I want to be honest, as i am typically, I came across the JTF last year, and thought the You tubes were some sort of joke, but even though I had never heard of Mier Khane or JTF, there were some truths in some of the programs, and I have secretly been following since. I am a NYU masters educated secular jew, with origins from Iran, and I find myself for the last 6 years completely unsatisfied with the so called Left, I voted in secret for Bush in 04 and certainly didnt vote for Obama. I recently read Never Again, and am a contributer at times to jihadwatch.org which i recommend. Living in NYC in the East Village, I can tell you that I basically have to live in secret. There is no such thing as liberal in terms of true liberalism. Its just a name, and if you dont agree you are worthy of insult. In 2004 I postered across the city during the Rep convention sayings like " beheading is fun", "no freedom of speech in Arab countries", in res ponce to the lefts demonstrations and demonizing of US troops, and the USA. and every single poster was ripped, or had anti semetic comments left on it. This was telling.
I am trying to become more aware of my Jewishness in a way that I can handle, one step at a time, and was privileged enough last summer to spend it in Israel. I invited my girlfreind to visit. and rented a car, I decided to drive to Hebron right up the West Bank, in direct defiance of every israeli who told me its too dangerous. The young girls we met there, took us on a tour into the heart of the city, and were so sweet, and kind, I can only say that to those who feel Israel is the aggressor, they are greatly mistaken, and the small enclave of Hebron is a analogous to Israel in that it is the Jews who are the oppressed. They are the ones who are gaged, I refer to Israel as Jewish Wildlife Preserve from the world who wished to decimate this endangered species. I world will always be against the Jew, and we need to know this, and stay strong. The weak Jew is still with us, and I try to fight this everyday for now on.