If I would openly say my plans then people would think I am crazy. But I have ideas for Muslims. It may sounds radical and racist but I think we need death camps for Muslims. This must not happen! But if they will dominate the world one day then it will be to late for us! So we should better precautions.
If Muslims don't leave our countries (America, Israel, European countries, and all other non Muslim countries) then there is only one way! Death camps for Muslims! Deport Muslims to their countries and construct a big wall around their countries! May HaShem burn them, punish them and fill their countries with water and their owns blood.
We are to friendly to them! There are thousands of terror attacks from Muslims! In Israel, America (9/11), Spain, UK, India, Russia,... .
What are we doing? Nothing! NOTHING!

If I were the president 2001 while 9/11 then I would attack Mecca!
From Americas heart to Islams heart!
Islam is playing the victim! They are playing very good! The whole world believe them. Except us. JTF! We know the truth. We know the danger! We know what to do! We will act!

Nothing venture, nothing have.