Author Topic: Croat Nazi on Zootube accuses Israel & the Jewish people of "GENOCIDE"  (Read 5941 times)

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Offline 4International

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Shalom JTF brothers & sisters,

There is a Croat Ustasha Nazi apologist by the name of ZGhrvatskaDU accusing Israel and the Jewish people of "Genocide" against the Fakestinian Arabs in Israel, on the comments section of this JTF video on Zootube.

If you have a Zootube account, please give this Croat Ustasha Nazi pig a piece of your mind as I have already done.

Here is this Nazi pig's Zootube channel page

Please respond to this Nazi liar and please don't forget to rate and share this great JTF video by Chaim which exposes the Ustasha Nazi Croats - who are not only Holocaust deniers and apologists for the bloodthirsty Ustasha Nazi regime in Croatia - but clearly enemies of Israel and the Jewish people.

Offline Adrian Wainer

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I go lots of places on the internet but I am yet to met a Croat, whom even if I disagreed with him or her, was in my opinion expressing a reasonable point of view. As for wearing German Helmets that does not make a country Nazi, Germany had a major military export industry and countries bought German equipment for all sort of reasons, for example the first fighter aircraft of the State of Israel was a Czech license built version of the German Messerschmidt Bayerische Flugwerke Me Bf 109.

Also, in respect of Croatia during World War II, no doubt there were some Croats who were admirers of The Third Reich and wished Croatia to be just a smaller version of Hitler's Third Reich but a problem I have with calling Croats Nazis and one which would need to be resolved by someone with, a better knowledge of Croatia during World II than me, is that when Croats were committing atrocities, how much a driver was Nazi influence and how much a driver was organic policy and ideology that had originated in Croatia. I think that,there is possibly a good case to be made that the Croatian holocaust of the Serbs and Jews was merely facilitated by the Third Reich, whilst it being essentially and organically Croatian. So there is some doubt in my mind, if is proper to call the Croatians during World War II Nazis, the worst murderers the world has ever seen  for sure, if one accounts for the fact of the extreme brutality and sadism of the Croats but were they Nazis, well some were no doubt but for others their actions may have been wholly Croatian in nature.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 07:53:24 AM by Adrian Wainer »
"Ik val aan, volg mij!" Schout-bij-nacht Karel Willem Frederik Marie Doorman February 28 1942.

Offline george_jtf

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I go lots of places on the internet but I am yet to met a Croat, whom even if I disagreed with him or her, was in my opinion expressing a reasonable point of view. As for wearing German Helmets that does not make a country Nazi, Germany had a major military export industry and countries bought German equipment for all sort of reasons, for example the first fighter aircraft of the State of Israel was a Czech license built version of the German Messerschmidt Bayerische Flugwerke Me Bf 109.

Also, in respect of Croatia during World War II, no doubt there were some Croats who were admirers of The Third Reich and wished Croatia to be just a smaller version of Hitler's Third Reich but a problem I have with calling Croats Nazis and one which would need to be resolved by someone with, a better knowledge of Croatia during World II than me, is that when Croats were committing atrocities, how much a driver was Nazi influence and how much a driver was organic policy and ideology that had originated in Croatia. I think that,there is possibly a good case to be made that the Croatian holocaust of the Serbs and Jews was merely facilitated by the Third Reich, whilst it being essentially and organically Croatian. So there is some doubt in my mind, if is proper to call the Croatians during World War II Nazis, the worst murderers the world has ever seen  for sure, if one accounts for the fact of the extreme brutality and sadism of the Croats but were they Nazis, well some were no doubt but for others their actions may have been wholly Croatian in nature.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I just want to add that croatian excuse of "not all croatians were nazis in WWII" is a somewhat a fact, but not a very good one. There is no way that Croatian Nazis would have been sucessful in commiting these animalistically commited crimes against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies without the majority support of the Croatian people. While in Serbia there was a pro-nazi government, these pro-nazi serbs were an extremely small group of people. If anyone needs proof, just look up the facts of how many Serbs joined anti-nazi chetniks throughout the whole war and how many croatians joined anti-nazi partisans.
Are there good and decent Croatians? Yes, I know some of them. However, again this number of decent and good croatians is very small in comparison. Again, to prove it, just look at the number of Croatians who supported Tudjman and how many did not.

