Author Topic: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?  (Read 5316 times)

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Offline Yochai

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Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« on: September 22, 2009, 12:12:27 PM »
Hi, I am looking for English-language sources, whether they be articles, books, or any other writings about the fighting between Serbia, Croats, Muslims etc., and specifically about fighting in Kosovo in the late 90's.

I especially would like academic sources, that undertake in-depth analysis.  Obviously, I do not want any garbage that is overly anti-Milosevic or tries to make the Serbs look bad, unless you think there are some that are also useful, maybe to understand the other viewpoint and how weak it is.

So, what sources should I be looking to read?

Offline sonja_yu

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 12:25:31 PM »
Hmmm, it would be easy if you'd firstly take some "regular" sources for plain info, even if it is a little bit biased and than ask us particular questions, so we might suggest you some source.

Also, I suggest you check out some historical, geographical and geo-political stuff, because without them, the point can't be full.

Obviously, I do not want any garbage that is overly anti-Milosevic or tries to make the Serbs look bad, unless you think there are some that are also useful, maybe to understand the other viewpoint and how weak it is.

They can be very useful in exposing themselves.

If you want some extremely anti-Serbian sources, I can gladly show you the worst ones.

I say, they can make a person hate the Serbs instantly, but only if that reader is either stupid enough or ignorant enough to believe them , LOL.
And, I'm being serious, they can make every sane, educated person FALL OUT LAUGHING, since they are SO stupid. At least they give us much, much importance, hehehe, because "the EVIL Serbs are guilty for everything".

Just ask.

Offline Yochai

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 01:36:10 PM »
Hmmm, it would be easy if you'd firstly take some "regular" sources for plain info, even if it is a little bit biased and than ask us particular questions, so we might suggest you some source.

Also, I suggest you check out some historical, geographical and geo-political stuff, because without them, the point can't be full.

Obviously, I do not want any garbage that is overly anti-Milosevic or tries to make the Serbs look bad, unless you think there are some that are also useful, maybe to understand the other viewpoint and how weak it is.

They can be very useful in exposing themselves.

If you want some extremely anti-Serbian sources, I can gladly show you the worst ones.

I say, they can make a person hate the Serbs instantly, but only if that reader is either stupid enough or ignorant enough to believe them , LOL.
And, I'm being serious, they can make every sane, educated person FALL OUT LAUGHING, since they are SO stupid. At least they give us much, much importance, hehehe, because "the EVIL Serbs are guilty for everything".

Just ask.

Yes, I have already read many sources for school that are quite biased.  That is why I am looking for things that at least somewhat exonerate Milosevic.  I am also looking for sources that talk about the evil things done by the Croats and Muslims during the war.

Offline 4International

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2009, 02:33:27 PM »
Hmmm, it would be easy if you'd firstly take some "regular" sources for plain info, even if it is a little bit biased and than ask us particular questions, so we might suggest you some source.

Also, I suggest you check out some historical, geographical and geo-political stuff, because without them, the point can't be full.

Obviously, I do not want any garbage that is overly anti-Milosevic or tries to make the Serbs look bad, unless you think there are some that are also useful, maybe to understand the other viewpoint and how weak it is.

They can be very useful in exposing themselves.

If you want some extremely anti-Serbian sources, I can gladly show you the worst ones.

I say, they can make a person hate the Serbs instantly, but only if that reader is either stupid enough or ignorant enough to believe them , LOL.
And, I'm being serious, they can make every sane, educated person FALL OUT LAUGHING, since they are SO stupid. At least they give us much, much importance, hehehe, because "the EVIL Serbs are guilty for everything".

Just ask.

Yes, I have already read many sources for school that are quite biased.  That is why I am looking for things that at least somewhat exonerate Milosevic.  I am also looking for sources that talk about the evil things done by the Croats and Muslims during the war.

