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Offline azrom

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Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« on: April 12, 2007, 03:36:57 PM »
NEW YORK (AP) - The charisma king of the 2008 presidential field. The world's best golfer. The captain of the New York Yankees. Besides superstardom, Barack Obama, Tiger Woods and Derek Jeter have another common bond: Each is the child of an interracial marriage.
For most of U.S. history, in most communities, such unions were taboo.

It was only 40 years ago—on June 12, 1967—that the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down a Virginia statute barring whites from marrying nonwhites. The decision also overturned similar bans in 15 other states.

Since that landmark Loving v. Virginia ruling, the number of interracial marriages has soared; for example, black-white marriages increased from 65,000 in 1970 to 422,000 in 2005, according to Census Bureau figures. Factoring in all racial combinations, Stanford University sociologist Michael Rosenfeld calculates that more than 7 percent of America's 59 million married couples in 2005 were interracial, compared to less than 2 percent in 1970.

Coupled with a steady flow of immigrants from all parts of the world, the surge of interracial marriages and multiracial children is producing a 21st century America more diverse than ever, with the potential to become less stratified by race.

"The racial divide in the U.S. is a fundamental divide. ... but when you have the 'other' in your own family, it's hard to think of them as 'other' anymore," Rosenfeld said. "We see a blurring of the old lines, and that has to be a good thing, because the lines were artificial in the first place."

The boundaries were still distinct in 1967, a year when the Sidney Poitier film "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"—a comedy built around parents' acceptance of an interracial couple—was considered groundbreaking. The Supreme Court ruled that Virginia could not criminalize the marriage that Richard Loving, a white, and his black wife, Mildred, entered into nine years earlier in Washington, D.C.

But what once seemed so radical to many Americans is now commonplace.

Many prominent blacks—including Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, civil rights leader Julian Bond and former U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun—have married whites. Well-known whites who have married blacks include former Defense Secretary William Cohen and actor Robert DeNiro.

Last year, the Salvation Army installed Israel Gaither as the first black leader of its U.S. operations. He and his wife, Eva, who is white, wed in 1967—the first interracial marriage between Salvation Army officers in the United States.

Opinion polls show overwhelming popular support, especially among younger people, for interracial marriage.

That's not to say acceptance has been universal. Interviews with interracial couples from around the country reveal varied challenges, and opposition has lingered in some quarters.

Bob Jones University in South Carolina only dropped its ban on interracial dating in 2000; a year later 40 percent of the voters objected when Alabama became the last state to remove a no-longer- enforceable ban on interracial marriages from its constitution.

Taunts and threats, including cross burnings, still occur sporadically. In Cleveland, two white men were sentenced to prison earlier this year for harassment of an interracial couple that included spreading liquid mercury around their house.

More often, though, the difficulties are more nuanced, such as those faced by Kim and Al Stamps during 13 years as an interracial couple in Jackson, Miss.

Kim, a white woman raised on Cape Cod, met Al, who is black, in 1993 after she came to Jackson's Tougaloo College to study history. Together, they run Cool Al's—a popular hamburger restaurant—while raising a 12-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter in the state with the nation's lowest percentage (0.7) of multiracial residents.

The children are homeschooled, Kim said, because Jackson's schools are largely divided along racial lines and might not be comfortable for biracial children. She said their family triggered a wave of "white flight" when they moved into a mostly white neighborhood four years ago—"People were saying to my kids, 'What are you doing here?'"

"Making friends here has been really, really tough," Kim said. "I'll go five years at a time with no white friends at all."

Yet some of the worst friction has been with her black in-laws. Kim said they accused her of scheming to take over the family business, and there's been virtually no contact for more than a year.

"Everything was race," Kim said. "I was called 'the white devil.'"

Her own parents in Massachusetts have been supportive, Kim said, but she credited her mother with foresight.

"She told me, 'Your life is going to be harder because of this road you've chosen—it's going to be harder for your kids,'" Kim said. "She was absolutely right."

Al Stamps said he is less sensitive to disapproval than his wife, and tries to be philosophical.

"I'm always cordial," he said. "I'll wait to see how people react to us. If I'm not wanted, I'll move on."

