A nice mature answer........
You clearly have no evidence, therefore you spew utter nonsense.
Show the PROOF he was born here.... you DO know that you are NEW here?? And disrespecting a spokesperson??
Night all, have at the jerk off, that HATES ISrael and considers it 'secular'
You're all over place............
Who hates Israel? Most Israelis are obviously secular............ so what exactly are you on about?
Here is the proof Obama is born in Hawaii:
The actual birth certificate:
What a dumba $$ chump. #1. NO, they are NOT all secular. IF you knew Chaim Ben Pesach, you would SEE that MANY Israeli Jews are turning to G-d.
#2. Snopes?


Same as FACTCHECK. What a PUTZ.
You have severe mental retardation, I refuse to believe you're this dumb.
I said most Israelis are secular, not all Israelis. You even have a problem reading. Try a book for context clues.
Did you miss the actual link about the birth certificate?
Here is another source:
Both of your "sources" are completely inaccurate and misleading, and just plain
wrong. An original vault birth certificate is the necessary requirement for confirming the original place of birth and Obongo only has presented a certificate of live birth (COLB) from Hawaii. Hawaii has a peculiar law that states that a baby born in another land can be brought to Hawaii and receive a COLB, despite the fact that they weren't born in that state. This is a loophole that Obongo's handlers have successfully exploited in order to bypass the Constitutional requirement for president of the U.S. Apparently the State Department did the job of modifying his passport information, perhaps to cover his tracks of his globe trotting to Pakistan.
http://polarik.blogtownhall.com/2008/11/22/obamas_born_conspiracy_obamas_bogus_birth_certificate_exposed!.thtmlFrom Philip Berg’s lawsuit:
“53. Furthermore,
Obama traveled to Indonesia, Pakistan and Southern India in 1981. The relations between Pakistan and India were extremely tense and
Pakistan was in turmoil and under martial law. The country was filled with Afghan refugees; and Pakistan’s Islamist-leaning Interservices Intelligence Agency (ISI) had begun to provide arms to the Afghan mujahideen and to assist the process of recruiting radicalized Muslim men–jihadists–from around the world to fight against the Soviet Union.
Pakistan was so dangerous that it was on the State Department’s travel ban list for US Citizens. Non-Muslim visitors were not welcome unless sponsored by their embassy for official business. A Muslim citizen of Indonesia traveling on an Indonesian passport would have success entering Indonesia, Pakistan and India.
Therefore, it is believed Obama traveled on his Indonesian passport entering the Countries. Indonesian passports require renewal every five (5) years. At the time of Obama’s travels to Indonesia, Pakistan and India, Obama was twenty (20) years old. If Obama would have been a U.S. citizen, which he was not, 8 USC §1481(a)(2) provides loss of nationality by native born citizens upon “taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state…after having attained the age of eighteen years”, in violation of 8 U.S.C. §1401(a)(1). Since Lolo Soetoro legally acknowledged Obama as his son and/or adopted Obama, Obama was a “natural” citizen of Indonesia, as proven by Obama’s school record.”
Not only was he born in Mombassa, Kenya, but the evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt that he must have traveled on an Indonesian passport when visiting Pakistan at a time that there were only two things to get there: drugs and jihad. And this piece of excrement is in the oval office?