Shalom Yochai,

If you are looking for excellent scholarly research material - with superb supporting documentation/evidence - I suggest you begin reading here:

An excellent article exonerating the Serbs and Milosevic in Kosovo from a pro-Israel/pro-Jewish perspective can be found here:

A short guide to what every Jew should know about Yugoslavia

Enjoy the read!! :)

Offline sonja_yu

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2009, 03:17:41 PM »
If you ask about leaders, here is one interesting thing (maybe not so much about Slobodan, but about others more).

He (the writer of this piece) isn't right on everything and he has some "his own" points of views, but an interesting thing about him is that he sees those characters he is talking about as... people, individuals, those who are born, who live, eat, sleep and than die and along them, their wants die.
Believe it or not, but such way of seeing the leaders is rare and might be helpful in some ways. Depends of what you are interested in.

The best thing is not looking up for some sum-up sources, but rather collect as much info as you can and connect stuff.
We are here to exchange info and direct interested people, of course, anytime.

Offline sonja_yu

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2009, 03:48:37 PM »

Islamic declaration


Fikret Abdić

This article i against him, but, here, you can see a paradox to what you've been reading all the time before.

Some quotes -
Following the death of Tuđman, in 2002 he was convicted on charges of war crimes against Bosniaks loyal to the Bosnian government by a court in Croatia.
"LOYAL TO...." Can they still speak about "genocide, extermination" done by the Serbs?!
Fikret Abdić established concentration camps for Bosniak population loyal to the government such as Drmeljevo and Miljkovići.
LOL, yeah right, he made "concentration camps" to "exterminate" the "poor, good" Alija-ns.
The mini state existed between 1993 and 1995 and it was allied with Army of Republika Srpska.[1][2] as well as Franjo Tuđman's regime in the light of Karađorđevo agreement meant to redistribute Bosnia and Herzegovina between Croatia and Serbia.
Remember this quote!

Karađorđevo agreement

Although also weirdly biased and full of lies, for a person with pre-knowledge, it is good to know that such an agreement could exist.

They have removed the part where it says that BiH would be divided by having Serbian-populated part joining Serbia, Croatian joining Croatia and having one Muslim buffer-state in between.

Some examples of lies there:
This meeting did not include the third and the largest ethnic group in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosniaks.[2]
1. It wasn't possible for a simple reason that Bosniaks are not an ethnic group at all. It would be just like saying that Catholic Germans are a different ethnic group than Protestant Germans.
2. They were mostly referred to as "Bosnian Muslims" then and not "Bosniaks".
3. Seen this quote before
The mini state existed between 1993 and 1995 and it was allied with Army of Republika Srpska.[1][2] as well as Franjo Tuđman's regime in the light of Karađorđevo agreement meant to redistribute Bosnia and Herzegovina between Croatia and Serbia.
? Referring to Abdić's (Muslim) try to make his own state.
Hmmmmm.... no comment!

The Milošević-Tuđman plans for Greater Serbia and Croatia are seen to have been implemented by ethnic cleansing, with over 97,000[12] Bosnians (Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs of Bosnia and Herzegovina) killed and more than 1.5 million expelled.[
They again have no better things to do but babel something about "Greater" (with capital letters, as if it was a name, LOL) this and that.
There have been about 97,000+ dead on all sides (see how now they contradict themselves again, because in the media, they love to claim that out of 97,000+ total deaths, 300,000 were Muslim?), but there couldn't have been, by any mean 1,5 million refugees.

My comment might be somewhat messed up, so, please, feel free to ask more questions if you wish.

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2009, 04:55:12 PM »
To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia by Michael Parenti & Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, Nato, and Western Delusions by Diana Johnstone are two good books, although they focus mostly on the Western countries' involvement in the Wars. Noam Chomsky has also written extensively about the Kosovo conflict.

If you'd like to counter-balance that, check Empire Lite: Nation-Building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan & Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond by Michael Ignatieff (I haven't read those, just putting them out there). Obviously he's a Liberal and anti-Milosevic but his father was the former ambassador to Yugoslavia so there might be some interesting information in there.

You'll be hard pressed to find academic articles or books detailing Croatian and Bosnian Muslim crimes commited during the wars that written by non-Serbs. I am having difficulty finding some (not sure if there are even any).   

Offline Yochai

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2009, 06:06:27 PM »
To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia by Michael Parenti & Fools' Crusade: Yugoslavia, Nato, and Western Delusions by Diana Johnstone are two good books, although they focus mostly on the Western countries' involvement in the Wars. Noam Chomsky has also written extensively about the Kosovo conflict.

If you'd like to counter-balance that, check Empire Lite: Nation-Building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan & Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond by Michael Ignatieff (I haven't read those, just putting them out there). Obviously he's a Liberal and anti-Milosevic but his father was the former ambassador to Yugoslavia so there might be some interesting information in there.

You'll be hard pressed to find academic articles or books detailing Croatian and Bosnian Muslim crimes commited during the wars that written by non-Serbs. I am having difficulty finding some (not sure if there are even any).   

I have read Parenti's book, and I find some of the facts in it of good use, but the far-left viewpoint that dictates his writing takes away credibility from his analysis.  I liked how he documented Western bias against Slobodan Milosevic, but his thesis is flat-out wrong. 

This is the problem often with English language sources that may seem "Pro-Serb".  They are in fact people who just go against everything the U.S. does and that is the only reason they support the Serbs, out of hate for the West.  This is people such as Parenti, Buchanan, and Chomsky, Yimach Shmo Vezichro.
These people do not actually care for the Serbs, and do not even understand the fact that Serbs are genuinely a better people than their Muslim and Catholic neighbours.

I would guess that there is a host of sources, even academic ones, but I am sure they are in Serbian.

Offline sonja_yu

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2009, 11:58:55 AM »
Speaking of Catholics, maybe this one you could find interesting:

The book was written by a Jew, by the way.

I haven't read the whole thing, just got through it, but I'm adding it as one more thing.

Offline secularkahanist

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2009, 03:37:46 PM »
Some sites that often cover Yugoslav/Serb issues and may also include relevant historical content:
Multi-topical, good when it covers the Balkans.
Not right wing, and a bit out of date at the moment, but extremely informative. Its archives are indexed in several academic databases.
Pro-Israel, pro-Serb blogger. Use the search to find relevant material.
Formerly Byzantine Sacred Arts blog.Tons of useful info.
Highest profile pro-Serb American blog
Balkans news site. Lots of analytical articles about relevant history.
Pro-Slobo (obviously), but still good. I treat that as a negative because history informs us he betrayed his own people (the Serbs) repeatedly.
Digital archive of articles and quotes that, considered together, provide lots of insight on the conflict and regional history.

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2009, 04:53:08 AM »
Hi, I am looking for English-language sources, whether they be articles, books, or any other writings about the fighting between Serbia, Croats, Muslims etc., and specifically about fighting in Kosovo in the late 90's.

If you have questions ask them.
I will try to answer the questions.
I can help you if you need information regarding the collapse of Yugoslavia, from 1991 to 1995.

Offline 4International

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Re: Good English-Language Sources about Conflict in the Balkans?
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2009, 04:28:52 PM »
Some sites that often cover Yugoslav/Serb issues and may also include relevant historical content:
Multi-topical, good when it covers the Balkans.
Not right wing, and a bit out of date at the moment, but extremely informative. Its archives are indexed in several academic databases.
Pro-Israel, pro-Serb blogger. Use the search to find relevant material.
Formerly Byzantine Sacred Arts blog.Tons of useful info.
Highest profile pro-Serb American blog
Balkans news site. Lots of analytical articles about relevant history.
Pro-Slobo (obviously), but still good. I treat that as a negative because history informs us he betrayed his own people (the Serbs) repeatedly.
Digital archive of articles and quotes that, considered together, provide lots of insight on the conflict and regional history.

Fantastic work brother SecularKahanist!!!!

 :fist: :fist: :fireworks: :fireworks: :israel: :usa: :usa+israel: :serbia: