Serbian Phrases
This page contains a table including the following: Serbian phrases, expressions and words in Serbian, conversation and idioms, Serbian greetings and survival phrases or simply if you want to know what to say when chatting. Most of the sentences below are used for the everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them, if you don't know how to say a word then check our alphabet in Serbian which can be found on the menu above to get some help. You can also ask for help on our Languages Forum page.
Serbian Phrases
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English Phrases Serbian Phrases
English Greetings Serbian Greetings:
Hi! Zdravo!
Good morning! Dobro jutro!
Good evening! Dobro veče!
Welcome! (to greet someone) Dobrodošli (pl); Dobrodošla (f); Dobrodošao (m)
How are you? Kako ste? (polite); Kako si?
I'm fine, thanks! Dobro. Hvala.
And you? A vi? (polite); A ti?
Good/ So-So. Dobro/Kako – tako.
Thank you (very much)! Hvala (puno)!
You're welcome! (for "thank you") Nema na čemu!
Hey! Friend! Hej! Prijatelju!
I missed you so much! Nedostajao (m)/ Nedostajala (f) si mi puno!
What's new? Šta ima novo?
Nothing much Ništa
Good night! Laku noć!
See you later! Vidimo se kasnije!
Good bye! Doviđenja!
Asking for Help and Directions
I'm lost Izgubio (m) / Izgubila (f) sam se
Can I help you? Mogu li da vam (polite) / ti pomognem?
Can you help me? Možete li da mi pomognete?
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Gde je (kupatilo / apoteka)?
Go straight! then turn left/ right! Idite pravo! Onda skrenite levo/desno.
I'm looking for john. Tražim Džona.
One moment please! Sačekajte momenat.
Hold on please! (phone) Sačekajte molim vas! (telefon)
How much is this? Koliko košta ovo_
Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Izvinite..
Excuse me! ( to pass by) Izvinite / Pardon
Come with me! Pođite sa mnom