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Ask Xoce! You know you want to.
Xoce used to post here a while back, and then stopped for a while. Now she's back. She's based in the US.
Hi Xoce, being this the "ask Xcoe" thread here's a question:
Did you ever stepped into a space-time distortion and noticed how everything outside the distortion seems to move super fast or super slow ?
Confederate Kahanist:
Why do you think Jindahl would be a good president?
Why not Jim Demint?
--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 27, 2009, 05:25:36 PM ---Hi Xoce, being this the "ask Xcoe" thread here's a question:
Did you ever stepped into a space-time distortion and noticed how everything outside the distortion seems to move super fast or super slow ?
--- End quote ---
I have no concept of time.
--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on December 27, 2009, 11:01:07 PM ---Why do you think Jindahl would be a good president?
Why not Jim Demint?
--- End quote ---
Jindal because he is very intelligent & conservative.
Demint, I am not very aware of him.
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