Author Topic: Daleksfearme - you lying coward  (Read 20462 times)

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #75 on: August 17, 2009, 05:35:27 PM »
Well, his FAT FACE will be in EVERY restaurant in NYC. DEAL WITH THAT FATA $$!
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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #76 on: August 17, 2009, 05:37:22 PM »
I'm disappointed about Daleksfearme.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #77 on: August 17, 2009, 06:10:15 PM »
A Dalek is a type of villain in the series Dr. Who. They're evil aliens that look like ugly mutants, with octopus/squid type limbs. They live inside metal/robotic casings for mobility purposes which they control from the inside and come from the planet Skaro. Dr. Who (the hero of the series) is the one that Daleks fear.

Daleksfearme got me interested in the series and it's a pretty cool storyline, but unfortunately I don't think that Daleksfearme is a nice person anymore because he sympathizes with creatures that are worse than Daleks (Criminal Negroes).

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #78 on: August 17, 2009, 06:15:30 PM »
A Dalek is a type of villain in the series Dr. Who. They're evil aliens that look like ugly mutants, with octopus/squid type limbs. They live inside metal/robotic casings for mobility purposes which they control from the inside and come from the planet Skaro. Dr. Who (the hero of the series) is the one that Daleks fear.

Daleksfearme got me interested in the series and it's a pretty cool storyline, but unfortunately I don't think that Daleksfearme is a nice person anymore because he sympathizes with creatures that are worse than Daleks (Criminal Negroes).
I do not think he genuinely loves blacks. He just likes them because they hate Jews.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #79 on: August 17, 2009, 06:18:05 PM »
A Dalek is a type of villain in the series Dr. Who. They're evil aliens that look like ugly mutants, with octopus/squid type limbs. They live inside metal/robotic casings for mobility purposes which they control from the inside and come from the planet Skaro. Dr. Who (the hero of the series) is the one that Daleks fear.

Daleksfearme got me interested in the series and it's a pretty cool storyline, but unfortunately I don't think that Daleksfearme is a nice person anymore because he sympathizes with creatures that are worse than Daleks (Criminal Negroes).
I do not think he genuinely loves blacks. He just likes them because they hate Jews.

That's very possible that he likes them because they hate Jews.

I wonder if he would still like them after a walk through the back alleys of New Orleans or Detroit at 2am.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #80 on: August 17, 2009, 06:23:56 PM »
He doesn't care. Period. All he cares about is whoever hates Jews and loves homosexuals. He could witness his entire family murdered by blacks and all he would care about is whether or not they will turn around and kill Jews. That is the Nazi mindset. It's the same regardless of the race of the Nazi. Look at the blacks, who worship the Arabs even though they are enslaving and murdering them to this very day. They deliberately overlook it because hurting whitey and Jews is more important to them than anything else.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #81 on: August 17, 2009, 06:31:37 PM »
He doesn't care. Period. All he cares about is whoever hates Jews and loves homosexuals. He could witness his entire family murdered by blacks and all he would care about is whether or not they will turn around and kill Jews. That is the Nazi mindset. It's the same regardless of the race of the Nazi. Look at the blacks, who worship the Arabs even though they are enslaving and murdering them to this very day. They deliberately overlook it because hurting whitey and Jews is more important to them than anything else.

A lot of blacks have very simple minds and only seem to be able to process  one thing at a time. They have been raised on really simple things "Whites bad, Jews bad, Koreans bad, Blacks good, Muslims good". I don't think they understand much higher concepts than that, or even that Arabs have been and are doing horrible things to them to this very day.

Bring up slavery and all a black will think of is a distorted version of black slavery to whites, rather than any modern day slavery of blacks to Arabs or other nonwhites.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #82 on: August 17, 2009, 06:32:33 PM »



The Daleks

Daleks were mutated descendents of the Kaleds of the planet Skaro. They fought and destroyed the Time Lords in the Last Great Time War. They regarded the the Doctor as their greatest single enemy and were hated and feared throughout time and space.

    * 1 Physical characteristics

edit Physical characteristics
[edit] Battle Armour

    "The metal is just battle armour. The real Dalek creature is inside."
    ―The Doctor.[src]

The creatures inside their "travel machines" were most frequently Kaled mutants, which the Doctor once described as "little green blobs in bonded polycarbide armour" (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks), although mutated members of other species, mainly Humans, also occupied the casings on occasion.

    In the original story, The Daleks, the mutated creatures are called Dals.

The interdependence of biological and mechanical components arguably made the Daleks a type of cyborg. The Imperial Daleks created by Davros during the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War were inarguably true cyborgs, surgically connected to their shells. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Externally, Daleks resembled human-sized peppershakers, with a single mechanical eyestalk in a rotating dome, a gunstick and a manipulator arm. The casings were made of bonded polycarbide armour (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks, Doomsday), a material that was also called dalekanium. (DW: The Dalek Invasion of Earth)

The lower shell was covered with many hemispherical protrusions, seen as a self-destruct system (DW: Dalek).

The voice of a Dalek was electronic, the Dalek creature having no vocal apparatus as such. Their most infamous statement was "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!", with each syllable individually screeched in a frantic electronic scream. Other common utterances included "I (or WE) OBEY!" to any command given by a superior. Daleks also had a radio communicator built into their shells, and emitted an alarm to summon other nearby Daleks if the casing was opened from outside.

