Shalom everyone
Last night we had a great celebration. I was there with my grandma. Like every year they had some food stands from different countries. This year they had a German one, Bosnian and a Russian one. I went the first time to the Russian food stand. They sold Russian skewers with cucumbers. Very tasty. Loved it! Then I went to the German food stand. And what does a German food stand sell? Right, Bratwurst (sausages). Lastly I went to the Bosnian food stand. They had something I never before ate. Not that bad.
Later at 10 pm my grandma went home and I was alone there. By the way we were only a Christian community.
I drank some beer and went to the Russians. There were a lot Russians. I sat there and watched them and listened to them. Later on the music was very loud and you heard Russian music. Most people danced. So I sat there between the Russians which were around 50. I was half-drunk like everyone there. There was a Russian woman who asked me something but I didn't understood it. She asked it in Russian. I said I don't speak Russian. Then we talked a bit like what I am doing alone there and about everything and anything.
After a time her husband sat next to me and asked me why I sit alone between Russians. That was truely a good question. I sat there because I like their behave and they way they talked. We talked about Russia and its power and about Germany. He asked me a question which was really a good question. He asked me "Why all people followed this a-hole bastard Adolf Hitler?". That were his words. I answered him that they were brainwashed but deep in me I hadn't an answer why people did it. He said that Stalin was the same as sHitler. He said he was a murderer like sHitler. Then we talked about WW2 and the death camps. All the innocent people who died and the terrible and horrible Nazi methods to kill Jews, disabled people, Russians and all other enemies of the Nazis. I almost wept while we were talking. Then he asked me again "Why Heil and every followed him??"
He said I am a young intelligent and great man. He never saw a young man like me before who was interested that much in politics and religion. He said that we need more "open eyed" people who care about our future and security. I was glad there was someone who understand the problems and the threat. A great Russian man who was against Communism, Nazism and Islam.
The conversation was going on and from Nazism we came to Terrorism and Islam. He said the most terrible and unhuman terrorist act was 9/11. There would never be something bigger or more terrible in the future without WW3, he said. He asked me again "Why does no one do anything against it? It's all over the world, in the USA, Russia, Europe, Israel, India, China,... . Why the people don't wake up like me and you. One day it will make boom and it's WW3."
He said Islam is an evil religion because there are so many killings. He said "They blow up themselfs. For what? For Allah?! Why?". Because they want to kill innocent people like you and me, I answered. We compared the suicide bomber with the Kamikaze attacks in WW2. There are a lot of similars to Nazism and Islam.
After ca. 10 beer we became more religious. He asked what we can do to stop that terrorism and killing. I said that there is only one way, we need to defend ourselfes! But Jesus don't allow us to kill, he said. That was true. Jesus forbid killing but we have a right to defend ourselfes! But he said "We can't kill, we are Christians and Jesus forbid it". There was a discussion about it but in the end he agreed that we have to defend ourselfes to protect our parents, children and country.
"Christianity is as big as Russia - The biggest" he said. Agreed and I said "So we will win, so help me God!"
Both of us were very drunk. He saw a Cadillac and wanted to buy it

. I asked him how much money it is in Russian currency. But he didn't know the Russian currency

. He asked his wife and she said ruble.
The rest of the night/morning we talked about the Cadillac and how we will go home. He wanted to call to Russia and order an airplane

It was a great, funny and interesting evening/ night with some serious issues we talked about.
Later on I wrote a bit crap here on the forum. But I was not that drunk that I couldn't write. I walked normally (just fallen down 2 or 3 times).

That was my Saturday night