It's been easier, if not always smooth, for other couples.

Major Cox, a black Alabamian, and his white wife, Cincinnati-born Margaret Meier, have lived on the Cox family homestead in Smut Eye, Ala., for more than 20 years, building a large circle of black and white friends while encountering relatively few hassles.

"I don't feel it, I don't see it," said Cox, 66, when asked about racist hostility. "I live a wonderful life as a nonracial person."

Meier says she occasionally detects some expressions of disapproval of their marriage, "but flagrant, in-your-face racism is pretty rare now."

Cox—an Army veteran and former private detective who now joins his wife in raising quarter horses—longs for a day when racial lines in America break down.

"We are sitting on a powder keg of racism that's institutionalized in our attitudes, our churches and our culture," he said, "that's going to destroy us if we don't undo it."

In many cases, interracial families embody a mix of nationalities as well as races. Michelle Cadeau, born in Sweden, and her husband, James, born in Haiti, are raising their two sons as Americans in racially diverse West Orange, N.J., while teaching them about all three cultures.

"I think the children of families like ours will be able to make a difference in the world, and do things we weren't able to do," Michelle Cadeau said. "It's really important to put all their cultures together, to be aware of their roots, so they grow up not just as Swedish or Haitian or American, but as global citizens."

Meanwhile, though, there are frustrations—such as school forms for 5-year-old Justin that provide no option for him to be identified as multiracial.

"I'm aware there are going to be challenges," Michelle said. "There's stuff that's been working for a very long time in this country that is not going to work anymore."

The boom in interracial marriages forced the federal government to change its procedures for the 2000 census, allowing Americans for the first time to identify themselves by more than one racial category.

About 6.8 million described themselves as multiracial—2.4 percent of the population—adding statistical fuel to the ongoing debate over what race really means.

Kerry Ann Rockquemore, professor of African-American studies at the University of Illinois-Chicago, is the daughter of a black father and white mother, and says she is asked almost daily how she identifies herself.

The surge in interracial marriage comes at "a very awkward moment" in America's long struggle with racism, she says.

"We all want deeply and sincerely to be beyond race, to live in a world where race doesn't matter, but we continue to see deep racial disparities," Rockquemore said. "For interracial families, the great challenge is when the kids are going to leave home and face a world that is still very racialized."

The stresses on interracial couples can take a toll. The National Center for Health Statistics says their chances of a breakup within 10 years are 41 percent, compared to 31 percent for a couple of the same race.

In some categories of interracial marriage, there are distinct gender- related trends. More than twice as many black men marry white women as vice versa, and about three-fourths of white-Asian marriages involve white men and Asian women.

C.N. Le, a Vietnamese-American who teaches sociology at the University of Massachusetts, says the pattern has created some friction in Asian- American communities.

"Some of the men view the women marrying whites as sellouts, and a lot of Asian women say, 'Well, we would want to date you more, but a lot of you are sexist or patriarchal,'" said Le, who attributes the friction in part to gender stereotypes of Asians that have been perpetuated by American films and TV shows.

Kelley Kenney, a professor at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania, is among those who have bucked the black-white gender trend. A black woman, she has been married since 1988 to a fellow academic of Irish- Italian descent, and they have jointly offered programs for the American Counseling Association about interracial couples.

Kenney recalled some tense moments in 1993 when, soon after they moved to Kutztown, a harasser shattered their car window and placed chocolate milk cartons on their lawn. "It was very powerful to see how the community rallied around us," she said.

Kenney is well aware that some blacks view interracial marriage as a potential threat to black identity, and she knows her two daughters, now 15 and 11, will face questions on how they identify themselves.

"For older folks in the black community," she said "it's a feeling of not wanting people to forget where they came from."

Yet some black intellectuals embrace the surge in interracial marriages and multiracial families; among them is Harvard law professor Randall Kennedy, who addressed the topic in his latest book, "Interracial Intimacies: Sex, Marriage, Identity, and Adoption."

"Malignant racial biases can and do reside in interracial liaisons," Kennedy wrote. "But against the tragic backdrop of American history, the flowering of multiracial intimacy is a profoundly moving and encouraging development."

