Dear Chaim,
I would like to follow up on the question Rubystars asked last week. You told her that G-d wants animals, as well as humans to be fruitful and to multiply.
Now getting back to humans, (and I don't mean to be offensive) but I have a hard time believing that G-d likes it when some 28 year old black woman on welfare has ten kids with who knows how many different "fathers." And surely such a thing cannot apply to illegal aliens who get knocked up in their teens and repeatedly pop out anchor babies at the expense of American taxpayers. Or look at how the population of Africa is rapidly increasing despite the prevalence of HIV, malaria, TB and other deadly diseases. It's as if all those people do there is have sex rather than striving to improve their environment for their existing children.
Now you'll probably say that *good* people should be the ones having lots of children, and I agree. But I can almost guarantee that the people in the groups I just listed all consider themselves "good." In this day and age, sex and irresponsible procreation are the new "civil rights." (Never mind the fact that these parents are either unable to unwilling to properly support their offspring.)
So I would like to know if there are any situations in Judaism besides menses, where intimacy between a husband and wife is prohibited. I realize that illegitimacy is a no-no, but what else do the Torah and Talmud have to say about irresponsible slacker adults who repeatedly pop out children they're unwilling or unable to support just for the welfare?
Thank you.