Author Topic: India tells Black boy hussein ..shove it  (Read 1117 times)

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India tells Black boy hussein ..shove it
« on: July 21, 2009, 10:42:17 AM »
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July 20, 2009 Posted by Paul at 10:13 PM

India has now joined the list of U.S. allies receiving shabby treatment from the Obama administration. Actually, the shabby treatment arguably has been ongoing -- despite their globe-trotting, neither President Obama nor Secretary of State Clinton bothered to visit our giant and increasingly important ally in the sub-continent during the first six months of the administration.

Now, Clinton has finally visited India, but the government probably wishes she had stayed home. For Clinton used the visit to attempt to pressure India to accept binding limits on carbon emissions. Clinton made this effort despite the fact that (1) India's carbon emissions are among the lowest in the world on a per capita basis and (2) its economy has been been wracked by the global financial crisis.

India flatly rejected Clinton's overture, as it well it should have.

Abe Greenwald points out, that this latest instance of U.S. "meddling" illustrates the major shortcomings of Obama's foreign policy: (1) the administration takes our allies for granted, (2) it confuses its "gift of the gab" with an ability to persuade nations to act against their interests, and (3) it is simply arrogant.

In Greenwald's words: "If the Obama administration bossed around our enemies with half the energy it puts into bossing around our friends, perhaps the planet wouldn't look like a rogue nations' free-for-all right now."
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      Michael Bond 11 hours ago
      A rank stupidity (stupid is as stupid does) and arrogance, motivated out of a politically correct understanding of the environment and science in general. Living down to expectations, yet again.
      Peter Williams 11 hours ago
      Who are these people? They offer aid and comfort to our enemies and insult our friends.
      Bob Greene 11 hours ago
      The Democrat campaign was filled with the word "smarter." Smarter foreign policy, smarter domestic policy, smarther solutions to energy, etc. Doesn't seem to be happening quite that way. Can we sustain another 3 and a half years of amateur hour?
      Paul Fling 10 hours ago
      These are only shortcomings if you believe "economic dynamism" and liberty are good things. If your goal is to transfer wealth to thugocracies and sabotage our relationship with other free societies, then Obama is making all the right moves.
      J_Joseph_Speers 4 hours ago
      The insanity of sending Shrillary to India to ask a nation of one billion, mostly-starving people to cap their carbon emissions is unspeakable. Add to that, her apology for our causing global warming and it raises the question if our leaders have totally lost their collectivist minds.

      She and Oblahma do not represent me and I suspect they do not represent a (no longer silent) majority of Americans. I am not sorry for anything about 21st Century America. I am not ashamed of our causing global warming because I don't believe global warming has been proven, and I know it has not been shown that humans are causing it.

      We need to roust this whole bunch. I have put the tar in my crock pot and am not throwing out any feather pillows. This government cannot stand.
      1dakbill2 2 hours ago
      Congresswoman Michelle Bachman (R. MN) said a while back that Obama is un-American. She was roundly chastized by the media and the DFL'ers for her statement. This administration is beginning to prove Bachmann a prophet. It appears that this President believes that he was elected, not only to be the Administrator-in-Chief of the United States of America, but of the entire world. Fortunately, the leaders of other countries are not buying into Obama's grandiosity. Hopefully, the citizens of the U.S. will shortly follow suit.

      William L. Harnist, Minneapolis, MN.
      ikez78 1 hour ago
      I still haven't heard ANY defense of the trashing of our allies...
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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