The Dalek's eyepiece was its most vulnerable spot, and impairing its vision often led to its main weapon being fired indiscriminately. The Dalek casing also functioned as a fully-sealed environment suit, allowing travel through the vacuum of space or underwater without the need for additional life-support equipment. (DW: The Dalek Invasion of Earth, The Parting of the Ways)

A Dalek is connected to its casing through a positronic link while the mutant itself accesses nutrient feeders and control mechanisms inside its internal chamber. (BFA: The Time of the Daleks)

Due to their gliding motion, some models of Dalek were notoriously unable to tackle stairs, which made them easy to overcome under the right circumstances. For example, at one time the Doctor and his companions escaped from Dalek pursuers by climbing into a ceiling duct. (DW: Destiny of the Daleks) Some models appeared to be able to hover, or even travel under their own power like small spacecraft (DW: The Dalek Invasion of Earth,The Chase, Revelation of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks, Dalek, The Parting of the Ways, Doomsday, Daleks in Manhattan).

The armour of Dalek Sec and Dalek Caan had temporal shift capacity, possibly unique to those units and the others of the Cult of Skaro. (DW: Doomsday, Daleks in Manhattan)

The power source of the Dalek casing appears to have varied at different points in their history. During his first encounter with them on Skaro, the Doctor learned that the casing was externally powered by static electricity transmitted through the metal floors of the Dalek City. Isolating a Dalek from the floor using a non-conductive material shut down the casing, although it was not immediately fatal to the occupant. This weakness was not seen on any other occasion. (DW: The Daleks)
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #83 on: August 17, 2009, 06:46:01 PM »
Well, this Nazi is certainly a mutant.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #84 on: August 17, 2009, 06:56:08 PM »
  I met Daleksfearme in person at one of the JTF meetings, he seemed relatively benign but weird as hell.
He seemed to look more like a child molester than someone who should be taken seriously.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #85 on: August 17, 2009, 07:04:11 PM »
Daleksfearme= Another pathetic loser to forget about.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #86 on: August 17, 2009, 07:06:48 PM »
  I met Daleksfearme in person at one of the JTF meetings, he seemed relatively benign but weird as hell.
He seemed to look more like a child molester than someone who should be taken seriously.

He sounds like a record also.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #87 on: August 17, 2009, 07:08:00 PM »
Maybe the problem is that Daleksfearme created an evil clone of himself, and the clone escaped wreaking havoc on JTF.  

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #88 on: August 17, 2009, 07:18:24 PM »
  I met Daleksfearme in person at one of the JTF meetings, he seemed relatively benign but weird as hell.
He seemed to look more like a child molester than someone who should be taken seriously.

I have always thought his voice and his named just sounded creepy.  Like some kind of Darth Vader. 
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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #89 on: August 17, 2009, 07:20:55 PM »
Maybe the problem is that Daleksfearme created an evil clone of himself, and the clone escaped wreaking havoc on JTF.  

Either that or the person who hacked all his accounts broke into his apartment and forced him to make anti-JTF videos at gunpoint.

That might a little far fetched I think. 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #90 on: August 17, 2009, 07:21:00 PM »
I am surprised he went to the dinner outings that snake

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #91 on: August 17, 2009, 07:33:29 PM »
Abben has a point. What was his motive in pretending to support JTF? Was he just a StørmFrønt spy or what?

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #92 on: August 17, 2009, 07:37:42 PM »
I had my doubts when the guy said his computer was hacked. He always posted on the liberal side and seemed very turned off by any post that was not politically correct. I never cared for him much. He did make a few pro JTF videos and he was a member in good standing so I never said much against him. If you read his post close enough you could see problems were present.  I think he came to the last two meetings we had and I could see that he was just not cut out for our movement. I hate it when people pretend to be with us and then turn and stab us in the back like this guy did. They try to build on the fact that they are dealing with inside information and try to cause problems using that platform. This guy is a looser I knew that before I ever laid eyes on him. The fact that he played us along with that computer hacking story only proves he doesn't have the balls to take a stand. His videos will soon be swallowed up with all the nonessential cr-p that's posted on YouTube. I have gone to most of the New York JTF meetings and have never worried once about having a problem. The last thing that would be a problem is a sad sack like this.
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Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #93 on: August 17, 2009, 07:38:00 PM »
I don't think he was pretending. I think he liked JTF but the more he learned about it the more he was turned off. Mostly because he happens to be queer.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #94 on: August 17, 2009, 07:39:54 PM »
Bones, how come you didn't sniff him out right away.  I was starting to think you had ESP.  But seriously, you do have very good, intuition :)

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #95 on: August 17, 2009, 07:41:08 PM »
Abben has a point. What was his motive in pretending to support JTF? Was he just a StørmFrønt spy or what?
NO..... He just became disenchanted because we spoke about evil black society and homosexuals. The guy was extremely liberal he had no business with us in the first place.
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #96 on: August 17, 2009, 07:42:46 PM »
Bones, how come you didn't sniff him out right away.  I was starting to think you had ESP.  But seriously, you do have very good, intuition :)
It bothered me a LOT when he started with his atheistic, anti-Bible stuff, but nobody else seemed to be outraged.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #97 on: August 17, 2009, 07:43:28 PM »
NO..... He just became disenchanted because we spoke about evil black society and homosexuals. The guy was extremely liberal he had no business with us in the first place.
So what did this pedophile LIKE about us?

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #98 on: August 17, 2009, 07:48:49 PM »
NO..... He just became disenchanted because we spoke about evil black society and homosexuals. The guy was extremely liberal he had no business with us in the first place.
So what did this pedophile LIKE about us?

Hey I'm 21,cute, and vulnerable. German Kahanist is 18, I think, and showed ability to get drunk. We're the youngest regulars. Maybe Dal doesn't like his boys THAT young.

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Re: Daleksfearme - you lying coward
« Reply #99 on: August 17, 2009, 07:49:07 PM »
I always though he was trying to become closer to the religion. Chaim says he's is not Jewish so that blows that out of the water. To be honest if anyone reads his past postings they would scratch their heads as to why the guy was here. The only thing I could remotely figure is he was concerned about the muslim threat on America.
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