Author Topic: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?  (Read 2000 times)

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Offline FreedomFighter08

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Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« on: August 23, 2009, 05:25:23 PM »
Judaism and Christianity (along with Islam) stresses modesty. I heard about the "burkinis" that the Muslims wear and I just got reminded by another thread here in General Discussion.

That's what they wear. :laugh: :::D So what do you guys and girls wear while on a beach. I seriously was laughing so hard that I broke into tears when I saw that funny looking burkini hat on the women there. Most of all, what do religious Jewish and Christian women wear while on a beach or when it's very hot. I never saw a religious Jewish woman wear anything that's short sleeve, but I hope to G-D that no other religion copies the Muslims and makes their own burkini. Come on! Why make a special burka for the beach. For G-D's sake, no matter how you wear the burka, the sun outside is still scorching and it's still hot!

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 10:01:54 AM »
I wear those:

Offline Lisa

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 10:05:59 AM »
I just wear a one piece, or sometimes a black tankini, which is basically a longer top, and regular bikini bottoms. 

Offline Manch

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 10:32:26 AM »
I wear those:

Same here! I have Boss in an identical style. I don't like popular in North America knee-length swimming trunks - they look quite ridiculous, IMO
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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 10:35:16 AM »
I like the knee length swimming trunks on men. 

Offline SW

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 10:38:40 AM »
I like the knee length swimming trunks on men. 

They are ok. But I prefere the one I posted  :)

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2009, 10:44:14 AM »
I like the knee length swimming trunks on men. 

They are ok. But I prefere the one I posted  :)

Honestly, it depends on the man's body and how slim and toned he is.  That's all I'll say on this. 

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2009, 11:13:19 AM »
I like the knee length swimming trunks on men. 

They are ok. But I prefere the one I posted  :)

Honestly, it depends on the man's body and how slim and toned he is.  That's all I'll say on this. 

Lisa, unless a man is over 300 lbs, or a man is under 140 lbs. no man looks better in long legged swimming trunks than in boxer shorts shown by GK.

case in point:

Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 11:23:26 AM »
I think religious women don't usually go to swim in a joint beach or a pool (we have in Israel some separated beaches). Religious have less problem because it is not immodest to wear most swim trunks. The thing is that it is a problem to many of them to be in the present of scantly clad women, especially such is the case with Haredim.

As a matter of principle I think everyone can wear whatever he/she wants as long as it covers the private area. So I have nothing against the burkini as a piece of clothing, but it is disturbing as an Islamic phenomenon.

Offline FreedomFighter08

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2009, 03:14:29 PM »
How do you feel about women sunbathing topless? I remember I saw a lot of women sunbathing topless when I was in the Dominican Republic. Most women are topless at the beach in Southern France where it's French custom to do so. I've heard that nobody cares if you are topless in those places listed because everybody is. I'm sure Judaism and Christianity don't allow it yet it's custom in Judeo-Christian-Western countries.

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2009, 04:37:12 PM »
I don't think people should be immodest but I fully support women who want to breast feed in public. That's a beautiful, natural thing that should be embraced by society.

Offline FreedomFighter08

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2009, 04:50:45 PM »
I don't think people should be immodest

Yes but I still support women who are not ashamed of their bodies. There are places like a massage parlor or one of those sauna/bath/massage places where there's no reason to be fully covered because it's not like the masseuse isn't used to that already.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2009, 03:52:51 AM »

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2009, 09:46:12 AM »
Haven't gone swimming in a couple years but I prefer Long Swim trunks and a tank top or no shirt at all.
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Offline Zelhar

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2009, 09:48:08 AM »
I have no problems with topless women at the beach. But I don't want full nudity and this is not only due to visual reasons. It is a matter of hygiene.

Offline Lisa

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2009, 10:46:14 AM »
Modesty has nothing whatsoever to do with a woman being "ashamed" of her body. 

In non-religious terms, it means that a woman's body is not there for every single Joe Schmoe to oggle and/or judge. The whole idea of modesty is that men and women are different, (with men being visual creatures and all).  Therefore, the idea of modesty is for people not to focus on the external, but on the person as a whole. 

If you want to learn more about modesty from a Jewish perspective, here's an interesting link:

I also strongly recommend the excellent book "A Return To Modesty by Wendy Shalit.  Ms. Shalit is a Bal Teshuva, meaning a secular Jew who becomes more Orthodox.  However, her book has gotten excellent reviews from conservative Christian groups as well. 

Here are the first few chapters:

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2009, 11:03:18 AM »
Yes but I still support women who are not ashamed of their bodies. There are places like a massage parlor or one of those sauna/bath/massage places where there's no reason to be fully covered because it's not like the masseuse isn't used to that already.
Freedom, your anti-religion and anti-morality posts are really getting on my nerves.

Lisa is giving you a chance because she is nicer than I am, but I've had about enough of this dreck.


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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2009, 11:52:19 AM »

Here are the first few chapters:

I was just reading that, and it specifically mentions the public schools in the city I live in. It said that 9th graders in my city learn in sex education to take responsibility for their own behavior. I don't remember the teacher saying that in sex education in 9th grade. The book was written in 1999 so maybe things have changed since then.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Do you go to beaches and what do you wear there?
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2009, 11:54:54 AM »
You know what? I'm glad those stinking ugly Muslims are covering theri ugly hairy bodies up so that none of us die from looking at them...

but kidding aside, let me take a position that many religious might take...and any Jew here who is religious, correct me if I'm inaccurate or dead wrong.

Technically, men and women should be covered up sufficiently so that the man or woman are not tempted by the other or think unholy sexual thoughts.  In more secular societies, women wear bikinis and men also wear things that can attract the opposite sex...women to a lesser extent have these sexual thoughts so I'll speak for the men.  Jewish women shoudl not uncover themselves to a certain extent to attract these religious men in a swimming pool.  Either they go in separate pools or the religiosu woman goes essentially covered passed her elbows and her legs, and probably wearing a hair covering.  A  Burkini is essentially that.  Actually not a bad idea for religious women who want to be modest...they aren't half naked which is what religiosu jewish men don't want to be around in a public beach and what not if it were religiosu women.  One can say that it is even better and more kosher for a religiosu jewish woman to wear a burkini than a bikini..

but it's not that thing which pisses me off. It's how after the terrible events of 9/11 Muslims have gotten away without being embarrassed or sorry for what thye have done and that they continue to multiply and walk proudly without being ashamed or learning their lesson...that they can get away with these silly inventions of burkinis...ugh..the burka is so demeaning to women covered head to toe...i mean, it's not demeaning to Muslims women...since they are so ugly and hairy...their husbands should be so embarrassed to cover them...but really, I hate it how they rub it in our faces all proud of 9/11 and that nobody has stopped them at their tracks with ttheir satanic evil pdeophile loving religion.
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