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Born Again Fraud Promises 13.5 Millions For Lebanon

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He sure is free with OUR MONEY.

Wouldn't be so bad if he at least spent it in his own country (AMERICA, remember us Georgie?) but to squander it on Muslim swine who hate us, is just... what's the word?... DUMB.

39% of the population of Lebanon is christian, it isn't an entirely Muslim country. And a lot of inocents there have lost there homes.

However, if money is going to be given to Lebanon conditions should be attached, Hezzbollah must be disarmed for one...


--- Quote from: Rhuan on August 25, 2006, 09:25:20 PM ---39% of the population of Lebanon is christian, it isn't an entirely Muslim country. And a lot of inocents there have lost there homes.

However, if money is going to be given to Lebanon conditions should be attached, Hezzbollah must be disarmed for one...

--- End quote ---

yeh? and who exactly can enforce this condition, if it was accepted? look, only in the recent cease-fire, one of the conditions was disarmament of hizballah south of the litany river, and what? they still laugh about how they keep getting away with their deceptions. there are enough arab countries to give money to lebanon. believe me, the last thing these arab countries lack is money.

In my opinion, either a UN force needs to be sent, or Israel should be given permision to enter Lebanon and take hizbollahs weapons from them.

Off the top of my head --
Israel should
1. Fumigate the Knesset of every fifth column Arab and liberal
2. Put the treasonous Smolmert govt up before a firing squad
3. Install Kahanist - i.e. religiously Israel loving - leadership
4. Expel all Muslims
5. Take back all Jewish land ever stupidly given away (what were they thinking?)
6. Acquire a "f* the world, enough is enough!!" mindset and level surrounding hostile Muslim nations (Where there are no Muslims . . . ) mercilessly using every weapon they have. No apologies.
7. Enjoy newfound respect and peace.


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