Please listen to the last 60 seconds of this and you will see why the two state solution is so dangerous. Two anti-semitic Jews, Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky on DemocracyNow talk about
how a two state solution is a pathway to the elimination of a Jewish state! Noam Chomsky (may his name and memory be obliterated), an MIT linguist professor and longtime Israel and America hater asnwers Amy Goodman's question (may her name and memory be obliterated) about a one state solution. What she means is "palestine" taking over Israel and becoming one state. Chomsky responds by saying he sees a two state solution as the way to get to a "a no state solution" or realistically a "bi-national state" where a palestine becomes Israel. Amy Goodman was hoping to hear more about a one state solution run by the Muslim Arabs.
These aren't just to wackos talking about Israel. DemocracyNow has interviewd Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and is broadcast across the USA from NPR stations to college campuses. They received $150,000 donation from the Ford Foundation and $350,000 from liberal donars. They are influential with the Obama administration and the far left in general.
Please pass this on to anyone you know who needs to know the truth about the "two state solution."