I have meet wonderful righious people from all of the so called ethnic and racial groups. actually , i dont subscribe to the concept of "Race" when applied to humans. There are not enough genetic variations to support the concept of race. Only a very few of the 30,000 genes that make up a human are involved in skin color. From a science standpoint, skin color differences are kind of a boring topic as the understanding of these changes is well understood and have been for some time.
I have also meet hideous and sick people of all of the ethnic and racial groupings. Therefore, I can not condeem an entire group along these lines, nor raise up any one group above the others.
I think that my videos and posts overall show me to be a pro righteous, pro Israel person. however i attempt to target only those people who are actively attempting to harm others.
Right, there's no difference:

I would say that the complex logistics and cognitive abilities required for humans to have learned to live in shelters, work in a relatively cohesive way, growth food, develop at least the basics of law and government are at least on par , if not more complex, than anything else humans have done.
It appears likely that the so called advancement of humans as they migrated from Africa was based on the need to adapt to a different environments. without that driving force, change would not be required.
And please keep in mind that as humans lost our fur along the way to being Modern human, we were all quite dark. Only a random mutation in our DNA caused a somewhat lighter complexion to appear.