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Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2009, 02:52:03 AM »
That's terrible. I know someone from my class who wear a necklet with the GW symbol.  Look at this link,1518,409540,00.html

And people call me a racist just because I am a Kahanist?! Germany...

After a game Turkey vs Croatia (we had public viewing here) in the European Football Championship, our local press showed photos saying "the Turkish youth celebrating peacefully their victory against Croatia". The problem: The flags on the photos had three crescents! These were obviously Grey Wolves flags. I wrote to the local press, they answered that they didn't know that. But nevertheless it was peaceful (if you do not consider the Turkish raids in Vienna and Basel) - yes because Turkey WON! But we all know how nasty they are when they lose. Just like in the World Cup in Korea and Japan, when they lost against Brazil. They invaded a Brazilian bar in Berlin and killed 2 people, another 11 were injured. This was CENSORED because of fears it may cause xenophobia! Now THIS is democratic,...  >:(

That's typically Germany... if the news media say something bad about Islam or turks then turks would call us racists. That's really nasty.

In many cases they PROVOKE racism, look at this video:

And the comment of the Turkish video poster: "Turks occupy McCafé..." For them it is all about occupying, war and annexion!

Offline muppet

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2009, 06:00:52 AM »
Chaim Ben
I can't move. I don't have the money. But one day I will move! I will!!
Mate the way things are going the day will come when they will be EVERYWHERE. Each suburb will suffer in every country in this World..

It's a pity where you are as the surrounding houses in the pictures actually look very beautiful. It's actually how I imagined it would look like bar them filthy Muslims..

Muslims are worse than rabbits they will out breed us.

I really do feel for you fellers we have so much space here in Australia, please move here, I beg you all.

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2009, 11:50:26 AM »
Chaim Ben
I can't move. I don't have the money. But one day I will move! I will!!
Mate the way things are going the day will come when they will be EVERYWHERE. Each suburb will suffer in every country in this World..

It's a pity where you are as the surrounding houses in the pictures actually look very beautiful. It's actually how I imagined it would look like bar them filthy Muslims..

Muslims are worse than rabbits they will out breed us.

I really do feel for you fellers we have so much space here in Australia, please move here, I beg you all.

Thank you for your invite to Australia! Australia is a great country. But there are a lot dangerous animals who can bite. I am a bit scared if there is a spider outside. I will visit Australia one day too. But I won't live there. Sorry

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2009, 12:04:42 PM »
I read an interesting article about Islam in Germany. This was really "good news in the bad news".
The statistics say that there are 3.4 million Muslims in GER. But this number is wrong! Actually, there are 3.4 million people from predominantly Muslim countries! But these immigrants tend to have a very high percentage of non-Muslims, since most of them are people who left their countries due to the fact that they were discriminated as non-Muslims.
Example: In Turkish statistics, Turkey has 99.8% Muslims. Actually, this is wrong. Because an estimated 25 to 30% are Alevites who cannot be considered Muslims, as they do not pray in mosques, prefer "love and consideration for all people far above the Koran" (one reason for them to be persecuted by Sunnis and Shiites). Also their interpretation is of hte Koran is mystical and not bound to the written word "as it is". In Germany, more than half of the Turks are Alevites. Another high percentage of Turks are actually of Greek and Armanian origin and took the chance to leave Turkey to have a better life in Europe, since their educations has been much better than that of the average Turk. The Iranians in Germany are estimated to be mostly Baha'i, Zoroastrians and non-practicing Muslims (thus not considered Muslims by the others, just as an atheist Jew is not considered a Jew). Immigrants from
Lebanon, Afghanistan, Egypt etc. have a much higher percentage of Christians and Jews either.
Actually there seem to be not more than 1.3 million practicing Muslims here in Germany of whom not even 1 million are registered in the Muslim communities of the country. And 200.000 Muslims in Germany were converted to Christianity, against a mere 20,000 who converted to Islam (who however seem to be the worst and most dangerous of all!!!).
But unfortunately it is also a fact that there is hardly any country in Western Europe where the fanatic Muslims can act frankly and without restrictions. Making Germany also a paradise for islamists and fanatics recruiting young Muslims to their (also illegal) oragnizations. At least a research of the University of Bielefeld showed that 34% (!!!) of the Muslim youth would kill Germans and even blow up the countrie's people and infra-structure for the fight for Islam....  :o
This is just as always with Islam news: If you find a good news, there is always a rat's tail behind it... >:(

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2009, 12:06:23 PM »
Chaim Ben
I can't move. I don't have the money. But one day I will move! I will!!
Mate the way things are going the day will come when they will be EVERYWHERE. Each suburb will suffer in every country in this World..

