Yep and the stupidity goes on and on...
Jailed Islamic extremists want ban on women prison officersBy Justin Penrose 24/05/2009
Jailed Islamic extremists want women prison officers banned from guarding them during Friday prayers -
claiming it's against their human rights. Terrorists at Wakefield jail say having them there while they pray is an
"insult to their religion".The group at the West Yorks jail - led by convicted terrorist Kamel Bourgass who killed a cop during an anti-terrorism raid - told jail governor Jacqui Tilley of their anger.
Female and male prison guards oversee prayers from a glassed office.
Services are held in the prison's gym after the 60-strong group refused to pray in the jail's multi-faith chapel because it was used by "non-believers".
Now they want a mosque built there.
Their single-sex guards demand was refused - but it's feared they could now take their complaint to the European Court and use the Human Rights Act to claim they are being victimised.
A prison source said: "They do not believe female guards should oversee Friday prayers - and they go mad when they are told what to do by a woman. But that's life."
They are being victimised?

?? wow that's a rather rich statement coming from them.. They who victimise Christians and Jews all over the World.. Desecrate Churches, Synagogues and graveyards!!..
Dam these people certainly push my faith to the limits
