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Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2009, 03:24:09 PM »
Do you live in Israel right? You are palestinian or arab? Or both?

If you are trying to trick me there, then I'm israeli now, before 48 I'm used to be called palestinian. I'm an arab christian.

Not trick...really. A very important person in my life told me that Arab Christians are different from the muslim arabs. And that I should be not angry with you...I listened to her words. BTW because not only palestinains live in Israel.

How old are you btw?  :o

This person is so right. The only good muslims you could find out there, are the atheists. (you know, the ones that don't believe in religion, atleast not in theirs).
I'm 23, in november I will be 24.


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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2009, 09:16:11 PM »
Do you live in Israel right? You are palestinian or arab? Or both?

If you are trying to trick me there, then I'm israeli now, before 48 I'm used to be called palestinian. I'm an arab christian.

Not trick...really. A very important person in my life told me that Arab Christians are different from the muslim arabs. And that I should be not angry with you...I listened to her words. BTW because not only palestinains live in Israel.

How old are you btw?  :o

This person is so right. The only good muslims you could find out there, are the atheists. (you know, the ones that don't believe in religion, atleast not in theirs).
I'm 23, in november I will be 24.
Ha! You are only a months older than me then.   What is your stand on the following: 1) Homosexuality 2) Evolution 3) Aborotion

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2009, 12:05:33 AM »
Ha! You are only a months older than me then.   What is your stand on the following: 1) Homosexuality 2) Evolution 3) Aborotion

1) Homosexuality: I believe its a sickness, I don't believe people get born like this, but I don't hate them, I'm not homophobic, I understand them, I don't mind it. I treat them like normal people.

2) Evolution: its a little bit complicated, I'm 60% sure of it. In one hand, it seems like an acceptable theory, in the other hand, some scientific experiments showed that the DNA cell cannot change to produce something "healthy", it can only mutate. Which means, if the DNA change (the evolution theory) it will produce an illness. Like an abnormal leg or hand, Dawn syndrome, an eye is missing, you get the idea ... its a mutation after all, something random. Imagine billion of genes, randomized, or even a small portion of them, it cannot change an ape to a human. But ... I don't think this experiment is 100% true.
but many people believe in evolution and religion as two separate things. However, they are not. Believing in evolution does not deny the existence of a creator. God can create "something", and this "something" can become something else. That's evolution.

3) I'm not against it. There are too too many human beings on earth afterall ;D /grins


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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2009, 02:21:18 AM »
What do you think of Druzes?
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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2009, 03:10:33 AM »
I have a question,

Why are you not against abortion?

God loves all the little children of the world...
שמע ישראל

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2009, 04:22:41 AM »
What do you think of Druzes?

I don't know them much to judge them, their religion is a mystery to everyone. But what I know for sure is that they are a very hard minded people. If they know, for example, a druze girl is going out with a christian girl, they kill them both. (kill as dead, or just beat the hell out of them).


Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2009, 04:26:20 AM »
I have a question,

Why are you not against abortion?

G-d loves all the little children of the world...

A 18 years old girl could get raped and get pregnant. She doesn't want a child from this man, she doesn't even want a child at all, she got humiliated, got her virginity ripped away from her, I believe its her decision to make, when and which child she want to grow in her. That's one of so many reasons why I support abortion. Abortion is not killing. If you condemn abortion is killing or not righteous, then what about all the sperm wasted when men masturbate? its the same. only abortion could happen a bit later.


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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2009, 10:30:02 AM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2009, 01:12:08 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I don't know about the maronite christians living in and outside lebanon, but my grandpraents from my mother's side are maronite christians and they are living here in israel, nothing so special about them regarding the current situation of israel-palestine. You can say they are pretty neutral.


Offline Zelhar

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2009, 01:33:49 PM »
Do you vote for the Knesset, to whom ?

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2009, 01:54:30 PM »
Do you vote for the Knesset, to whom ?

