Author Topic: Why Ron Paul Supporters & Leftists in America+Europe Support Iran & IslamoNazis  (Read 5330 times)

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Why Ron Paul Supporters & Leftists in America & Europe Support Iran & IslamoFascist Terrorists

JTF Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach explains why so many Ron Paul supporters are vicious neo-Nazis & Jew-hating conspiracy nutjobs...

How they always go out of their way to appease Islamofascist terrorist enemies of America - such as Iran - by claiming they are not a threat...

Chaim Ben Pesach also discusses why the Left in America & Europe always support the Bosnian & Albanian Islamofascist terrorists

G-d bless Chaim.

Offline WhoAmI

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I would have to disagree with that statement. I cant speak for him but i highly doubt he is a supporter of islamic extremists and neo-nazi's and that his followers do as well. I personally agree with most of his ideals concerning foreign policies, and trust me i am no supporter of islamic extremists and especially neo-nazi's. He is an noninterventionist. He strongly disagrees in past wars of Korea Vietnam, KOSOVO and current conflicts of Iraq and Iran. His belief is in diplomacy and free trade. Because he disagrees in how the American government deceived its people into the Iraq war, it does not mean he supports islamic extremist. He is strongly against the American intervention of Kosovo and its independence, who are in fact majority muslims.

Offline Serbian Canadian

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I would have to disagree with that statement. I cant speak for him but i highly doubt he is a supporter of islamic extremists and neo-nazi's and that his followers do as well. I personally agree with most of his ideals concerning foreign policies, and trust me i am no supporter of islamic extremists and especially neo-nazi's. He is an noninterventionist. He strongly disagrees in past wars of Korea Vietnam, KOSOVO and current conflicts of Iraq and Iran. His belief is in diplomacy and free trade. Because he disagrees in how the American government deceived its people into the Iraq war, it does not mean he supports islamic extremist. He is strongly against the American intervention of Kosovo and its independence, who are in fact majority muslims.

You're right. He's not a supporter of Islamic terrorism. In fact he's spoken out against Al-Qaeda and the KLA. He's not a non-interventionist, he's actually an isolationist, which in today's world is impossible. However, a lot of his ideas are unrealistic as well as potentially devastating.

He has a lot of neo-nazi followers because of his anti-Israel policy and conspiracy theories about Jews.

Offline WhoAmI

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"He's not a non-interventionist, he's actually an isolationist"

Like i said, he does not support past and current wars, such as Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Iraq and possibly Iran, therefore he does not believe in foreign intervention. so he is a non-interventionist. and often people who consider themselves as non-interventionists and derided as an isolationist. But to be honest, he is the opposite of isolationists, because he believes in diplomacy, free trade, etc. The real isolationists are those who impose sanctions, embargoes on countries because they disagree with the internal foreign policies of their leaders like they did to Serbia. the isolationists are those who bomb for democracy, rather then diplomacy. America is isolated now more then ever because of its foreign policies.

Offline 4International

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I would have to disagree with that statement.

What statement do you disagree with? That Ron Paul's supporters defend Iran and make excuses for Ahmadinejad and the Islamofascist Mullahs who rule that Muslim Nazi terrorist country or that the Left in America & Europe also defend and make excuses for Bosnian and Albanian Islamofascist terrorists as well as Iran?

If you believe that the vast majority Ron Paul's supporters are NOT neo-Nazis and vicious Jew-haters then you are simply misinformed and ignorant about the REAL nature of the overwhelming majority of Ron Paul's supporters and who Ron Paul really is.

Ron Paul has taken money from people who praise Adolph Hitler and the SS. Ever heard of StørmFrønt and Don Black? Neo-Nazi scum who praise the WW2 Ustasha regime of Ante Pavelic responsible for the slaughter of over a Milllion Serbs, Jews and Roma.

When Ron Paul was exposed for taking the money from these vile neo-Nazis, he REFUSED to do the honorable, ethical, decent thing and return it!!
And you support that kind of scumbag and praise him as some kind of honorable, decent politician? You have got to be kidding me, Whoami!!

Why has Ron Paul categorically REFUSED to publicly distance himself from his neo-Nazi and Jew-hating conspiracy nutjob supporters?  Why do you think Ron Paul accepts their money and refuses to condemn their neo-Nazism and insane anti-Jewish hatred and conspiracy theories blaming the "Zionist Jews" for all of the world's problems? 