It's a pity where you are as the surrounding houses in the pictures actually look very beautiful. It's actually how I imagined it would look like bar them filthy Muslims..

Muslims are worse than rabbits they will out breed us.

I really do feel for you fellers we have so much space here in Australia, please move here, I beg you all.

No poisonous spider or scorpion can ever be as eveil as having the head cut off with a little knife by a 12 year old muzzie boy!

Thank you for your invite to Australia! Australia is a great country. But there are a lot dangerous animals who can bite. I am a bit scared if there is a spider outside. I will visit Australia one day too. But I won't live there. Sorry

Offline SW

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2009, 12:07:36 PM »
Chaim Ben
I can't move. I don't have the money. But one day I will move! I will!!
Mate the way things are going the day will come when they will be EVERYWHERE. Each suburb will suffer in every country in this World..

It's a pity where you are as the surrounding houses in the pictures actually look very beautiful. It's actually how I imagined it would look like bar them filthy Muslims..

Muslims are worse than rabbits they will out breed us.

I really do feel for you fellers we have so much space here in Australia, please move here, I beg you all.

No poisonous spider or scorpion can ever be as eveil as having the head cut off with a little knife by a 12 year old muzzie boy!

Thank you for your invite to Australia! Australia is a great country. But there are a lot dangerous animals who can bite. I am a bit scared if there is a spider outside. I will visit Australia one day too. But I won't live there. Sorry

That's true..

Offline ProudAndZionist

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2009, 12:17:40 PM »
We have too much nazis, communists and gypsies in my town.
We are giants, giants in love...and if you ask that who are we, then you must be a dwarf.

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2009, 12:25:05 PM »
We have too much nazis, communists and gypsies in my town.

That's also a big problem.

Offline muppet

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2009, 07:42:46 AM »
Thank you for your invite to Australia! Australia is a great country. But there are a lot dangerous animals who can bite. I am a bit scared if there is a spider outside. I will visit Australia one day too. But I won't live there. Sorry
Chaim pfft animals that bite, the only animals that bite are the Muslims, give them a kick in the chops and they scarper off like a whimpering dog..

Spiders well, we do have an assorted selection of them bloody things, i'm 184cm and they even make me freeze in fear  :o .. Down south where I am they aren't really that much of a problem though, until Summer..

But the invitations there fellers should you ever want to come here, there will always be 1 Aussie that will welcome you warmly. Plus if you need a reference for immigration i'd be more than willing to stand up for ya's  :jump: :israel: :usa+israel: :-*

Offline SW

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2009, 12:14:58 PM »
Thank you for your invite to Australia! Australia is a great country. But there are a lot dangerous animals who can bite. I am a bit scared if there is a spider outside. I will visit Australia one day too. But I won't live there. Sorry
Chaim pfft animals that bite, the only animals that bite are the Muslims, give them a kick in the chops and they scarper off like a whimpering dog..

Spiders well, we do have an assorted selection of them bloody things, i'm 184cm and they even make me freeze in fear  :o .. Down south where I am they aren't really that much of a problem though, until Summer..

But the invitations there fellers should you ever want to come here, there will always be 1 Aussie that will welcome you warmly. Plus if you need a reference for immigration i'd be more than willing to stand up for ya's  :jump: :israel: :usa+israel: :-*

Thank you! I will think about it.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2009, 08:50:57 PM »
I have a special favor to ask of you.
Some evening when you have a free moment take a bucket of pig's grease
and mop the street where the quranimals will be standing in the day.
The next morning or afternoon, look out your window when the quranimals gather
and watch their reaction to the slimey substance in the street.

This should be interesting and I do hope you will take pictures if and when they
find out it's pig's grease.

                                                    Thank you - Dox

Offline Mehmetce

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2009, 01:19:52 PM »
I have been to Germany a couple of times.It's a very beatiful country with it's spectacular architecture.Of course I met some Germen and Turks.Turkish facists in Germany "Ülkücü"s are even more worse,dangerous and psycho than those ones in Turkey.They were almost doing violence on me as I don’t share their opinions.Fortunately some of my relations saved me.
Turks annihilated Germany by their life style and culture.Don’t believe those people who say “Cultural Diversity is beneficial for the economy”.Because freedom and security are much more  important than economy. How can you clean Germany from Turks is really a tough question and I cannot suggest anything for it.They will never return as long as a very extra-ordinary incident does not happen.Actually it was a mistake to get that much Turks into Germany then.I wonder why they didn’t get people predominantly from countries such as china,india as they are willing desperately emigrate from their poor countries even today.At least they would have been beter.
I also would like to say that I find some Germen people are still anti-semitic when I am there.I cannot determine how much they are,but I think their number is in a considerable level.
Maybe this bloody racism age would last a few more centuries,and then maybe our grand children will live a second spring.