"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 03:50:52 PM »
"Imo gitz me a white wimmunz iffun be da lass ting I DO! I'm gonna have me a white wimmunz."  :-*
« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 03:56:39 PM by Wrath of Ham »

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 04:30:10 PM »
NEW YORK (AP) - The charisma king of the 2008 presidential field. The world's best golfer.

Debatable in both cases. From the info we are getting in the UK, Mr Obama is not all he is cracked up to be, and Tiger Woods has lost form lately.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 04:47:42 PM »
This will result in huge blighted inner city housing slums, which for each family unit, have at least five broken down Ramblers, Dodge Chargers, Camaros, and rusted Ford pickup trucks put up on concrete blocks; all littering the streets and sidewalks.

No more the neatly manicured middle class suburbs.

Old cadillacs and broken down Lincolns, with the vinyl top roofs eaten all the way down to the rust, and their shot rear end sagging all the way down to the streets, will have replaced Buicks, Hondas, & Toyotas.

Gone will be the annual Disneyland summer vacation.

Instead, "the new professionals" will prefer to eat a diet of potato chips, Cokes, candy bars, and canned meat products; so that they can put a little money away for a new set of burglar bars for their windows and front doors.

The Brown House will succeed in expanding the former CDC, to now include a Department of Human Internal & External Pests and Parasites.  (DHIEPP).

Race wars, once thought a vestige of the past by those encouraging interracial marriage, continues with a vengeance.  Only it is between the Chocolate Browns vs the Coffee Bean Browns, the Pleasing Tans vs the Yellowfellows, the Chigamestamustarinos vs the Liddleuhdisliddleuhdats, etc...

The few remaining mostly pure racial groups will "beg for tolerance", while calling on what remains of government, to "step in" and take "proactive actions" to keep them from being eaten by cannibals.


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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2007, 06:02:50 PM »
NEW YORK (AP) - The charisma king of the 2008 presidential field. The world's best golfer.

Debatable in both cases. From the info we are getting in the UK, Mr Obama is not all he is cracked up to be, and Tiger Woods has lost form lately.
See what Chaim thinks of Mr Obama:

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2007, 06:15:31 PM »

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2007, 06:34:33 PM »
NEW YORK (AP) - The charisma king of the 2008 presidential field. The world's best golfer.

Debatable in both cases. From the info we are getting in the UK, Mr Obama is not all he is cracked up to be, and Tiger Woods has lost form lately.
See what Chaim thinks of Mr Obama:

Oh my, i'm surprised this video hasn't been flagged by the left wing YouTube, but this Chaim character looks interesting, and clearly this organisation has a large presence on YouTube. I'll get watching!

Offline azrom

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 07:24:14 PM »
This will result in huge blighted inner city housing slums, which for each family unit, have at least five broken down Ramblers, Dodge Chargers, Camaros, and rusted Ford pickup trucks put up on concrete blocks; all littering the streets and sidewalks.

No more the neatly manicured middle class suburbs.

Old cadillacs and broken down Lincolns, with the vinyl top roofs eaten all the way down to the rust, and their shot rear end sagging all the way down to the streets, will have replaced Buicks, Hondas, & Toyotas.

Gone will be the annual Disneyland summer vacation.

Instead, "the new professionals" will prefer to eat a diet of potato chips, Cokes, candy bars, and canned meat products; so that they can put a little money away for a new set of burglar bars for their windows and front doors.

The Brown House will succeed in expanding the former CDC, to now include a Department of Human Internal & External Pests and Parasites.  (DHIEPP).

Race wars, once thought a vestige of the past by those encouraging interracial marriage, continues with a vengeance.  Only it is between the Chocolate Browns vs the Coffee Bean Browns, the Pleasing Tans vs the Yellowfellows, the Chigamestamustarinos vs the Liddleuhdisliddleuhdats, etc...

The few remaining mostly pure racial groups will "beg for tolerance", while calling on what remains of government, to "step in" and take "proactive actions" to keep them from being eaten by cannibals.