Unfortunately, I wasn't politically active in the past, my views were so different back then, usually I used to vote just like my father and the rest of the family.
I don't know much about our parties in the kenesset so far, I acknowledge this as a bad thing, so I will have to work and research more about every one of them, when I do, I'll let you know. :)
Meanwhile, why don't you give me your opinion or the most common opinion in your (or this) community about the kenesset and which party would you vote to and which president. However, it have to be something not extremely right, and not extremely left. For example, I won't support a party that says "kick all arabs from the country..." I don't wanna get kicked out of my home that my grand grandparent lived here, however I will do my best to support and progress this country and its quality of life.
And I won't accept a party that sympathize with arabs too much as well, like, I wont also support a party that supports giving in to arabs from inside or outside israel (be it from gaza or anywhere else), or for that matter, sympathize a lot toward immigration into israel with no good reason. Well I hope you got the idea. If you got a good place to start my research with, I'd be appreciated. If not, google is my best friend. :)


Offline Zelhar

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2009, 04:17:10 PM »
Do you vote for the Knesset, to whom ?

Unfortunately, I wasn't politically active in the past, my views were so different back then, usually I used to vote just like my father and the rest of the family.
I don't know much about our parties in the kenesset so far, I acknowledge this as a bad thing, so I will have to work and research more about every one of them, when I do, I'll let you know. :)
Meanwhile, why don't you give me your opinion or the most common opinion in your (or this) community about the kenesset and which party would you vote to and which president. However, it have to be something not extremely right, and not extremely left. For example, I won't support a party that says "kick all arabs from the country..." I don't wanna get kicked out of my home that my grand grandparent lived here, however I will do my best to support and progress this country and its quality of life.
And I won't accept a party that sympathize with arabs too much as well, like, I wont also support a party that supports giving in to arabs from inside or outside israel (be it from gaza or anywhere else), or for that matter, sympathize a lot toward immigration into israel with no good reason. Well I hope you got the idea. If you got a good place to start my research with, I'd be appreciated. If not, google is my best friend. :)
There is only one party in the Knesset who merits voting for, האיחוד הלאומי. Any other Party is willing to pursue further with suicidal policies such as retreats, expulsion of Jewish settlers, no proper retaliation for fear of being accused of war crimes etc.

While I think you as a minority have the right to be represented in the Knesset, it is questionable whether you should get a say on key matters such as immigration rights to Israel, giving up land, war, peace etc. In my opinion gentiles citizens in Israel should avoid such matters. For this reason I also think they should have the option not to serve in the Army.

But as the situation is right now, I think 85% of the gentiles, namely the muslims, don't belong at all to Israel since they oppose its very existence. Them- I want to leave and I prefer it would be done with their cooperation but if they do not, well, tough luck.

So who should you vote for ? In my opinion, as it is now, your choice is as limited as mine-  either to the NU not vote at all.

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2009, 06:56:12 PM »
Hmm, I see...
But I might disagree with you on this matter:
"While I think you as a minority have the right to be represented in the Knesset, it is questionable whether you should get a say on key matters such as immigration rights to Israel, giving up land, war, peace etc. In my opinion gentiles citizens in Israel should avoid such matters. For this reason I also think they should have the option not to serve in the Army."

The minorities of every country, is still part of the country. excluding them out in some governmental issues is not fair, and they should serv the army normally. Ofcourse, I'm not talking about a minority like we have here in israel, where they don't even recognize its very existence. But any other minority, be it racial minority, religious minority, you name it.
If that minority played by the rules (unlike the little minority you mentioned above of mostly muslims) then there is no reason to ignore them in government.

Imo, we should start doing something for that little stubborn minority of muslims that are against us in everything, living among our homes, preaching hatred against us and putting fear into our hearts, we should try fixing this issue first before we even think of bringing the arab minority on par with the israelian government. I hope this day would be soon, I wanna leave a safe place for generations to come after.


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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2009, 07:10:06 AM »
I think we should use some common sense. Do you think you should be part of making a decision on matter s.a if Jews from the exile should be able to immigrate to Israel or not ? And when it comes to matters of natural security, I think you might have a conflict of interest. May be you have family and social ties to Lebanon ? In case a gentile has conflicting interests he must not involve himself in a decision on matters of national security.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2009, 11:05:41 AM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #40 on: August 04, 2009, 01:24:16 PM »
What's with all the b.o.?

