The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Should the Middle East belong to the arabs?
Well the arabs are truly trash. Look at all the good races they've destroyed. And Now they are under the nazi doctrine of islam and their only goal is to convert the world and wipe out jews (even if they are not jewish by faith).
Hail Columbia:
There are no Babylonians left, since they were all assimilated by the Arab conquerors.
--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on April 13, 2007, 05:46:04 PM ---There are no Babylonians left, since they were all assimilated by the Arab conquerors.
--- End quote ---
That really is a shame. Look how many races the Arabs have destroyed. luckily North Africa still has a somewhat large berber population, and luckily syria and Iran still have large white populations.
Egypt and Babylon were completely obliterated by the arabs. They killed all the men and raped all the women until no trace of their bloodlines existed anymore. They forced islam and the arabic language upon the population and brutally beat or killed those who opposed them. They tried the same thing with the Iranians, Afghans, Indians, Berbers, Assyrians, and Greeks all with varying degrees of success. Iranians for example refused to adopt the language, despite all the harsh persecution. Even today arabs refer to Iranians as "retarded." Iranians counter that by refering to Arabs as "Taazi" meaning "barking like a dog" ("allu akhbar" sounds like a dog's bark).
The arabs have committed mass murder on a global scale. The arabs have never done anything for the middle east except pillage and plunder what is not rightfully theirs. Even the arabs will tell you that the only great thing that they contributed to mankind was.........(get this)........Muhammed and Islam. No race on the planet earth has ever deserved to be wipe out more than the arabs. But the rest of the world doesn't want to stoop to the arab's level. I am not suggesting the racial cleansing of the arabs but I am saying that no race has ever DESERVED it more than them.
--- Quote ---But the rest of the world doesn't want to stoop to the arab's level. I am not suggesting the racial cleansing of the arabs but I am saying that no race has ever DESERVED it more than them.
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europe spent too much time trying to ethnicaly cleanse the jews. They should've been focusing on their rivals, the ARAB barbarians. Even when the Huns and Taruns invaded Europe, they let the native population live and breeds with their own. And same witht the Roman Empire. But the arabs just love to wipe out other races. it is sad...
If we were to take over the Middle East, perhaps we can breed the arabs with White Europeans, and eventually assimilate their barbaric genes. Let them embrace their European side and christianity or paganism instead of barbaric islam. Then again I am probably dreaming. And isn't the whole Middle East (besides Parts of Syria, lebanon, and israel )just one big desert?
By the way. I've seena few pics of Iraqis with very light skin. I think they have the blood of the original Babylonians. It is such a shame what these muslim arabian monsters did.
Just imagine if the sand [censored] arabs stayed in Saudi Arabia! Babylonians, Assyrians, Jordanians, etc.. would accept Israel and our civilizations. I trulty believe this. But thanks to the arab "conquerers" we have to deal with terroism. They truly are a slimy, disgusting, uneducated race. Curse upon the arabians and their descendents! They hate civilization. Thankfully persians and syrians are still white.
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