    * Howard Wolpe - Former Member of Congress, Michigan
    * Alan Wurtzel
    * Mark Zivin
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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2009, 10:29:03 AM »
Lisa your message was perfectly phrased. I can only imagine what the look Mr Luria had on his face when he read it. 

I'll post his response if he replies to my message.  But something tells me he probably won't. 

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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2009, 10:37:32 AM »
before I joined JTF, I was a great fan of Avigdor, I used to think he is the only man who can save Israel... had lot of respects for him. Now on joining JTF i see different opinion of him. mmhmm

I still have my reservations about him.

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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2009, 03:38:04 PM »
Check out what I just wrote to them:

Dear Mr. Luria:

I am a right wing Jewish woman who is disgusted by left wing, appeasing Jews such as yourself.  I checked out your organization's website.  From what I can tell, JStreet's raison d'etre is to get tiny Israel to commit suicide by giving up her land to those blood thirsty Arab fakestinians.  I also notice that your so-called organization consists of nothing but left wing Democratic operatives, and that you have not listed any physical address or phone number.  I also did a Who Is lookup of your organization on  All that showed was that you appeasing wimps registered your domain name through

That just goes to show that you guys are terrified of anyone actually locating you.  No doubt, you people would soil yourselves at the prospect of good people protesting your shenanigans.

I agree with my friend Mike's suggestion that you go jump off the nearest roof, along with your beloved fakestinians.  However, I think a more dramatic course of action for you would be for you to stand in the middle of Ramallah at rush hour with a giant sign saying "Israel has the right to exist."  But before you do so, just let me know where I should send the flowers to.


Good letter Lisa.  This sounds like an extremely self hating organization like what allot of those urban Jewish activist organizations are.
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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2009, 05:26:37 PM »
Lisa, Avigwhore Lieberman is a phony and the Israeli equivalent of our own Hoeseph "Pruneface" Lieberman, but unfortunately the kapos of Jstreet were right about one thing--the majority of American Jews do agree with them.  :'(

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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2009, 05:45:45 PM »
This people at J-street seem to be educated. Generally spoken peace, equality and reconcilation are great things.

But there are some exceptions. Muslims and a very few other groups of people on this planet are different.

The political claims of J-street will lead in this special cases directly to a new holocaust. I am not exaggerating. Also I believe that Avigdor Liebermann's project to let the Arab Muslims do a vow of fidelity will fail. Everybody knows, that Muslims are not only allowed to swear false to reach their wicked goals, but even recommended. At least Avigdor Liebermann tries to do something.

Also this J-street people should ask themselves what the oppinion of the quranimals is on equality, democracy, peace etc.

I didn't understand, why some Jews want to see their brethren dead.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 03:07:08 AM by Pheasant »
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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2009, 05:13:12 AM »
These are the people behind this. If we spend time attacking Liebermann and not confronting Amy Goodman, Glenn Grenwald and other self hating Jews, things will always remain the same.

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Re: JStreet Jewish Left Wing Traitors Go After Avigdor Lieberman
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2009, 05:28:46 AM »
How can a Jewish be left wing traitor? It is shame.  :'(
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