There is no problem with this in my neighborhood (Bukharian neighborhood) but all Jews should build muscle, take care of their apperance, and learn how to fight.
I'd be happy to assist you guys. Now, if you never worked out before, I want to introduce you to bodybuilding.
Working OutA good bodybuilder focuses exercises each bodypart once a week, also known as a split. A very effective split is a 5-day split. If you have a lot of time on your hands, that is the way to go. If you have little time, then you might want to do a routine which will workout all of your bodyparts once a week, but will take less time to do so like a 3-day split.
Sample 5-day Split Routine
Monday: Chest Day (Do only Chest exercises which also workout your Triceps)
Tuesday: Back Day (Do only Back exercises which also workout your Biceps)
Wednesday: Legs Day (Do only Leg exercises)
Thursday: Shoulders Day (Do only Shoulder exercises)
Friday: Arms Day (Do Biceps, Triceps, and Forearms)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
Sample 3-day Split Routine
Monday: Chest + Triceps Day
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Back + Biceps Day
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Legs + Shoulders Day
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
My Advice To BeginnersIf you have just started and need help - I'll help you.
This is a sample routine that you can follow.
Chest Routine:
Barbell Bench Press (or you can use Dumbells): Barbell Bench Press (or you can use Dumbells): Dumbell Flys: Dips: 6 to 8 reps with weights that are heavy enough so that the most you can do are 8. Repeat all of these exercises 4 times.
Triceps Routine:
Tricep Pulldowns: Grip Bench Press: 6-10 reps. Repeat 3 times.
Shoulder Routine:
Smith Machine Military Press: Press: Raises: 6 - 8 reps. Do this 4 times.
Back Exercises:
Chinups: Pulldowns: Rows: Over Barbell Rows: 4 - 8 reps. Repeat 4 times.
Dumbell Curls: Curls: Curls: 6 - 10 reps. Repeat 3 times.
Forearms Routine:
Behind The Back Barbell Wrist Curls: Wrist Curls: 15 reps. Repeat 6 times.
Legs Routine:
Smith Machine Squats: Lunges: Extension: Curls: 1 - 1.5g of Protein for each pound of bodyweight that you have. Use protein powders (the best powders are called Isolates) to make home made protein shakes to build muscle. Make sure you eat a good amount of calories and eat whole grains like oatmeal and cereal. Eat good unsaturated fats like fish oils and avacados and peanut butter.
Supplements:We already talked about the protein powders. Another supplement is Creatine Monohydrate. It's the top bodybuilding and sports supplement. Don't take it if you have kidney problems. Only healthy adults can take it. Take 5 grams each day (a teaspoon). Take it 1 month and stop taking it for a week or two and repeat. Creatine is natural and the only side effect is bloating. It increases natural ATP energy and helps you build muscle. Diet is most important but this can help you. It can cause extra water going into your muscle cells which will also make your muscles look big while you're taking Creatine Monohydrate. Take the smallest they have at your GNC or Vitamin Shoppe and see how it works for you.
Do Not Take Steroids:Don't do it. Simple as that.