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #41 on: August 04, 2009, 01:52:02 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

But, isn't most of the world are anti-israel? because of all the media propaganda in islam's favor, most of the world believe muslims and palestinians are the victims while we're the predators. imo its unfair starting to point fingers on arab christians, overlooking the fact that most of the world are like that. arab christians are the most confused people on the earth. Arab christians that are pro-israel should get a medal, because its like going through hell trying to figure out the truth. They are arabs... living among muslims... watching muslim tvs, propagandas... they were tought about palestine, and never about israel.. if anything, they are the most misleaded people on the face of earth. Its very normal to find them against israel, in my case, I'm a VERY, very different case that you won't find in many places here or outside israel. However, most christians (if not all) are aware of the threat of islam. If they are against israel, they are DIFFENETLY against islam as well. They are just misleaded and lost thats all.


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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #42 on: August 04, 2009, 02:40:11 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

Being anti Israel is inclusive in being anti Jewish.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2009, 03:39:13 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

Being anti Israel is inclusive in being anti Jewish.
No, it is not. Many people see their national Jewish communities as part of their population and Israel as another country with another government. For many people there is a huge difference between being Jewish and being Israeli citizen!
And brazilians are quite pro-Zionist also and very pro-Israel, except the millions of Arabs (who themselves are not very beloved in Brazil as they have a bad reputation). But these Arabs see Brazilian Jews as Brazilians and thus as a compatriot, while Israelis for them are Jews living in a country where they don't belong, which they have "stolen". And I think this is the same with many Christian Arabs. They have nothing against Jews as long as they live outside Israel. While Muslims think Jews have NO place in this entire world and have to be wiped out. I find both views very irritating and they make me angry!  >:(

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2009, 03:46:20 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

Being anti Israel is inclusive in being anti Jewish.
No, it is not. Many people see their national Jewish communities as part of their population and Israel as another country with another government. For many people there is a huge difference between being Jewish and being Israeli citizen!
And brazilians are quite pro-Zionist also and very pro-Israel, except the millions of Arabs (who themselves are not very beloved in Brazil as they have a bad reputation). But these Arabs see Brazilian Jews as Brazilians and thus as a compatriot, while Israelis for them are Jews living in a country where they don't belong, which they have "stolen". And I think this is the same with many Christian Arabs. They have nothing against Jews as long as they live outside Israel. While Muslims think Jews have NO place in this entire world and have to be wiped out. I find both views very irritating and they make me angry!  >:(
If someone tries to deny or severe the link between the Jewish reliigon and the Jewish nationality he is a Jew hater. Jews who identify themselves as, say, A German of the religion of Moses, are self hating Jews.

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2009, 12:15:53 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

Being anti Israel is inclusive in being anti Jewish.
No, it is not. Many people see their national Jewish communities as part of their population and Israel as another country with another government. For many people there is a huge difference between being Jewish and being Israeli citizen!
And brazilians are quite pro-Zionist also and very pro-Israel, except the millions of Arabs (who themselves are not very beloved in Brazil as they have a bad reputation). But these Arabs see Brazilian Jews as Brazilians and thus as a compatriot, while Israelis for them are Jews living in a country where they don't belong, which they have "stolen". And I think this is the same with many Christian Arabs. They have nothing against Jews as long as they live outside Israel. While Muslims think Jews have NO place in this entire world and have to be wiped out. I find both views very irritating and they make me angry!  >:(
If someone tries to deny or severe the link between the Jewish reliigon and the Jewish nationality he is a Jew hater. Jews who identify themselves as, say, A German of the religion of Moses, are self hating Jews.

Then I am self-hating. Because I consider myself German. My ancestors are from here since centuries, I was born here, I have my friends and family here, I had my entire youth and almost the whole life here in Germany and my first language is German. No one ever considered me as someone alien or as "not part of German society". Yes, I am German and I am Jewish, I have distant but anyway strong roots to the Holy Land and I defend it wherever I can.