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2009, 01:37:26 PM »
I have been to Germany a couple of times.It's a very beatiful country with it's spectacular architecture.Of course I met some Germen and Turks.Turkish facists in Germany "Ülkücü"s are even more worse,dangerous and psycho than those ones in Turkey.They were almost doing violence on me as I don’t share their opinions.Fortunately some of my relations saved me.
Turks annihilated Germany by their life style and culture.Don’t believe those people who say “Cultural Diversity is beneficial for the economy”.Because freedom and security are much more  important than economy. How can you clean Germany from Turks is really a tough question and I cannot suggest anything for it.They will never return as long as a very extra-ordinary incident does not happen.Actually it was a mistake to get that much Turks into Germany then.I wonder why they didn’t get people predominantly from countries such as china,india as they are willing desperately emigrate from their poor countries even today.At least they would have been beter.
I also would like to say that I find some Germen people are still anti-semitic when I am there.I cannot determine how much they are,but I think their number is in a considerable level.

Yes, there are some Turkish racists here. They are called "Graue Wölfe" In my class someone is a "Grey wolf". He wear a necklet with their symbol, three crescents.

He insulted a Kurdish girl which is also in my class. It's really a racist. The kurdish girl said I am cute and she likes Jews.
The grey wolf guy weared his symbol openly and asked him "Isn't that the symbol of the Nazi islamic party grey wolves in the turkey?". I though he will beat me but he did nothing. Just standing there and grin. He know I am a Zionist and he knows I wear a Magen David. I don't know if he has respect but I know he is a danger. Those people are radical and we don't know if he has contact to terrorists. 

Offline muppet

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #38 on: May 26, 2009, 04:42:49 PM »
I don't know if he has respect but I know he is a danger. Those people are radical and we don't know if he has contact to terrorists.
Mate DO NOT ever turn your back on a Turk..

They will knife you in a second  :o

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #39 on: May 26, 2009, 11:59:14 PM »
I don't know if he has respect but I know he is a danger. Those people are radical and we don't know if he has contact to terrorists.
Mate DO NOT ever turn your back on a Turk..

They will knife you in a second  :o

That's true. Turks like to knife.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2009, 03:44:33 AM »
This is true! There are constantly stabbingsw between Turks and others (Kurds, Russian etc.). But this is just as the Turkish youth say: "Germans are so weak and peaceful - it is so easy to mug and rob them, so why shouldn't we do it? At least we will find a judge who knows that the entire guilt is upon society that did not integrate us." HELLOHOOO! Integration is selfmade. Either I integrate or I will never be integrated. And all people do integrate very well - only the Muzzies don't! With the exception of those who do not believe in Islam or the Alevites (not considered heretics by the Sunnis) - you see a well different level of integration. They have good schooling, work in high positions and do even get into politics (and are the most Islam critic politicians we have!).

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2009, 11:43:11 AM »
This is true! There are constantly stabbingsw between Turks and others (Kurds, Russian etc.). But this is just as the Turkish youth say: "Germans are so weak and peaceful - it is so easy to mug and rob them, so why shouldn't we do it? At least we will find a judge who knows that the entire guilt is upon society that did not integrate us." HELLOHOOO! Integration is selfmade. Either I integrate or I will never be integrated. And all people do integrate very well - only the Muzzies don't! With the exception of those who do not believe in Islam or the Alevites (not considered heretics by the Sunnis) - you see a well different level of integration. They have good schooling, work in high positions and do even get into politics (and are the most Islam critic politicians we have!).

That's right. But sometimes I think I have to integrate in my own country. Everything is turkish. Sometimes you really need to learn turkish to understand some things. For examble in the supermarket.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2009, 11:51:28 AM »
This is true! There are constantly stabbingsw between Turks and others (Kurds, Russian etc.). But this is just as the Turkish youth say: "Germans are so weak and peaceful - it is so easy to mug and rob them, so why shouldn't we do it? At least we will find a judge who knows that the entire guilt is upon society that did not integrate us." HELLOHOOO! Integration is selfmade. Either I integrate or I will never be integrated. And all people do integrate very well - only the Muzzies don't! With the exception of those who do not believe in Islam or the Alevites (not considered heretics by the Sunnis) - you see a well different level of integration. They have good schooling, work in high positions and do even get into politics (and are the most Islam critic politicians we have!).

