Author Topic: SL Army Spares 35,000 Moosie "Civilians"; United Nazis Still Not Satisfied!  (Read 937 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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35,000 Tamils Permitted to Flee by Sri Lankan Military: Ban-Ki Moon Upset Nonetheless

And I thought Israel was the most self-hating nation. Unbelievable: 35,000 pieces of Nazi Amalek are on the run, completely unarmed and helpless, and the infidels that have been getting murdered by them for so long decide to just be merciful and let them all go!?!? WTF? How insane can human beings be? I know that the heroic Sinhalese are nonviolent Buddhists, but this patently absurd. Did you know that the Liberation Tigers have generated more "martyrs" (shahids) than Hamas? Numerous bhikkus (Sinhalese Buddhist monks/scholars) have ruled that it is permissible to wage total war on the Tamil Amalek a la the book of Joshua, but nobody has listened to such common sense.

But then again, the SL government is a typical sycophantic bunch of crooks that sucks Moosie tuchis for oil and panders to "world pressure". However, the amazing thing is that this absurd mercy being extended to such Nazis is still not recognized by the United Nazis! The brave soldiers of the Sri Lankan army are putting their lives at risk in making sure this subhuman filth is evacuated from the war zone, and STILL the Nazis of the world are not placated!!!

(And in case any of you still insist on calling Tamils Hindus, which they are certainly not [save for a miniscule minority], do any of you honestly believe the United Nazis and petrodollar media would be screaming on behalf of 35,000 Hindu civilians?)


Quote from: Yahoo News
Sri Lanka military helps 35,000 civilians flee
By BHARATHA MALLAWARACHI, Associated Press Writer
4 mins ago

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – A thick line of thousands of Sri Lankan civilians — with only a handful of backpacks for belongings among them — streamed out of the last sliver of land held by rebels on Monday. Video footage provided by the air force showed some fleeing to a nearby beach and others heading to a military-controlled area.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa called the exodus the "largest-ever hostage rescue mission in history." In a televised speech, he said the military had made the escape possible by opening up several new routes from the Tamil Tigers' last holdout.

But a pro-rebel Web site said hundreds of civilians were feared killed in the "total chaos" that prevailed when the soldiers entered the zone.

It is not possible to verify any of the claims because the war zone is restricted to journalists. Footage given to A.P. Television News by the air force showed an orderly exit.

Military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said soldiers advanced into the zone and seized a fortification built by the rebels before rescuing the civilians.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the civilians' escape but said he was deeply concerned about those still trapped and "the potential for large-scale casualties," U.N. spokeswoman Marie Okabe said Monday at U.N. headquarters in New York.

"He deplores the continued use of heavy weapons in the vicinity of civilians, and the use of force by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in preventing the departure of civilians from the conflict zone," she said.

Ban also said the U.N. and other aid workers must be allowed into the area to help civilians.

U.S. State Department spokesman Robert Wood called the humanitarian situation "dire."

"We call on both the government and the Tamil Tigers to cease this violent activity, to protect civilians in the safe zones," Wood said.

The move Sri Lanka's military came as the government warned the rebels it would launch a final assault in 24 hours and urged the rebels to surrender before noon on Tuesday. It also comes just days after the military imposed a unilateral two-day cease-fire to encourage civilians to flee. Only a few hundred left at that time, prompting the government to renew accusations that the rebels were holding civilians against their will to use as human shields.

The charge was also levied by aid groups, though the rebels denied it. It was not possible to contact the rebels for comment.

The U.N says 100,000 civilians are trapped in the war zone measuring only 7.7 square miles (20 square kilometers). The U.N. also estimates some 4,500 noncombatants have been killed in the last three months amid fierce fighting.

Footage shot by APTN showed men, women and small children resting on a beach in Puttumattalan, on the northeastern coast, after fleeing the war zone. The military estimated the vast majority of those who fled Monday — more than 25,000 — headed instead to a military-controlled area where they were being screened.

The U.N. and others have called for a negotiated cease-fire to allow the civilians to leave. The government has rejected such calls, saying it's on the verge of crushing the 25-year insurgency.

The government said Monday that rebel leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and his fighters have 24 hours to surrender before a final assault — one of many such promises that troops will soon end the conflict.

Defense spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella said the government's preferred option is to catch Prabhakaran alive and said the ultimatum was a final opportunity for the leader to end the conflict.

The rebels have refused previous calls for their surrender.

Rambukwella said the rebel leader's capture or death has now become "inevitable" because he will soon lose his civilian cover.

"He (Prabhakaran) doesn't have that option now," Rambukwella said. "Our first option is to capture him and bring him before the law."

In recent months the military has ousted the Tamil rebels from all their strongholds in an all-out offensive, forcing the rebels to retreat to the "no-fire" zone for a final stand.

The Tamil rebels have been fighting to create an independent homeland for ethnic minority Tamils, who have faced decades of marginalization by successive governments controlled by ethnic Sinhalese. More than 70,000 people have been killed in the violence.

Offline briann

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Does this look familiar?

The Tamil rebels have been fighting to create an independent homeland for ethnic minority Tamils, who have faced decades of marginalization by successive governments controlled by ethnic Sinhalese. More than 70,000 people have been killed in the violence.

This is what we ALWAYS hear.  Same with Thailand, Philipines, Israel, India.. etc etc etc.   Its always that the Muslims NEED to create their own country.... because they are 'marginalized'

What they NEVER mention is that NO OTHER group does this.   No other group ALWAYS tries to break apart legitimate countries that have existed for centuries.. even Millennia... so that they can destroy the host countries culture.. and remove any trace of anything that is un-Islamic.  It makes me sick.

We never hear about this from Marginalized Budhists, Christians, Mormons, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews... etc etc etc.  We only hear about it from the Islamic 'marginalized' groups... why???? because they use terrorism.... to force their ridiculous requests upon the host country... and it WORKS.

Offline ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ

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Tamils are not muslims, i will keep maintaining that. There are 70 million tamils in this world. 15 million of them could be muslim. If if you are going to club all those 70 millions into one entity, I'm afraid we will loose many tamil zionist friends in future.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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You can count those genuinely Hindu, truly Zionist Tamils on one hand. I'm still waiting for you to invite some.

Obviously I am NOT against actual Tamil Hindus being in our movement. So far I haven't met any.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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This is what we ALWAYS hear.  Same with Thailand, Philipines, Israel, India.. etc etc etc.   Its always that the Muslims NEED to create their own country.... because they are 'marginalized'

What they NEVER mention is that NO OTHER group does this.   No other group ALWAYS tries to break apart legitimate countries that have existed for centuries.. even Millennia... so that they can destroy the host countries culture.. and remove any trace of anything that is un-Islamic.  It makes me sick.

We never hear about this from Marginalized Budhists, Christians, Mormons, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews... etc etc etc.  We only hear about it from the Islamic 'marginalized' groups... why???? because they use terrorism.... to force their ridiculous requests upon the host country... and it WORKS.

Absolutely. Either there is a global conspiracy to oppress all Muslims, or Muslims simply cannot live in harmony with human beings anywhere. Where is Joshua when we need him?