Maybe it is time to move to some extremely cold northern locations.
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2007, 09:11:20 PM »
I hope all the vermin who choose to bring biracial kids into the world go through hell.  I hope those simple-minded slappers have a horrible life for blithely sleeping with black men.  But I also repent of the idea that white women would only marry white men because it's less hassle.  In my eyes the white woman is sullied by this kind of thing.  She is damned if she does sleep with a black man and damned if she doesn't.  It is truly the abomination which makes desolate.  Their blood be upon all their heads.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2007, 08:17:39 AM »
I also repent of the idea that white women would only marry white men because it's less hassle.  In my eyes the white woman is sullied by this kind of thing.

Why do you think this?

Offline cjd

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2007, 08:31:28 AM »
I also repent of the idea that white women would only marry white men because it's less hassle.  In my eyes the white woman is sullied by this kind of thing.

Why do you think this?
Fruit is quite a character he drops little bombs like this. If you try to figure them out you will go nuts. He has been with the forum from the start and posts a few  gems like this each day to keep us all going. He really makes me laugh sometimes with the stuff he comes up with.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 08:49:51 AM by cjd »
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Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2007, 11:54:37 AM »
I also repent of the idea that white women would only marry white men because it's less hassle.  In my eyes the white woman is sullied by this kind of thing.

Why do you think this?
Fruit is quite a character he drops little bombs like this. If you try to figure them out you will go nuts. He has been with the forum from the start and posts a few  gems like this each day to keep us all going. He really makes me laugh sometimes with the stuff he comes up with.

One to be taken with a pinch of salt then  ;) I know the type..

Offline mord

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2007, 11:54:49 AM »
Fruit really could be a good writer
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2007, 05:46:20 PM »
In the comedy genre of course, or maybe in the sexual erotica genre if he didn't write about black people all the time  ;)

(hint hint, fruit)

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2007, 11:45:39 AM »
Some people think that they can change all of human history, human psychology, human sociology and human society just by willing it so.
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Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana


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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2007, 02:48:03 PM »
I hope all the vermin who choose to bring biracial kids into the world go through hell.  I hope those simple-minded slappers have a horrible life for blithely sleeping with black men.  But I also repent of the idea that white women would only marry white men because it's less hassle.  In my eyes the white woman is sullied by this kind of thing.  She is damned if she does sleep with a black man and damned if she doesn't.  It is truly the abomination which makes desolate.  Their blood be upon all their heads.
You don't like women very much, do you? They're whores if they don't go out with you? You need some therapy.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2007, 08:58:17 AM »

You don't like women very much, do you? They're whores if they don't go out with you? You need some therapy.

I love women.  It's just that they prefer to laugh at me and date blacks instead.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2007, 11:41:43 AM »
I think a personality transplant would do wonders for you. If you really think of yourself in this light, like the black man and his white girlfriend/wife are laughing at you because 'you're not worthy' of the love of a beautiful blonde haired woman, your problem is way more serious than not finding woman. Something is telling me that you're saying all of this about yourself in jest.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2007, 11:45:16 AM »
I think a personality transplant would do wonders for you. If you really think of yourself in this light, like the black man and his white girlfriend/wife are laughing at you because 'you're not worthy' of the love of a beautiful blonde haired woman, your problem is way more serious than not finding woman. Something is telling me that you're saying all of this about yourself in jest.

G-d shield us from black supremacy and white female supremacy.  It is a curse to be born a white male.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2007, 11:47:46 AM »
I think a personality transplant would do wonders for you. If you really think of yourself in this light, like the black man and his white girlfriend/wife are laughing at you because 'you're not worthy' of the love of a beautiful blonde haired woman, your problem is way more serious than not finding woman. Something is telling me that you're saying all of this about yourself in jest.

I have been into clubs before and the white girls either smirk at me or look possessive of their black lovers.  I am hated because I am white and male and nowhere near as cool and attractive as their black lovers.  Some white women only avoid black men because they are worried about being attacked by jealous white males.  Every white woman pines for black men, especially attractive white women.  Any attractive white woman lumbered with a white guy ends up repressed and unhappy or a drug addict.  It's better to be dead than be a white male.  It's horrible knowing every minute of your life that you are inferior and cannot ever know attractive white women or work a decent job.  It's horrible living like a slave.  And they say blacks are the only ones who suffer.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2007, 12:31:50 PM »
I think a personality transplant would do wonders for you. If you really think of yourself in this light, like the black man and his white girlfriend/wife are laughing at you because 'you're not worthy' of the love of a beautiful blonde haired woman, your problem is way more serious than not finding woman. Something is telling me that you're saying all of this about yourself in jest.

