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Which army is the better? The Israeli or the Iranian?

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--- Quote from: Zelhar on July 12, 2009, 12:42:20 PM ---They fought a war of 9 years 1980-1988. Sadam Hussein took advantage of the weakness of the Irani Army because of the Khumeini revolution.–Iraq_War

Eventually Iran gave up because Iraq was threatening with chemical weapon attacks on Tehran.

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But if there is war, Iran will attack the Israeli civil population.  >:( And what can Israel do against it?


--- Quote from: Zelhar on July 12, 2009, 12:42:20 PM ---They fought a war of 9 years 1980-1988. Sadam Hussein took advantage of the weakness of the Irani Army because of the Khumeini revolution.–Iraq_War

Eventually Iran gave up because Iraq was threatening with chemical weapon attacks on Tehran.

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I read, that the Iranians gave up, because the USA pressured them and finally shoot down an Iranian civil aircraft. The Iranian army was short before victory, in defiance of the hughe military support of nearly the whole world in favour of Saddam Hussein.

They are not only dangerous because of their fanatism, they are in first line dangerous, because their culture is not a culture of totally failure.They are able to do things. I can easily proof it.

Look they are building cars, aircrafts, missles and lots of other stuff on their own. And the Iranian diaspora is one of the most successfull communities ever.

Even their foreign policy is able to split western societies about non Muzzie topics. I.e they supported the anti G8 protests.

The Iranians are in some regards like the Germans even in their current leadership's special form of anti-semitism. We must be extra carefull, otherwise we will suffer hardly.

A Christian Crusader European Battalion would be great.  ;D


--- Quote from: ProudAndZionist on July 12, 2009, 01:00:19 PM ---A Christian Crusader European Battalion would be great.  ;D

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Where do I sign up?

Ulli since Khumeini had died the Iranians are smarter and more patient. I don't underestimate their capability. But the fact is that their army's "paper strength" is poor when you compare it to Egypt, Turkey, or Saudi Arabia. As for being fanatic soldiers- they were fanatic during the Iran-Iraq war, and yet if you compare the sustained losses of either Iran or Iraq to France, Germany or England in WWI let alone Russia, Germany and Japan in WWII, you see that a 1st world nation fares can endure and function much better even while sustaining greater losses.

Moreover, In the Iran-Iraq war neither side was able to effectively fight deep inside enemy territory. But, nevertheless, I think Iran could operate modern technology warfare better than the Arabs. The current regime of Khamenai knows that the "human wave" is not a winning tactic. They are pursuing better options as wall know.


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