That's right. But sometimes I think I have to integrate in my own country. Everything is turkish. Sometimes you really need to learn turkish to understand some things. For examble in the supermarket.

I personally have almost no contact to Turks. I do see them from my car and sometimes when I go to the supermarket or the city centre. But even then they are miles away as I simply ignore their existence.
The part of the city where I live has no Turks at all and only one Persian family, who are Baha'i thus have nothing in common with Muslims. But I often see it on TV how it is in Duisburg, Cologne-Chorweiler and some parts of Berlin (this being the worst example however!). They have entire streets where they bought the run-down real estate, kicked non-Muslims out and turned it into a Little Ankara! My mother's former room-cleaner was Yugoslav, she was kicked out also, when the Turks bought the house she was living in. We helped her to find something better and in a better part of the city.
I personally think it is good that they all concentrate that way in small run-down parts of the cities (okay, poor people and older ones have to suffer a lot because they cannot afford to live anywhere else) - it will make it easier to accumulate them for a deportation into their home countries!  ;D

Offline Geert Akbar

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2009, 12:06:43 AM »
In my town I have never met muslims.  :P

You are a lucky guy...

I can't move. I don't have the money. But one day I will move! I will!!

Don't move from Germany. Don't come to the US, multiculturalism is just as worse here, and you can only make it here if you are black or hispanic. That is what the Turks want you to do. Be brave, stand up and educate Germans that Germany belongs to the Germans not Dar-al-Islam. The West is Dar-al-Harb and should be proud.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2009, 06:09:05 AM »
In my town I have never met muslims.  :P

You are a lucky guy...

I can't move. I don't have the money. But one day I will move! I will!!

Don't move from Germany. Don't come to the US, multiculturalism is just as worse here, and you can only make it here if you are black or hispanic. That is what the Turks want you to do. Be brave, stand up and educate Germans that Germany belongs to the Germans not Dar-al-Islam. The West is Dar-al-Harb and should be proud.
That is THE point! If we all moved away from here, we would make it easy for the muzzies to spread out with any effort. And I am sure that time will show thatthe muzzies' time is running out here. The way they behave, terrorizing non-Muslims, threatening, robbing, mugging, stealing and tyrannizing non-Muslim children they are just provoking a new generation of non-Muslims that will once show them how much hatred they put into their hearts and they will (I fear brutally) kick all of them out. But this will be their own fault, since this is what they are provoking with their behaviour of wild heathens!
At least I won't let them any space. And if it is only the few square meters of my apartment and the money I earn - this is all mine and I won't give it up. This is MY country and I stand for it - and who doesn't like it as it is can go. As simple as that!  ;D

Offline sonja_yu

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2009, 06:17:02 PM »
In my town I have never met muslims.  :P

Me neither in my town, but it is because my town is too small so they don't have much to look up here.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2009, 02:02:47 AM »
In my town I have never met muslims.  :P

Me neither in my town, but it is because my town is too small so they don't have much to look up here.

Size doesn't always matter. Here in Germany they spread out even in smaller cities....

Wesseling, 34,000 inhabitants:

Mosbach, 25,000 inhabitants:
- one of the most hilarious mosques I can imagine!

Eppingen, 21,500 inhabitants:

Neubeckum, 11,000 inhabitants:
...  :o

Offline muppet

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2009, 07:18:51 AM »
Ahh look at them pics they'd bring a smile to Hitlers filthy face  >:( ..


Offline Hyades

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2009, 11:30:57 AM »
It's really terrible. We have also a lot of Islamic youthcenters like this one:

Verband der Islamischen Jugendzentren e.V.
Rottmannstr. 12
59229 Ahlen
Tel: 02382-60887
Fax: 02382-65790,MapNav,GeoMap,Couponing&ClearParas=RouteDescription,Print&YMCL-newHierarchyLevel&DetailInfoView=1

Islamische Vereinigung
türkischer Arbeitnehmer in und
um Ahlen
Zum Richterbach 59A
D59229 Ahlen Innenstadt

I could hardly believe such small cities being that islamized. But this is due to the old "dirty" industries, where they mainly worked!

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Re: Islam in my town
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2009, 01:03:04 PM »
Sometimes I think many mosques are built without need (like the one in East Berlin for 0 muslims) since they are fairly oversized and never really crowded! This is in my interpretation just what they either see as the future or as their right: To show us infidels that they have power, size and can afford to build huge temples - financed by Turkish government (DITIB) and the perto-millions from Saudi-Arabia, Dubai and Iran!  >:(