Author Topic: Former CAIR chief: Muslims disproportionate "victims" of the Terrorist Watch Lis  (Read 1099 times)

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Offline freedomannie

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My mother used to say to me...honey, if it looks like a duck and waddles like a duck, sounds like a duck...then most likely it is a Duck!
If the muslimes think that people are stereotyping them , then maybe they should speak out against the horrors of What their fellow Muslims are doing! No sitting on the fence!

May 9, 2009

Former CAIR chief: Muslims disproportionate "victims" of the Terrorist Watch List

Parvez Ahmed is the former Board Chairman of the unindicted co-conspirator Council on American-Islamic Relations. He is mystified that Americans might have a negative view of Islam, despite the many terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims around the world and justified by them with reference to Islamic texts and teachings. No, we will be waiting till doomsday for Parvez Ahmed to acknowledge that that might have anything to do with these negative views. For him, it is all about "Islamophobia," as manifested by the many Muslims on the Terrorist Watch List.

Has it ever occurred to you, Mr. Ahmed, that maybe there are so many Muslims on the Terrorist Watch List because, uh, so many Muslims are terrorists?

And in any case, the Terrorist Watch List is not a matter of "victimization." I myself am on it -- or rather, Robert Spencer is on it. Every time I fly, which is just about every week, I have to go through delays while they check to see if I am that Robert Spencer. It would be annoying if I missed a flight because of it, but I know it this delay is going to happen, and factor it into my schedule. Protest? Whine? Nope. I am not going to do that, and Parvez Ahmed shouldn't either. Any American who doesn't want to see another 9/11 on American soil should be willing to put up with some inconvenience to that end. Right, Mr. Ahmed?

"Muslims Disproportionate Victims of Flawed Terrorist Watch List," by Parvez Ahmed at the Huffington Post, May 8 (thanks to Weasel Zippers):

...Eight years into the so called war on terror, profiling of Muslims remains quite in vogue. Prejudices against Muslims remain real and progressively worsening. A recent ABC News/Post Poll finds that "Americans by 48-41 percent hold an unfavorable opinion of Islam -- its highest unfavorable rating in ABC/Post polls since 2001. And 29 percent express the belief that mainstream Islam encourages violence against non-Muslims -- down slightly from its peak, but double what it was early in 2002."

Once again a vulnerable minority in America is being treated with unwarranted suspicion. Such suspicion only provides illusions of security because they yield no suspects plotting to harm Americans. Moreover, they alienate an entire community whose cooperation is critical in keeping our homeland safe and upholding our image as a nation respecting due process. It is time for America to reclaim its true legal tradition of judging a person by their actions, not on the basis of their color or practices of their faith or merely on the basis of their names....

I'm all for judging people by their actions. Let's factor Islamic terrorism and the preaching of Islamic supremacism in mosques in the U.S. and around the world into that equation also, shall we?
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

Offline drlmg

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What an injustice!! And pedophile "victims" are dis-proportionally listed on sexual predator lists. <---sarcasm

Wouldn't "Islamophobia" be just plain common sense? It is no secret that a very large number of Islamo-Nazis want to do harm to Americans and Jews and any non-Muslim. They even openly admit it. To me CAIR is about as legitimate as  NAMBLA. They both need to be shut down, they both advocate despicably illegal behavior.

Offline freedomannie

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 ;)drlmg are so right! At least the FBI wised up! They held a fair in south Florida just recently and was allowed to pump out their garbage and hate of the infidel! What have we come to??? Even 50 years ago they would have been shut down and lynched for treason against American! They are so dangerous and have no desire to live at peace with anyone! This is an evil cult that only desires our extinction!
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

Offline mord

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Duh:  All muslims have one thing in mind, World Domination by whatever means it takes!

I am from a family of pilots who find it offensive the President would bring terrorists, enemy combatants, or detanees, whatever you clasify them as, back to US Soil!    We're trying to keep the b------s out of this country, not bring them over here to get loose and cause more chaos!

Offline freedomannie

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I is offensive to most of us patriotics who support our troops all the way! We certainly are living in scaery but prophetic times!
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

Offline syyuge

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Muslamic terrorists are not privileged to always get the proportionate response.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline SavetheWest

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CAIR is just carrying out the Jihad of the pen, while Al Qaeda uses the sword.  Most of America is too stupid to see this.

From Wikipedia about different Jihads:

"Mainstream" Islam
Armed Jihad Many Muslims believe that Jihad becomes an option when there is no other choice left i.e. in self-defense. Some mainstream Muslims hold the view that there are two different types of Jihad: Jihad Al-Akbar, (considered the greater Jihad) is the personal struggle with one's own soul and Jihad Al-Asghar (considered the lesser Jihad) is the external, physical effort, often implying fighting or war.[citation needed] (Propaganda, we all know it is offensive physical effort as evidenced by hundreds of years starting with Mohammed and friends)

Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
Jihad primarily means to strive or exert to the fullest. On an ongoing basis this refers to striving against the devil, ones low desires (self) and the peaceful propagation of Islam with special emphasis on spreading the true message of Islam by the pen. In special circumstances Jihad could be an armed struggle but only as a defensive war against extreme persecution.[24] (They mean existing as an infidel anywhere on earth is a defenseive war for Muslims)
Jihad primarily means to strive or exert to the fullest. On an ongoing basis this refers to striving against the evil of ones low desires (self) and the peaceful propagation of Islam with special emphasis on spreading the true message of Islam by the pen. Claim that as per prophecy, the messiah rendered the concept of violent Jihad unnecessary in modern times. They believe that the answer of hate should be given by love. As their khalifas said that 'if anyone attacks us we must not attack him and should treat them with love and kindness' this is called “Jihaad-e-Akbar” (The Greater Jihad).
(This one isn't even Islam)