I have been into clubs before and the white girls either smirk at me or look possessive of their black lovers.  I am hated because I am white and male and nowhere near as cool and attractive as their black lovers.  Some white women only avoid black men because they are worried about being attacked by jealous white males.  Every white woman pines for black men, especially attractive white women.  Any attractive white woman lumbered with a white guy ends up repressed and unhappy or a drug addict.  It's better to be dead than be a white male.  It's horrible knowing every minute of your life that you are inferior and cannot ever know attractive white women or work a decent job.  It's horrible living like a slave.  And they say blacks are the only ones who suffer.
Poor Fruit. :( I'd cry for you but I don't have anymore tears left after crying about what Chaim said about me "spitting on Jews" who helped to give me the education I'm persuing now by marching and dying during the civil rights movement.

Oh, yeah, Chaim (obvious sidebar) I DO believe OJ did it. I've ALWAYS believed OJ did it. *sorry, residual anger there.*

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2007, 04:43:22 PM »
I think a personality transplant would do wonders for you. If you really think of yourself in this light, like the black man and his white girlfriend/wife are laughing at you because 'you're not worthy' of the love of a beautiful blonde haired woman, your problem is way more serious than not finding woman. Something is telling me that you're saying all of this about yourself in jest.

I have been into clubs before and the white girls either smirk at me or look possessive of their black lovers.  I am hated because I am white and male and nowhere near as cool and attractive as their black lovers.  Some white women only avoid black men because they are worried about being attacked by jealous white males.  Every white woman pines for black men, especially attractive white women.  Any attractive white woman lumbered with a white guy ends up repressed and unhappy or a drug addict.  It's better to be dead than be a white male.  It's horrible knowing every minute of your life that you are inferior and cannot ever know attractive white women or work a decent job.  It's horrible living like a slave.  And they say blacks are the only ones who suffer.
Poor Fruit. :( I'd cry for you but I don't have anymore tears left after crying about what Chaim said about me "spitting on Jews" who helped to give me the education I'm persuing now by marching and dying during the civil rights movement.

Oh, yeah, Chaim (obvious sidebar) I DO believe OJ did it. I've ALWAYS believed OJ did it. *sorry, residual anger there.*


i USED to be a strong supporter of the Civil Rights movement and I also was part of an anti-apartheid group in college..until I had a  RUDE AWAKENING and was BACKSTABBED by the bipeds I worked with...

Any Jew that supports this dreck is nothing but a self-hating Jew!

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2007, 04:49:02 PM »
Poor Fruit. :( I'd cry for you but I don't have anymore tears left after crying about what Chaim said about me "spitting on Jews" who helped to give me the education I'm persuing now by marching and dying during the civil rights movement.

Oh, yeah, Chaim (obvious sidebar) I DO believe OJ did it. I've ALWAYS believed OJ did it. *sorry, residual anger there.*

I heard CHaim's show today.  It was impressive.  :)  I think it will be the last of its kind as Chaim is going to start trimming down the show back towards the original 1.5 hours.

Anyway, everything he said about you was based apparently on things you said about generalizations and black leaders.  Here's my advice.  If you care enough about getting into JTF's good books all you need do is accept that most blacks behave badly and renounce totally your 'leaders'.  ALso, make a few positive remarks about white guys.  Say that you dated one or two and that you really quite like them and might even have married one.

Then you will not be ridiculed here any more.

I sometimes wish I had a black girlfriend but I would get publicly ostracized, even more than I am already.  Only white women going with black men is tolerated here.  Everyone, including black men, hates a white guy who dates a black woman in my country.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2007, 05:36:30 PM »
Poor Fruit. :( I'd cry for you but I don't have anymore tears left after crying about what Chaim said about me "spitting on Jews" who helped to give me the education I'm persuing now by marching and dying during the civil rights movement.

