It's hard to breake the Media conditioning I know; I was beliving in Croat/Bosniak/Albanian proppagand as well; BTW Do anybody see this too that Israel is begining to be demonised in western medias like Serbs were in nighties?
We'll know for sure when a next Hollywood blockbuster depicts a bunch of heinous Israeli right wingers plotting against humanity (preferably in New York or Jerusalem) only to be warded off by heroic efforts of left wing American Jews and their muslim arab allies in cooperation with a gritty and honest black FBI detective (he previously was tortured by Serb terrorist who he all killed) and one of the Hollywood's harlots (playing a role of nuclear scientist).

You know it is a very probable script. Once we see this movie, we know we've arrived to point zero, which is not vexing to imagine, since Al Franken is now in Senate.