Author Topic: What if the Temple Mount was stormed today?  (Read 4981 times)

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Offline galileerat

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Re: What if the Temple Mount was stormed today?
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2009, 03:19:41 PM »
If pre-Second exile jews like Avraham, Moshe, David, Shimshon, Yiftach, Gidon, Chizkiya, Yoshiya, the Maccabees etc, saw today all of Jerusalem in Jewish hands, davka except the Har Habayis, they would immediately take it, regardless, or rather specifically because of its worldwide consequences!

The reason no one does it today is because the length and depth of the Second Exile has so penetrated our bones, that no one today has the courage...and worse...everyone is quite happy with the status quo.

Which is why the Zohar says that it is not the goyim who start up with the Moshiach, but it is the Moshiach who will first declare war on the goyim, of which his taking of the Har Habayis will be just the first act!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 04:06:35 PM by galileerat »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: What if the Temple Mount was stormed today?
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2009, 04:50:26 PM »
It's funny how you straddle the fence because your hashqafa is preventing you from having a clear vision.  On the one hand you speak about apocalyptic doomsday scenarios due to "our" storming the Temple Mount w/ utter disregard to practicality, but on the other hand, you really only believe that it will be some magical creature named Moschiach on a donkey who will do it all for us, so it will be him and only him, that one guy, and he too for some reason in your vision is someone who is not practical in any way, completely reckless and renounces his own intellect, like he's being puppeteered on a string, and causes instant catastrophe.    Moschiach will be a man.   A righteous man who will be anointed King of Israel and fight the wars of the Jewish people.   And if he presides over the building of the Temple (final stages?  beginning stages?) we will know he's moschiach.   But who says we can't have sovereignty over the Temple Mount WAY before any of that?   The way I see it, exerting sovereignty over Temple Mount is a practical first step that not only will come first, but MUST come first.   And that is how practical thinking people behave.  They accomplish things in calculated steps.

Offline galileerat

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Re: What if the Temple Mount was stormed today?
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2009, 02:25:24 PM »
I never used the phrase "our" storming.

You can have a scenario varying from a gradual onset of the Messianic Age, peaceful onset, no wars, no deaths, slow Judaization of the world, everything derech hateva, Third Temple built stone by stone over decades by human hands, possibly even without a human moshiach, with Hashem Himself as the moshiach.

All the way to the other scenario of an apocalyptic War of Gog and Magog, 99% of humanity killed, an instant kibbutz galuyot, a miracle-working Moshiach, and a Third Temple of fire coming down from Heaven - and all over and done in THREE HOURS (as per the Hoshana Rabba tefilloh)!

And between those two extremes, you can have every variation of a Messianic age that Hashem will adjust according tour merits/demerits - "This is not the best of all possible worlds - but it is the best of all possible ways to the best of all possible worlds!".

  On the one hand you speak about apocalyptic doomsday scenarios due to "our" storming the Temple Mount w/ utter disregard to practicality