Oh, yeah, Chaim (obvious sidebar) I DO believe OJ did it. I've ALWAYS believed OJ did it. *sorry, residual anger there.*

I heard CHaim's show today.  It was impressive.  :)  I think it will be the last of its kind as Chaim is going to start trimming down the show back towards the original 1.5 hours.

Anyway, everything he said about you was based apparently on things you said about generalizations and black leaders.  Here's my advice.  If you care enough about getting into JTF's good books all you need do is accept that most blacks behave badly and renounce totally your 'leaders'.  ALso, make a few positive remarks about white guys.  Say that you dated one or two and that you really quite like them and might even have married one.

Then you will not be ridiculed here any more.

I sometimes wish I had a black girlfriend but I would get publicly ostracized, even more than I am already.  Only white women going with black men is tolerated here.  Everyone, including black men, hates a white guy who dates a black woman in my country.

Actually, everything Chaim said was a chopped up version of comments I made. I did say that I respect the 'leaders' action in the black community where it helped get blacks jobs I NEVER said that I supported their hate for Jews and whites. Chaim is on here and Youtube every day talking about how much he hates the black culture and he poorly imitates some blacks' vernacular to get his point across and as a jab at their character. Its no different than what Al, Jesse and Louis have done. There are people who are a part of JTF who don't agree with all of the negativity that Chaim allows to exit his lips, but they respect his want to bring Israel to the forefront.

He also said that I "spat on the Jews" who aided in the efforts to make blacks accepted in America during the Civil Rights movement. I told two people here that I loved and appreciated the Jews who helped make it possible for me to attend school today. They didn't mention that to him. I also never said whether I supported Muslims or not, but I did say the same thing I said about some blacks. I don't judge ALL muslims by the actions of one or two Muslims who have comitted attrocities.

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Re: Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2007, 06:17:34 PM »
Actually, everything Chaim said was a chopped up version of comments I made. I did say that I respect the 'leaders' action in the black community where it helped get blacks jobs I NEVER said that I supported their hate for Jews and whites. Chaim is on here and Youtube every day talking about how much he hates the black culture and he poorly imitates some blacks' vernacular to get his point across and as a jab at their character. Its no different than what Al, Jesse and Louis have done. There are people who are a part of JTF who don't agree with all of the negativity that Chaim allows to exit his lips, but they respect his want to bring Israel to the forefront.

He also said that I "spat on the Jews" who aided in the efforts to make blacks accepted in America during the Civil Rights movement. I told two people here that I loved and appreciated the Jews who helped make it possible for me to attend school today. They didn't mention that to him. I also never said whether I supported Muslims or not, but I did say the same thing I said about some blacks. I don't judge ALL muslims by the actions of one or two Muslims who have comitted attrocities.

It doesn't matter what you praise the black leaders for.  As far as JTF is concerned they are enemies.  So you know that much already.  Now as for Chaim being more negative than other Jews about blacks, that is because Chaim's movement requires white gentile support, and it so happens that a large number of Christian Anglos do not like many aspects of 'black culture'.  You have to see this as an attempt to build bridges.  Chaim has sat with fundamentalist Christians on his shows who were allowed to call Yeshu the Messiah and to call the Holy Talmud a collection of 'stories' made up by the Rabbis.  CHaim is indeed unique among Jews.  The fact that there is little support for Kahanist Zionism among blacks means that they are fair game.  If you are the kind of person who uses the P-word in reference to the Arab squatters in Israel then you are not a KAHANIST-style Zionist.

Remember that Chaim has relatively unusual opinions about mainstream sources and even mainstream Jewish organizations that antisemites consider to be very Zionist.  He taunts many fellow Jews in an unusual fashion.  That is because he is fully 100% Zionist, no holds barred.

You said you cannot judge Muslims.  Well, you can - you can read their Koran and see what their religion commands them to do.

These are JTF positions as far as I know.  If you go against them you are violating the basic tenets of this movement.  And that is really the reason why you are not accepted.  Civil rights, in reality, has nothing to do with Israel; it might be part of the Jewish mission to the nations but Chaim has already said all Jews should focus on Israel. 

But as you have already noticed, many Jews do not think this way and love blacks, and prefer blacks over Anglos, or at least have no real preference either way. 
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?