Offline george_jtf

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I forgot to mention to you all that I have made a few responses to that Croatian idiot on youtube. This guy is an even bigger apologist for Nazism of Croatia then the Croatian Nazis themselves. As a matter of fact, couple of times, he even proved himself to be wrong on his statements by claiming that there were [not] more Serbs in the partisan movement than the croatians. What does that prove? Once again, it proves that his opinion is an oxymoron. Otherwise, how can majority of Croatians be anti-nazi if there are less of them in the anti-nazi movement than in pro-nazi movement. What an idiot? He doesn't even realize that he just disaprooved his own opinion without even realizing it...........LOL.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 07:56:05 PM by 4International »

Offline Adrian Wainer

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I just want to add that croatian excuse of "not all croatians were nazis in WWII" is a somewhat a fact, but not a very good one. There is no way that Croatian Nazis would have been sucessful in commiting these animalistically commited crimes against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies without the majority support of the Croatian people. While in Serbia there was a pro-nazi government, these pro-nazi serbs were an extremely small group of people. If anyone needs proof, just look up the facts of how many Serbs joined anti-nazi chetniks throughout the whole war and how many croatians joined anti-nazi partisans.
Are there good and decent Croatians? Yes, I know some of them. However, again this number of decent and good croatians is very small in comparison. Again, to prove it, just look at the number of Croatians who supported Tudjman and how many did not.

My experience of the sort of people, that would seek to dismiss criticism out of hand of a State like World War II Croatia, is that for the serious propagandist, the construction of lies is made like an onion. They start off from the position of, the most outrageous and implausible lie that they think could get away with, if they would be dealing with people who have very little specific knowledge of the subject under discussion. If you tear away that layer, they present a somewhat more plausible lie and if you tear away that layer, you are presented with a somewhat more plausible lie. The neo-Nazi problem in Croatia, is not just a matter of seeking justice for the Jewish, Serb and Roma victims of World War II Croatia, important as that is, but it is a potentially catastrophic problem, for the reason that the European Union as a transnational political entity is already tilted in favor of Islamonazism. Allowing an unreformed pro-Nazi, pro-Holocaust, Jew Hating Croatia in to the European Union, could be what tips the balance in causing the European Union to openly adopt the policies of Hitler's Third Reich.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 12:36:42 PM by Adrian Wainer »
"Ik val aan, volg mij!" Schout-bij-nacht Karel Willem Frederik Marie Doorman February 28 1942.

Offline george_jtf

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Apparently, that Croatian guy got caught in another lie, this guy just won't give up...
He claimed how it was Tito, a Croat, who started the first anti-nazi resistance on June 22nd, 1941 (the day Barbarossa started)...and once again I proved him wrong. I showed him that it was Serbian resistance movement that did it more than a month before (May 12th, 1941).
This Croatian idiot just keeps shooting himself in the foot.

Offline 4International

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Shalom brother Adrian,

you write:

"As for wearing German Helmets that does not make a country Nazi, Germany had a major military export industry and countries bought German equipment for all sort of reasons, for example the first fighter aircraft of the State of Israel was a Czech license built version of the German Messerschmidt Bayerische Flugwerke Me Bf 109."

You obviously misunderstood what Chaim was saying in the video. When Chaim said that the Croats wore German helmets he was referring to Ustasha Croatia DURING World War 2 and NOT to the Croatia of the 1990's or Communist Croatia after the war when Nazi Germany was defeated.

It is one thing for the state of Israel to purchase Czech-built versions of German aircraft AFTER Hitler's Third Reich was defeated - and quite another thing for Croats to be ALLIED with Hitler's Germany and to wear German Nazi helmets.

And the reason why we at JTF refer to Ustasha Croats as "Nazis" - even though the term "Nazi" is purerly German in origin, being a shortened German form for the two words "National Socialism"  - is because they were completely allied with Nazi Germany and to this day defend Ustasha Croatia, agree with its policies of genocide and ethnic cleansing, as well as deny the Holocaust which took place in it.