Go to practically any neo-Nazi or White Supremacist website and have a look at how they support Ron Paul. Go to Zootube/Youtube and see how the overwhelming majority of Ron Paul supporters are vicious Jew-hating, Israel-hating antisemitic nutjobs who believe in insane conspiracy theories that "the Jews run the entire world" and "Zionist Jews were responsible for 9/11".

You think this clown is a friend of the Serbs while he makes friends and takes money from people who support Adolf Hitler, the SS and the genocidal Croatian Ustasha regime?

Ron Paul has consistently defended Iran by claiming that Iran is NOT a threat to America or the West !! Ron Paul has repeatedly implied that it is none of America's business if Iran obtains nuclear weapons!! And yet Iran has publicly SWORN to use these nuclear weapons against Israel and America once they get them!!

Iran - the #1 sponsor of Islamic terrorism worldwide!! Iran - the vicious Islamofascist state that dreams of setting off nuclear bombs in American and Israeli cities!!

Iran - the Islamofascist state that funded and armed the Bosnian Islamofascist regime of Alija Izetbegovic -  a regime which was in turn responsible for a genocidal war against the Serbs of Bosnia!!

Iran was also indirectly responsible for arming Franjo Tudjman's pro-Ustasha Croatia because the Croats were siphoning off a significant percentage of Iranian weapons being flown in on Iranian cargo aircraft landing at Zagreb airport!
And you support this lying, treasonous fraud?

I am sorry to have to tell you this Whoami, but anyone who is a fan of Ron Paul and his neo-Nazi, Jew-hating, antisemitic conspiracy-theorist nutjob supporters does NOT belong on this forum. Why? Simply because Ron Paul supports and DEFENDS the ENEMIES of America and Israel - such as Muslim Nazi terrorist Iran - ipso facto, Ron Paul has proven himself to be an avowed enemy of America and Israel.

Another video exposing the FRAUD that is Ron Paul and his vicious antisemitic conspiracy nutjob supporters...

Ron Paul's deliberate demagogic Nazi LIES regarding the so-called "Jewish neo-cons" and his defense of Muslim Nazi Iran:

JTF Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach explains why Fans of PLO and Hamas IslamoNazi terrorists & neo-Nazis support US Congressman Ron Paul

Ron Paul is an imbecilic idiot, LIAR, a total PHONY and a FRAUD.

The heroic Serbian Christian people who have suffered so much throughout history at the hands of Fascists and Nazis should distance themselves from this antisemitic conspiracist-promoting lying piece of human excrement.

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I think the reason why a lot Neo-Nazi organizations support him is because he's a white southerner. I highly doubt Paul is a Neo-Nazi himself but I could be wrong. Paul has always supported the Serbs. In 1999, he threatened to sue Bill Clinton for not warning congress ahead of time that he was declaring war. He called the U.S. and NATO war against Serbia illegal and protested the war. He criticized the U.S.' support of the KLA and called them a terrorist group that had links to Al-Qaeda. In 2005, Congress proposed a Bill that would recognize and create a memorial for the "Srebrenica Genocide". All members of Congress voted for the bill except Paul. This is why someone like Who am I supports him and a lot of Serbs support him.

But we need to make a distinction between that and other things.

Unfortunately, most people aren't aware of Paul's other beliefs. I'm not a supporter of Paul because I don't understand why he's made so many anti-semitic remarks and I despise the fact that he has an anti-Israel agenda. I also think some of his ideas regarding America are troubling. Nevertheless, when he has a lot of Neo-Nazi groups supporting him that should be a HUGE warning sign to us all.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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"He's not a non-interventionist, he's actually an isolationist"

Like i said, he does not support past and current wars, such as Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Iraq and possibly Iran, therefore he does not believe in foreign intervention. so he is a non-interventionist. and often people who consider themselves as non-interventionists and derided as an isolationist. But to be honest, he is the opposite of isolationists, because he believes in diplomacy, free trade, etc. The real isolationists are those who impose sanctions, embargoes on countries because they disagree with the internal foreign policies of their leaders like they did to Serbia. the isolationists are those who bomb for democracy, rather then diplomacy. America is isolated now more then ever because of its foreign policies.

I wouldn't say he is an isolationist because he believes in universal free trade and open borders.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline mord

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He's not a Southerner he moved to Texas from Pittsburgh
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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He's not a Southerner he moved to Texas from Pittsburgh

That's true.  He's quite the carpetbagger 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt


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Look at this terrorist supporter.

Here is his subscriptions list. Look at his first subscription.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Look at this terrorist supporter.

Here is his subscriptions list. Look at his first subscription.

Yeah that's Frank white trash Weltners boyfriend. 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt