Author Topic: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles  (Read 6322 times)

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Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #50 on: August 17, 2009, 02:23:47 AM »
If he was cruel to humans it would be all over the news just like Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, or O.J.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #51 on: August 17, 2009, 02:28:53 AM »
Yeah, and I can promise you that the guys you mentioned did a lot of other stuff that was never pinned to them.

Offline Moijea

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #52 on: August 17, 2009, 03:10:50 AM »
Michael Vick isn't someone who gave in temptation and made sinful mistakes.  If someone steals, drinks heavily, does drugs, and the like; even though they are sins, they are also mistakes people make.  They are mistakes that can be rectifited and sometimes good people do these things out of temptation.  Michael Vick on the other hand involved himself in torturing and killing innocent animals for his own personal pleasure.  He enjoyed watching these terrified animals rip each other appart in the most violent ways imaginable and he enjoyed it.  In fact he said that he didn't do anything wrong when confronted about it.  He  tortured animals to death for fun.  This is someone who is very evil and you can tell when you look into his face.

Thank You for stating this case so well. I agree completely. What he did is in a class of evil all by itself.
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #53 on: August 17, 2009, 03:19:22 AM »
I really hope a pack of rottweilers catches Vick while he is taking a crap in an alley.

Offline eb22

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2009, 12:59:06 AM »
One Eagles fan is disturbed enough about the team signing Michael Vick that he's auctioning off his fan allegiance on eBay.     Amazingly,   there was a bid for $ 162.50:

Posted on Mon, Aug. 17, 2009

Fan's loyalty for sale

THIS MICHAEL VICK signing is one of the most polarizing sports stories to come this way since . . . well, maybe this one has no equal.

One fan is so mad at the Eagles that he is literally selling his loyalty to the top bidder.

An item for sale on eBay is headlined, "Ex Philadelphia Eagles fan needs a new team to follow." It includes the following explanation:

"Disgruntled ex-Philadelphia Eagles Fan is looking for a new team to follow for the 2009 Football Season. Now that they have signed Michael Vick, I have zero desire to follow the Eagles this season, and until he is released from being an Eagle, I will no longer root for them."

The fan (not sure if it's a he or a she) is willing to become a fan of any team in the NFL "except the Dallas Cowboys."

He goes on to write, "If anybody bids on me as a fan, I will take the amount of money that is bid and donate it to the Pennsylvania SPCA - after it is paid. The winning bidder should notify me of the team that they wish me to root for this season. I will buy a hat from that team, and wear it every Sunday of the 2009 season. I will even root for your team to beat the Eagles should both teams be in the Super Bowl.

"Thank you for your time and consideration.

"Your newest fan."

As of last night, there were 35 bids and the top one totaled $162.50.

And speaking of eBay, two T-shirts are available for bid - one for both sides of the issue. One reads, "Lock Up Your Dogs Philly," the other says, "Forgive Vick, Go Eagles."

Give the Eagles this: The Phillies are enormously popular these days and the Birds sure managed to hijack some of the attention they've received this summer.
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #55 on: August 18, 2009, 02:11:05 AM »
I saw the press conference, he sounded legitimately sorry.    He admits that what he did was wrong, cruel and immoral.    Granted you can say what you want about what position he was in , that to do such things was intolerable, etc etc.... but if the guy is truly repentent come on, he served his time.   He came off as very humble and very respectful in the interview.   Even for those who still won't forgive him he said he understands.   That's a nice thing to say, but I don't really understand.   He's now working with humane society and trying to clean up some of the dogfighting stuff in the inner city neighborhoods and to tell kids it's not the right thing....     To me there is not much else he can do.  I don't think his life should end just because he messed up and did something wrong, even if he is just an athlete.   He did his time, he's trying to make amends, so if someone is willing to hire him, let him get hired and try to make a better man out of himself.
KWR, I don't want to be disrespectful to you but come on... this is a nasty, vile schvartze cockroach. How many women do you think this pig has raped, and gotten away with?

Bones, it seems like you've been away from the game for a long time, perhaps too long.   Times have changed.  Huge black athletes like this don't need to "rape" women.  The women practically rape them.  They are practically begging this type of man to "hook up" at bars and clubs....   In college, when it's a premier athlete of the school team?   Forget about it!   It's a done deal.    And now a pro athlete... not to mention a pro bowler (allstar of NFL football)..... women are crawling to even say hi.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #56 on: August 18, 2009, 02:18:33 AM »
Kahane, you bring up a fair argument.

I suppose I should explain myself.
You are correct, I am not the Almighty, and the odds may be 1 in 100 that he is remorseful for what he has done to those dogs.

I cannot give you higher odd's in Vick's favor simply because I do not understand the act of his cruelty in the first place.

Please forgive me for being so harsh and quick to judge. I will try to work on this flaw I have.

                                                    Shalom & G-d Bless!


Hey, I hear you.  What he did was cruel.  It's hard to imagine certain acts.   Certain things just seem beyond the pale.   Just way beyond cruel.   And you can't imagine how a guy could do certain things.  This can be one of those things, although I think there is a class above it that is just completely dispicable beyond words that this doesn't quite reach.   At the same time after a while you realize that different people have different senses of what is or is not beyond the pale....Different sensitivities to what is cruel and what isn't or what isn't a big deal while something else is.  And if it's culturally common (apparently dogfighting is a big thing in black inner city neighborhoods?  I had no idea)....and the education isn't good or the parents were idiots,   there can't be much of a stigma for a guy like Vick in the first place.  So if he started off wrong, I say he can fix himself. 

And also he does say that while he was doing it he started to realize it was wrong before he got caught, but at that point he was caught up in it.   I don't see why he can't possibly be telling the truth.  If you tend not to believe him, I understand that too.  A lot of athletes have done terrible things and lied.....

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What A Joke: Michael Vick Signs With Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #57 on: August 18, 2009, 07:02:19 AM »
Bones, it seems like you've been away from the game for a long time, perhaps too long.   Times have changed.  Huge black athletes like this don't need to "rape" women.  The women practically rape them.  They are practically begging this type of man to "hook up" at bars and clubs....   In college, when it's a premier athlete of the school team?   Forget about it!   It's a done deal.    And now a pro athlete... not to mention a pro bowler (allstar of NFL football)..... women are crawling to even say hi.
It doesn't change the schvartze in them. Look at Kobe Bryant. He could have had any woman on the planet consensually and yet he raped that hotel worker. They even rape women that would have put out for them if they would have just waited a little longer. The greatest turnon for them is crushing and humiliating a woman.