Author Topic: Prestigious Blog blasts Dick  (Read 799 times)

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Prestigious Blog blasts Dick
« on: August 11, 2009, 03:42:28 PM »   

To Left - Photo of [censored] taken from the Taming Korach blog.
The Brumspeak blog is run by media expert and Jewish activist David Brumer. He recently took the time to let the world know what a self-hating pathetic moron Richard Silverstein is.

Under the heading, "Silverstein Unhinged: Hoisted, yet again, by his own Petard," Brumer annihilates the rantings of Little [censored].

Among his comments are these:

    A little background on this champion of “peace and justice.” Richard Silverstein bloviates almost daily on his ironically named ‘Tikun Olam’ blog. He controls his blog like a Soviet style apparatchik, editing out readers’ responses that the commandant deems at odds with the Silverstein party line.Silverstein fancies himself a “progressive” supporter of Israel, of the tough-love kind, who does his friend the ultimate service of pointing out his errors and saving him from himself. He shows this love and “support” by endorsing divestiture efforts against Israel like last year’s I-97 anti-war, anti-Israel initiative. In the JT News article, Divesting, not Boycotting, he makes the tortured distinction between divestiture (good) and boycotts (bad).

    Another way this lover of Israel shows his affections is by promoting the sloppy scholarship and borderline anti-Semitic rantings of Professors Walt & Mearsheimer (The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy), the unhinged anti-Zionist Avraham Burg (The Holocaust is Over), and the historically challenged reflections of Jimmy Carter (Palestine: Peace not Apartheid). Silverstein defends the deranged Norman Finkelstein, last seen offering up a ‘Heil Hitler’ in Yoav Shamir’s sham documentary Defamation, an embarrassingly shallow film meant to trivialize anti-Semitism. Finkelstein apparently caught the director off guard with his nod to the Fuhrer....

    Silverstein fancies himself a broadminded progressive who knows what Israel needs to do to bring about a just and lasting peace. The trouble is irksome Israel advocates and real Zionists keep thwarting his plans. Never at a loss for an ad hominem against those with whom he disagrees, Silverstein characterizes figures like Natan Sharansky (last I checked, still something of a national hero of the Jewish people) as an “intellectual thug” (he throws Dore Gold, former Ambassador to the U.N. into the same category), Alan Dershowitz as a “charlatan," Ambassador Michael Oren, one of the most brilliant and independent thinkers in modern Zionism as an “egghead,” Bernard Henri-Levy (BHL) as a traitor to the left, and on and on. I’ve recently learned that his special moniker reserved for me is “repulsive thug."Silverstein continually mischaracterizes StandWithUs as a “radical, right-wing” organization, and has a particular animus for Rob Jacobs, SWU/NW’s executive director, and myself

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline rhayat1

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Re: Prestigious Blog blasts Dick
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 04:49:55 PM »
I just saw the movie "Defamation" on youtube and found it thought-provoking.  It is anything but shallow and I highly recommend it.