The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Should the Middle East belong to the arabs?

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As evil as the arab world is, I still see hope! I think a new middle east is coming! Certain major ME countries like Iran and Turkey will be changing for the better. It will be a much more stable Middle east like before 1975. When certain influential countries kept the arabs at bay and were pro Israel. I know in Iran specifically, that 90% of Iranians would gladly kill Khamenei and Amahdinejad and reform the gov't just like it was before 1979. The only problem? no guns to do the job. Khamenei and his thugs keep everything under lock and key. All the U.S. needs to do is supply the Iranian people with weapons and we could all sit back and enjoy the fireworks! It may be only a first step towards a better Middle East but I believe good things are coming! When the arabs start losing allies like Syria and Iran, The Jews can start sleeping more easily at night. One day all the arabs will have are their donkeys and camels...

Iran is full of Persians (Aryans) and turkey is full of turks who are not arabs but a mix of whites and asiatic mixture. I think may be theres a reason Iraq is having such a hard time to have a republic. The Iraqis still are dirty muslims. My advice to the Syrians and Persians is to find their pagan roots and leave this saudi religion. Since I read this thread, I did some research and found out a lot about Zoroastrianism.

 Thankfully nations like Iran and Syria are stilll white and light-skinned so they perhaps may become a republic soon. And I believe Ancient Babylon to be white  or have a major Aryan influence. What are your thoughts on this?

The Land perhaps but the oil under it most definitely not.  It should be annexed out right by America for the years of violations of "International Law" and the use of their trillions only to exploit, indoctrinate, terrorize and murder...  Savages...

Are you calling Americans savages, Marzurta?

Muslims are savages and the Americans should annex their oil.... 


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