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Looking at this guy's profile, he actually seems more moderate than most of the Croat Ustashi on YouTube. For instance, he has no pictures of Croatia or Ustaha symbols on his page. The only guy on his friends' list is a Serb. And reading some comments from other users on his page, a serbian guy is praising him for being reasonable meanwhile an Ustasha is insulting him and basically calling him a traitor. No offense but out of all the Croats you could have picked out to flag and response to comments to, you picked one that seems at least normal. Though, he is probably an idiot because his arguments make no sense.

There are hundreds of Ustashi on YouTube. He doesn't seem like one. If you want to accomplish something, find real retarded Ustashe who wish death upon Serbs and Jews and flag their videos.

I'd probably say that around 90% of Croats are Ustashi. However, a lot of them are just brainwashed and confused and if they saw pictures of what their forefathers did and learn about the atrocities that were commited from a young age instead of being fed Ustashi propaganda, they would probably be disgusted. It's a sad society that they live in, where they're brainwashed by their families from a young age and taught to worship a regime that massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent women, men and children for no reason.

Offline george_jtf

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I have been commenting with him back and forth and every time I disapprove his opinion, he changes the subject. If he is a moderate Croat and actually looks up facts before defending that fascist state, then I might agree with him. If he is brainwashed, that is not an excuse, that is just a lack of will to admit that things that Croatians did to Serbs is completely unacceptable and racist to the extreme.
3 years ago, I wanted to see if I can get a Croatian passport, not for the reason of using it, but rather to see how they would reply. To no surprise, they said that they can't give me one because Serbs took all the evidence of me ever being born in Knin. That is bunch of lies. How do I know that?
Because about 2 1/2 years ago, my sister visited so-called Croatia with her housband. Eventhough she was using her married name, Croatian officials at the airport were asking her about our father if he still lives in USA.....
Maybe it is just me, but doesn't this sound somewhat confusing that they can't find my records eventhough I lived there for 12 years, but my sister who lived in so-called Croatia for only a short period of time, they knew everything about her family? Lies, lies, and then some more lies.
Please everyone comment.

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@Adrian Wainer

If you doubt that Croatia is state of nazis you are not so well informed. Try to google a bit about Thompson and his concerts (here is one link to let you know what I`m talking about :

That man in his songs celebrates Jasenovac and Stara Gradiška concentration camps

and there are tens of thousands people on his concerts in croatia.
They are nazis and they are proud of it. I don`t say that every croat is a nazi but you can`t see things like Thompson`s concert anywhere else in the civilized world.

Offline 4International

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Re: Croat Nazi on Zootube accuses Israel & the Jewish people of "GENOCIDE"
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2009, 06:27:23 AM »
Looking at this guy's profile, he actually seems more moderate than most of the Croat Ustashi on YouTube. For instance, he has no pictures of Croatia or Ustaha symbols on his page. The only guy on his friends' list is a Serb. And reading some comments from other users on his page, a serbian guy is praising him for being reasonable meanwhile an Ustasha is insulting him and basically calling him a traitor. No offense but out of all the Croats you could have picked out to flag and response to comments to, you picked one that seems at least normal. Though, he is probably an idiot because his arguments make no sense.

There are hundreds of Ustashi on YouTube. He doesn't seem like one. If you want to accomplish something, find real retarded Ustashe who wish death upon Serbs and Jews and flag their videos.
I'd probably say that around 90% of Croats are Ustashi. However, a lot of them are just brainwashed and confused and if they saw pictures of what their forefathers did and learn about the atrocities that were commited from a young age instead of being fed Ustashi propaganda, they would probably be disgusted. It's a sad society that they live in, where they're brainwashed by their families from a young age and taught to worship a regime that massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent women, men and children for no reason.

Shalom brother BosnianSerb,

I can see your point and I can understand where you are coming from, but I am very sorry to have to disagree with you because you are WRONG in this particular case. Please brother, do NOT be fooled by these Croat Ustasha so-called "moderates" on Zootube who cleverly omit pictures of Ante Pavelic and the "U" sign on their Zootube homepages and have a "Serb" as their Zootube friend. The so-called "moderate" muslims on Zootube use exactly the same strategy of having so-called "Jewish" friends on their channels and no Jihadist photos or pictures in order to fool the unsuspecting Westerner. This muslim tactic is called "Taqqiyah".

Getting back to the Croat Nazi moron, for a start, I did NOT pick him out specifically to flag or otherwise attack here because he had Ustasha symbols, flags or photos of Ante Pavelic all over his Zootube channel.He does NOT have these but that is entirely irrelevant if you look carefuly at his behavior on the comments section of the video.

It was instead HIS choice to come on to RabbiFriedman's channel and accuse Israel and the Jewish people of GENOCIDE so this has much more bearing on why I decided to make this post.

I understand you are a new member of JTF and have probably not seen most of my posts here over the last 12 months, but if you look over our archives you will find that I SPECIFICALLY singled out a guy called Marbus0 on Zootube several times asking JTF'ers to flag his videos. The reason being that he has produced numerous anti-JTF videos and brazenly has pictures of Ante Pavelic [the WW2 Croatian Fuehrer as his channel background] as well as a large "U" symbol.

Another one is a Croat Nazi nutcase calling himself Spanonski. He too denies he is an Ustasha but yet every one of his videos and comments on Zootube bashes JTF, bashes Israel, Jews as well as Serbia and the Serbs. Check him and his videos out if you don't believe what I am telling you:

So, let me emphasize and reiterate here, brother:

I did NOT purposefully seek this Croatian idiot out and accuse him of being something which he is not. He came on Rabbi Friedman's channel featuring Chaim's famous JTF video "Questions For The Croats" and point blank accused Israel and the Jewish people of "GENOCIDE". He also accused Serbia of having a deliberate policy of "GENOCIDE and Ethnic Cleansing" which is a complete and TOTAL LIE! I fail to see how you could possibly consider him "normal" but I guess as far as pro-Ustasha Croats go, the fact that he is clever enough to NOT say "KILL the Jews" or "Kill the Serbs!" and doesn't have Ustasha photos all over his channel perhaps leads you to conclude that he is "normal" by Croatian standards on Zootube.

As far as this Croat idiot's pro-Ustasha credentials are concerned, the proof is right there in his very thinly veiled comments defending the Ustasha crimes on Rabbi Friedman's channel where he ridicules Chaim's video and claims that what Chaim is saying is "ridiculous". See for yourself, brother. You just have to read between the lines in some of his comments to see it.

He is very clever, deceptive and cunning and attempts to hide his pro-Ustasha sympathies very underhandedly and in a sly deceptive manner, but if you read every one of his comments you can see a very distinct pattern of covering for the Ustashe as well as EXPLICITLY accusing Israel and Serbia of "GENOCIDE" and "ethnic cleansing".

He is very much like "Spanonski" above who also does NOT have photos of Pavelic or the "U" symbol all over his channel page but is distinctly biased in favor of the Ustashe, hates Serbia & Serbs and hates Israel & Jews - therefore no question about it, he is a Croat Nazi.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2009, 06:37:53 AM by 4International »

Offline george_jtf

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Re: Croat Nazi on Zootube accuses Israel & the Jewish people of "GENOCIDE"
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 02:29:43 PM »
Looking at this guy's profile, he actually seems more moderate than most of the Croat Ustashi on YouTube. For instance, he has no pictures of Croatia or Ustaha symbols on his page. The only guy on his friends' list is a Serb. And reading some comments from other users on his page, a serbian guy is praising him for being reasonable meanwhile an Ustasha is insulting him and basically calling him a traitor. No offense but out of all the Croats you could have picked out to flag and response to comments to, you picked one that seems at least normal. Though, he is probably an idiot because his arguments make no sense.

There are hundreds of Ustashi on YouTube. He doesn't seem like one. If you want to accomplish something, find real retarded Ustashe who wish death upon Serbs and Jews and flag their videos.
I'd probably say that around 90% of Croats are Ustashi. However, a lot of them are just brainwashed and confused and if they saw pictures of what their forefathers did and learn about the atrocities that were commited from a young age instead of being fed Ustashi propaganda, they would probably be disgusted. It's a sad society that they live in, where they're brainwashed by their families from a young age and taught to worship a regime that massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent women, men and children for no reason.

