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Which army is the better? The Israeli or the Iranian?

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Israel would likely be able to secure total air superiority within a few weeks. If Iran were to cut oil supplies off to the rest of the world, they would either support Israel or subversives within Iran. Iran's immense oil wealth makes it a target to covetous foreign nations. Iran's Shi'a theocracy and socialist democracy makes it a threat to the Sunni Arab kingdoms. Israel can rely on foreign support, even during a protracted war, but Iran could not. Israel and Iran do not share contiguous borders. American forces are stationed in Iraq (directly to the west of Iran) and Afghanistan (directly to the East of Iran). Any war between Israel and Iran would likely quite quickly become a war between Iran and a dozen other countries.

Iran would lose, no question about it, but it would likely fire thousands of reasonably accurate rockets at Israeli targets before its capability to do so would be destroyed.

If Israel is hit and all moral obstacles are now diffused, because Israel tells the UN to shove it, then the Iranians will be massacred horribly.  Once the Iranian blood is flowing by one of the world's most powerful militaries, they will probably wish to surrender and even try to oust their own leaders with hope of not being wiped out.  Remember, the Persian people as a whole, may not like Jews, but to fight a war against a peaceful nation, that was no threat to them, just so some big ,fat psychotic mullah, who considers himself next in line to the Prophet MuhamMAD, can satifisy his bloodlust, no this will not happen.  THe Persian people don't have such a beef with Israel and if their cities are all on fire and bodies laying all around because Ahmedinjab and Khamenei decided to bombard Israel with missles, I can forsee they will not have the popular support, since the morality of the people already is so against their leadership.   

Their army is disorganized, outdated and they are taking away the food money of the people to fund whatever pathetic military they have.  The only hope Iran has is that they get full support of Russian technology. That would essentially amount to a proxy war of Russia vs Israel and Russia would not be able to hide themselves ..

Israel will also destroy Iran's oil supply, leaving the country totally helpless and if Israel controls the flow of oil , they will have upper hand on Iran.. Remember, Israel survives through its brains, strong spirit and ingenuity.. Iranians surive and progress because they have oil.. Oil is just a material substance and can be destroyed if needed.   No Oil.. No Islam.

Israel won't destroy Iran's oil. If it did, it would quickly lose the support of the West. Iran would revolt as soon as its military suffered a major defeat, anyways. It really can't afford to wage a protracted war.

If Iran attacks Tel Aviv, lets say with gas, biological or nuclear weapons, the cards are on the table.  Who knows what will happen.  I personally, think oil is the least they would lose if they did pursue such a vicious attack on Israeli soil, resulting in mass destruction.   

Israel can put an embargo on Iran's oil, if Iran has threatened Israel's integrity, at that point support from the West will be negligable..  Also, [censored] off and isolating a powerful, nuclear armed country liked Israel, is not in the West's best interests over a pathetic nation like Iran.  As much as Obama will try to weaken Israel, he will soon find himself in a dangerous situaiton of alienating a country that has substantial world influence.

Israel and CHina were also engaging in heavy trade of weaponry and the USA forced Israel to shut down their operations and stop selling its advanced technology to CHina.  China also has some very high quality jet fighters that Israel can utilize.  If USA wishes to use military and supply leverage against Israel, Israel can take its business elsewhere.  Also, there is nothing more that the Department of Defense woudl want than a powerful advanced nuclear nation like Israel working side by side with nations like China and Russia in military trade. 

As far as Europe is concerned, screw them... All of Europe hates Israels guts and would attempt to destroy Israel at any attempt they could if they didnt' fear that they themselves would be wiped off the earth.  Look at Spain, France and Great Britain... They are all very opposed to Israel's existance.

In my opinion, there is nothing better than the IDF....why? Because G-d is on their side.


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