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Born Again Fraud Promises 13.5 Millions For Lebanon

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Christian Zionist:
Once again this traitor showed his "compassion"

He also promised to rebuild a shiite mosque in iraq.

WHAT?!? He gave 13.5 MILLION to LEBANON?? Rebuilding a mosque?? Uuuhh... the insanity! Idiots are running the world right now.

Christian Zionist:

--- Quote from: jeffguy on August 21, 2006, 07:19:20 PM ---WHAT?!? He gave 13.5 MILLION to LEBANON?? Rebuilding a mosque?? Uuuhh... the insanity! Idiots are running the world right now.

--- End quote ---

Jeffguy it is a separate incident - sorry about the confusion. Bush promised to rebuild the mosque in Iraq and NOT in Lebanon and look at the link below:

This same Bush did not even issue a condemnation when terrorists desacreted the Jewish Synagouges in Gaza and no word about the Alabama Church arson's either.

Bush is such a fraud... why doesn't he get it over with and just convert to Islam? That way it would make more sense when he kisses those muslim's butts. Use our tax money to build a mosque... what a sham!

He's just sold out to his oil buddies... How do these people claim to be "right wing"?? Am I missing something?

It just got worse...

He talks about threats and then just gives them more money... MORON.
Bush pledges $230m for Lebanon`s reconstruction
August 22, 2006, 4:52 PM (GMT+02:00)

Engineering and technical teams to help rebuild Lebanese schools for fall and reconstruct country

He also promised aid to rebuild northern Israel.

The US president drew a thread between the violence in Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza all want to frustrate democracy and a normal life. Iran is part of the problem, he said; they sponsor Hizballah and a radical brand of Islam. Imagine if they had a nuclear weapon. I want to remind friends and allies of the dangers of a nuclear Iran. So we must work in concert to stop this happening, starting at the Security Council on Aug. 31. Failed states in the ME are direct threats to American security.


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