Sorry, GermanKahanist. It is the mother in me. You need to be smart. Having a child, especially with the 'wrong' person, will change your life and not for the better.
Having a common background and beliefs is essential. Be very careful and smart about your relationships.
It's ok and great that you care about me. You are right that it is important to take care. I will never have a child with her. It's "just for fun".
Our relationship is also not that good. It's difficult to explain here. But she has nothing against Jews. If she would turn into a Jew hater I would brake up with her. The only bad thing is that she has Muslim friends. I don't know if I should talk about that with her. She also thought a time that I am a extremist terrorist because I am member in Zionist Kahanist organizations. But I told her what this forum is and that here are only good people.
I also have a not that good friend which is Antiislamic. She is Spanish and hates the Turks here. She was followed by Turks who asked her for "love", openly on the streets. And she is only 15. I also know a Polish girl who is against Islam.
I want that people say what they think! Openly! Some classmates know that I am against Islam and radical.
I remember when I called the Koran "Terror Bible" and Iran a "Nazi Islamic state" in a presentation/ speech about the elections in Iran. I remember how the Muslim faces turned into angry, hateful faces and eyes. Then a Muslim shouted "You fuc**** anti Musilm". I just grin and thought "you fuc*** Jew hater". The teacher just said "go on". After lesson some Muslims just said "fuc*** jew". The Muslim was to far away to sting him with my pen. But I threw it to her. I am very sensitive about insults like that! I don't turn into a violent boy fast but if someone insults or attack Jews etc. then they see my other side! And my other side is very radical, insulting, extreme and violent.
I am glad this year I am in a new class with new people. But also included 4 Muslims. There is a Muslim Turk who looks like a monkey. I called him first Arab.

He looked at me weird. When we had a break he was always nearby me. I thought he was gay.
But now I know that he becomes panic attacks sometimes. I wanted to say "Now you know how Israelis in Israel feel because of the Arab Terror".
There are a lot stories about me and Muslims.