However I do never deny my deep feelings for Israel and an intense connection to the Holy Land. But how can I say I am Israeli if I have no relatives there, if I have only spent one consecutive year and several months in Israel? If I made aliyah to Israel I would not be considered an Israeli by the native Sabre but only be considered a Jewish immigrant, an alien!

And no, dividing Jews from a certain nation from Israelis is natural for someone who is Christian. How can you expect a Christian to understand the meaning of Israel for Jews who aren't born and sometimes haven't even been to Israel? I think religion and nationality shouldn't be mixed up.

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #46 on: August 05, 2009, 12:56:05 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

Being anti Israel is inclusive in being anti Jewish.
No, it is not. Many people see their national Jewish communities as part of their population and Israel as another country with another government. For many people there is a huge difference between being Jewish and being Israeli citizen!
And brazilians are quite pro-Zionist also and very pro-Israel, except the millions of Arabs (who themselves are not very beloved in Brazil as they have a bad reputation). But these Arabs see Brazilian Jews as Brazilians and thus as a compatriot, while Israelis for them are Jews living in a country where they don't belong, which they have "stolen". And I think this is the same with many Christian Arabs. They have nothing against Jews as long as they live outside Israel. While Muslims think Jews have NO place in this entire world and have to be wiped out. I find both views very irritating and they make me angry!  >:(
If someone tries to deny or severe the link between the Jewish reliigon and the Jewish nationality he is a Jew hater. Jews who identify themselves as, say, A German of the religion of Moses, are self hating Jews.

Then I am self-hating. Because I consider myself German. My ancestors are from here since centuries, I was born here, I have my friends and family here, I had my entire youth and almost the whole life here in Germany and my first language is German. No one ever considered me as someone alien or as "not part of German society". Yes, I am German and I am Jewish, I have distant but anyway strong roots to the Holy Land and I defend it wherever I can.
A Jew is a Jew no matter where he lives, no matter what language he speaks. If being German is more or as important to you than being a Jew, then you are indeed a self hating assimilating Jew. I am not an Israeli Jew, I just a Jew.  How ironic is what you say of how you were never considered an alien to society, in Germany of all place.

However I do never deny my deep feelings for Israel and an intense connection to the Holy Land. But how can I say I am Israeli if I have no relatives there, if I have only spent one consecutive year and several months in Israel? If I made aliyah to Israel I would not be considered an Israeli by the native Sabre but only be considered a Jewish immigrant, an alien!
There are also Israelis who think of themselves as Israeli national first, then a Jew by religious association. They are also self hating Jews. There is no such identity as Israeli. It is just an adjective indicating a place. It doesn't matter where you live, your first priority and first loyalty should go to your own people. If you make Aliyah you can do very well since you already speak Hebrew. You will in most cases be treated very gracefully by Israelis, aliyah is still regarded very highly by most Israelis. But regardless of where you live, you are a Jew. A Jew, not just Jewish man, you are a Jew.

And no, dividing Jews from a certain nation from Israelis is natural for someone who is Christian. How can you expect a Christian to understand the meaning of Israel for Jews who aren't born and sometimes haven't even been to Israel? I think religion and nationality shouldn't be mixed up.
I expect a Jew to know better. Are you a Christian ? Why do you try to think like a Christian if you are a Jew  ? And aside from that, as it is evident from Christians I meet on this forum, they get, they understand perfectly  who is the rightful people to live in Israel. I suppose anyone who reads the bible should understand this easily.

Finally, I want to make clear, I am not preaching Jewish pride or superiority, not Israeli patriotism or anything like that. I am just stating the facts. Judaism is more than a religion, its a complete identity.

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #47 on: August 05, 2009, 12:59:59 PM »
I forgot to mention that nationality (לאום) is not an important concept to the Jews. Look how we are called in the bible: עם ישראל The people of Israel. Nationality is a modern concept may be even one that is alien to Judaism.

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #48 on: August 05, 2009, 01:14:21 PM »
Interesting discussion.

Hyades, you will discover one day the fact, that nationalities are only illusions. I did and after this I think more clear.

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Ask me about arabs.
« Reply #49 on: August 05, 2009, 04:18:33 PM »
What is your opinion on the Maronite Christians living in and outside Lebanon? Would you consider them pro-Israel?