Shalom brother BosnianSerb,

I can see your point and I can understand where you are coming from, but I am very sorry to have to disagree with you because you are WRONG in this particular case. Please brother, do NOT be fooled by these Croat Ustasha so-called "moderates" on Zootube who cleverly omit pictures of Ante Pavelic and the "U" sign on their Zootube homepages and have a "Serb" as their Zootube friend. The so-called "moderate" muslims on Zootube use exactly the same strategy of having so-called "Jewish" friends on their channels and no Jihadist photos or pictures in order to fool the unsuspecting Westerner. This muslim tactic is called "Taqqiyah".

Getting back to the Croat Nazi moron, for a start, I did NOT pick him out specifically to flag or otherwise attack here because he had Ustasha symbols, flags or photos of Ante Pavelic all over his Zootube channel.He does NOT have these but that is entirely irrelevant if you look carefuly at his behavior on the comments section of the video.

It was instead HIS choice to come on to RabbiFriedman's channel and accuse Israel and the Jewish people of GENOCIDE so this has much more bearing on why I decided to make this post.

I understand you are a new member of JTF and have probably not seen most of my posts here over the last 12 months, but if you look over our archives you will find that I SPECIFICALLY singled out a guy called Marbus0 on Zootube several times asking JTF'ers to flag his videos. The reason being that he has produced numerous anti-JTF videos and brazenly has pictures of Ante Pavelic [the WW2 Croatian Fuehrer as his channel background] as well as a large "U" symbol.

Another one is a Croat Nazi nutcase calling himself Spanonski. He too denies he is an Ustasha but yet every one of his videos and comments on Zootube bashes JTF, bashes Israel, Jews as well as Serbia and the Serbs. Check him and his videos out if you don't believe what I am telling you:

So, let me emphasize and reiterate here, brother:

I did NOT purposefully seek this Croatian idiot out and accuse him of being something which he is not. He came on Rabbi Friedman's channel featuring Chaim's famous JTF video "Questions For The Croats" and point blank accused Israel and the Jewish people of "GENOCIDE". He also accused Serbia of having a deliberate policy of "GENOCIDE and Ethnic Cleansing" which is a complete and TOTAL LIE! I fail to see how you could possibly consider him "normal" but I guess as far as pro-Ustasha Croats go, the fact that he is clever enough to NOT say "KILL the Jews" or "Kill the Serbs!" and doesn't have Ustasha photos all over his channel perhaps leads you to conclude that he is "normal" by Croatian standards on Zootube.

As far as this Croat idiot's pro-Ustasha credentials are concerned, the proof is right there in his very thinly veiled comments defending the Ustasha crimes on Rabbi Friedman's channel where he ridicules Chaim's video and claims that what Chaim is saying is "ridiculous". See for yourself, brother. You just have to read between the lines in some of his comments to see it.

He is very clever, deceptive and cunning and attempts to hide his pro-Ustasha sympathies very underhandedly and in a sly deceptive manner, but if you read every one of his comments you can see a very distinct pattern of covering for the Ustashe as well as EXPLICITLY accusing Israel and Serbia of "GENOCIDE" and "ethnic cleansing".

He is very much like "Spanonski" above who also does NOT have photos of Pavelic or the "U" symbol all over his channel page but is distinctly biased in favor of the Ustashe, hates Serbia & Serbs and hates Israel & Jews - therefore no question about it, he is a Croat Nazi.

This guy is clever?
In order to be clever, you must first have intelligence. He can't even stay on the same subject. Please, all of you look at his responses and mine (knin1975) and you will see what I am talking about. He even claims how it was the Serbs who invaded Croatia. I don't see how that is possible since Serbs have been living in so-called Croatia since the 15th century and even earlier. Maybe next he will start a subject how even Serbia belongs to Nazi Croatia too.
What I am asking all of you is to reply as much as possible that in the end he will see that he is fighting a loosing battle and that his Nazi Croatian propaganda does not work here.

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Re: Croat Nazi on Zootube accuses Israel & the Jewish people of "GENOCIDE"
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2009, 07:09:21 PM »
more like 14th century and earlyer(alittle b4 dushan) ofc if you don't count that the people who become catholics when the church split aren't serbs themselves