Author Topic: The 80th Anniversary Of The Hevron Pogrom  (Read 2419 times)

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Offline Sefardic Panther

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The 80th Anniversary Of The Hevron Pogrom
« on: August 23, 2009, 01:02:02 PM »
Hevron is the second holiest city in the world after Yerushalayim. It is the burial place of Avraham Avinu the founder of Judaism and 80 years ago the arabs turned the sacred city into a bloodbath!!! On August 23rd 1929 on Shabath a mob of arab cannibals armed with swords, axes and machetes rampaged through Hevron on a killing spree. They sadistically tortured, raped and murdered their Jewish neighbours for no reason at all!!!

They broke into Knessets and burned Torah scrolls. They tortured and disemboweled every Jew they got their hands on not sparing the young or the infirm. They cut babies into pieces in front of their parents. They raped women and castrated men. Blood ran in rivers down the street. Nearly 70 Jews were butchered and scores were badly wounded.

I think Lehi and Irgun done right when they ravaged deir yassin!!! What should they have done to the arabs after the Hevron pogrom and the Tzfat and Tveryah  pogroms? Threw candy at them?

I want the arab loving freaks from michael lerner’s ashram to get it through their thick skulls that the Hevron pogrom happened long before the state of Israel was declared and even longer before their arab boyfriends could whine about “occupied territories”. And the Jewish community in Hevron were not recent Zionist immigrants from Europe they had lived in Hevron since the time of the 2nd Temple if anything most of the arabs in Hevron were the immigrants!!! It is infact historically recorded in Bereishith 23:3-20 that Avraham Avinu purchased the cave of Makhpelah in Hevron for 400 Sheqels (an extremely high price in those days!), therefore the Jews have a legal right to live in Hevron. The Jewish community in Hevron had been friends and neighbours with the arabs for centuries sharing the same cultural traits and language. Yet the arabs suddenly turned on the Jews for no reason.

The arabs cannot be held to the same standard as civilzed western people. They have no respect for human life and they murder and rape each other all of the time. I know people who once lived in Islamic hell holes. They have told me stories about arab sadism and torture that Steven King could not come up with. Even today on the streets of Bagdad the arabs sell snuff dvds of their enemies getting skinned alive or slowly beheaded. And mind you this is what sunni and shia muslims do to each other! Do you think they would have mercy on us? If the arabs G-d forbid take over Israel we will not be faced with a holocaust of concentration camps and gass chambers it will be a holocaust of swords, axes and machetes. They would sadistically torture, rape and murder every Jewish man, woman and child. Just imagine the Hevron pogrom of 1929 occuring all over the country! 

All Jews must learn from the Hevron pogrom and get a gun!!! The Jews in Hevron were completely unarmed. They naively trusted their arab neighbours and the antisemite british authorities who always incited the arabs to murder Jews and hung any Jews who defended themselves. The british police were of course conveniently absent during the Hevron pogrom. All Jews must arm themselves and never trust others to protect them especially in the diaspora where far bigger massacres have taken place. Every religious Jew I know carries a gun. I always carry a gun and I even sleep with it under the pillow. If every Jew has a gun every antisemite will soon learn that attacking a Jew can be hazardous to their health!!!

"Let there be a holocaust on the anti-semites!!!" - Rabbi Mordechai Friedman Shlita

Offline muman613

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Re: The 80th Anniversary Of The Hevron Pogrom
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 08:40:23 PM »
May Hashem avenge the blood of the Holy Jews of Hevron who were massacred at the hands of the evil arabs.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14


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Re: The 80th Anniversary Of The Hevron Pogrom
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 08:43:44 PM »
That was a terrible event. Jews need to remember the importance of self-defense. Every Jew a .22.

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Re: The 80th Anniversary Of The Hevron Pogrom
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 02:51:15 AM »
Hevron is the second Holy City and the first capital where king David reigned. G-d willing, we will not surrender it to the Arab Nazi scum.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Sefardic Panther

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Re: The 80th Anniversary Of The Hevron Pogrom
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2009, 02:15:58 PM »
These are pictures of 52 of the victims. None of them ever harmed a muslim and none of them came from europe. They were all Sefardic natives of Hevron  –

I really do not have to say that all Jews must defend themselves! I think its more than obvious!!! If it is illegal to own a gun where you live perhaps you could get a crossbow or an air rifle. There are some good air rifles that can blast holes through wooden walls. Perhaps you could get a dozen rottweilers and unleash them on any anti semites that threaten you. Get some form of defence!!! If it is illegal to walk around in public with a gun perhaps you could carry a black jack or a can of mace.

NEVER LET YOURSELF GET CAPTURED BY ANTI SEMITES!!! ALWAYS SAVE THE LAST BULLET FOR YOURSELF!!! Remember what the muslim dogs did to Ilan Halimi. Also Israeli soldiers that were captured by the syrian dogs in the Yom Kipur war got sadistically tortured. Those who were released by the syrians either committed suicide or ended up in the mental asylum.

I heard that muslim men sodomize male captives as well as female captives. Although homosexuality is a capital crime in the muslim world, muslim men do not rape men because they are homos they rape as a form of torture or humiliation.

"Let there be a holocaust on the anti-semites!!!" - Rabbi Mordechai Friedman Shlita