Raymond Clark with his fiancee Jennifer Hromadka
I also saw some wacko animal rights actives posting comments in the New Haven register that Annie Le deserved this because she used to torture the lab mice!!! Idiots...
Indeed, they are idiots and terrorists. But even if that were true about the mice (which it isn't), then the murderer was laying the groundwork for that "torture" by preparing the cages to put the mice into and he was an "accomplice," not an innocent bystander! Wow, they are beyond stupid.
But no, these labs are not torturing mice, they are doing valuable research. Unfortunately some of the people with non-intellectual positions, like this grunt worker in the animal room whose job was to clean cages and rat droppings, and periodically check on the health of animals being used in the researchers' studies, are not the most sophisticated people out there and for whatever reason, resent the researchers. I've experienced it myself.