I've been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years. And I can tell you Maronites are very anti-Israeli! Sao Paulo has the biggest Maronite community outside the Middle East and about 4 million people there are of Arab descent. They are not anti-Semitic at all, but very anti-Israel!

Being anti Israel is inclusive in being anti Jewish.
No, it is not. Many people see their national Jewish communities as part of their population and Israel as another country with another government. For many people there is a huge difference between being Jewish and being Israeli citizen!
And brazilians are quite pro-Zionist also and very pro-Israel, except the millions of Arabs (who themselves are not very beloved in Brazil as they have a bad reputation). But these Arabs see Brazilian Jews as Brazilians and thus as a compatriot, while Israelis for them are Jews living in a country where they don't belong, which they have "stolen". And I think this is the same with many Christian Arabs. They have nothing against Jews as long as they live outside Israel. While Muslims think Jews have NO place in this entire world and have to be wiped out. I find both views very irritating and they make me angry!  >:(
If someone tries to deny or severe the link between the Jewish reliigon and the Jewish nationality he is a Jew hater. Jews who identify themselves as, say, A German of the religion of Moses, are self hating Jews.

Then I am self-hating. Because I consider myself German. My ancestors are from here since centuries, I was born here, I have my friends and family here, I had my entire youth and almost the whole life here in Germany and my first language is German. No one ever considered me as someone alien or as "not part of German society". Yes, I am German and I am Jewish, I have distant but anyway strong roots to the Holy Land and I defend it wherever I can.
A Jew is a Jew no matter where he lives, no matter what language he speaks. If being German is more or as important to you than being a Jew, then you are indeed a self hating assimilating Jew. I am not an Israeli Jew, I just a Jew.  How ironic is what you say of how you were never considered an alien to society, in Germany of all place.

However I do never deny my deep feelings for Israel and an intense connection to the Holy Land. But how can I say I am Israeli if I have no relatives there, if I have only spent one consecutive year and several months in Israel? If I made aliyah to Israel I would not be considered an Israeli by the native Sabre but only be considered a Jewish immigrant, an alien!
There are also Israelis who think of themselves as Israeli national first, then a Jew by religious association. They are also self hating Jews. There is no such identity as Israeli. It is just an adjective indicating a place. It doesn't matter where you live, your first priority and first loyalty should go to your own people. If you make Aliyah you can do very well since you already speak Hebrew. You will in most cases be treated very gracefully by Israelis, aliyah is still regarded very highly by most Israelis. But regardless of where you live, you are a Jew. A Jew, not just Jewish man, you are a Jew.

And no, dividing Jews from a certain nation from Israelis is natural for someone who is Christian. How can you expect a Christian to understand the meaning of Israel for Jews who aren't born and sometimes haven't even been to Israel? I think religion and nationality shouldn't be mixed up.
I expect a Jew to know better. Are you a Christian ? Why do you try to think like a Christian if you are a Jew  ? And aside from that, as it is evident from Christians I meet on this forum, they get, they understand perfectly  who is the rightful people to live in Israel. I suppose anyone who reads the bible should understand this easily.

Finally, I want to make clear, I am not preaching Jewish pride or superiority, not Israeli patriotism or anything like that. I am just stating the facts. Judaism is more than a religion, its a complete identity.

Oh my goodness! All I said is that other countries have other concepts of thinking. Why do you think Brazilians are Jew-haters or Israel-haters only because the see Brazilian Jews as Brazilians and Israelis as Israelis? The fact is that Jews are all united by their religion no matter which nationality they have. I read the same words in the Torah as a Jew in Israel, a Jew in the US and a Jew in Australia, we have the same rites, the same prayers and and similar customs. Anyway I cannot see the point where I am self-hating just for considering myself German more than Israeli. If I said I was more German than Jewish - then you would be right. But where did I say that?
There are surely things that distinguishes me from the majority like trying to eat kosher as far as possible, I go to a synagogue instead of a church and I have Hebrew roots! Nevertheless I am also a son of this country and my nationality shows me as a German citizen. This doesn't mean anything, since a nationality is limited to frontiers, religion not!